Absolute Territory Adds Achievements, Quality of Life Upgrades

It's been a couple months since the Wing Commander-inspired space sim Absolute Territory was released. We had fun with it, and developer centaurianmudpig has been steadily making improvements to make it even better. One of the first tweaks was to expand the hit boxes a little to give space combat a bit more punch. The game has also gotten achievements in Steam as well as leaderboards. A handful of other upgrades are listed below, with more to come! You can pick a copy up for yourself for $18.99. I've also included a video of SpaceGameJunkie running the game through its paces to give you an idea of what it's like.

I'm waiting for someone to knock me off 1st place for Squadron and Gauntlet game modes. Some other notable updates since release include:
  • Additional 3rd person views
  • New HUD art
  • Added controller Shift binding for gamepads (bind all the controls to your controller using combined button presses)
  • New music effects in Squadron and Gauntlet game modes, for reaching milestones (i.e. completing waves/missions)
  • Missile balancing and seeking behavior improvements
  • Larger hitboxes for increased accuracy with guns
  • Improved wording and grammar in campaign briefings and debriefings
  • Over one hundred bug fixes and improvements (but whose counting?)
Up next... Ship Selection and Weapon Loadout for the campaign.