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    Today we've got another fun vintage magazine scan submitted by Maxi de Sokar. It's a Spanish publication, OK PC, that highlights the DROSoft translation of Wing Commander 2 and Special Operations 1&2. Right off the bat, there's a glaring mistake. The box art on the second page is obviously a combo pack for Secret Missions 1&2, and if my translation is correct, there's nothing in the text that references these games. It's just the art they chose. After thirty years I can excuse the error - rather, I appreciate these kinds of finds like a coin collector might value mis-printed money. The screenshots are just as gorgeous as ever, and seeing these takes me back to when you might have flipped through these in print back in the '90s and been dazzled by the cutting edge graphics. This is a very cool find!


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    Back in 2016, we reported on Joe Garrity's discovery of Deluxe Animation animation files that seemed like they could be unused Wing Commander art. The files were located on a 5.25" disk that once belonged to Origin artist Daniel Bourbonnais and were dated between 1991 and 1992. We published an analysis that concluded that while it was possible the art was intended for Wing Commander it was also just as likely it could be connected to another project.


    Now, we have the real answer! Mr. Bourbonnais himself has identified the material. He writes: "I drew the hands for the throttle controls animation on Wing Commander in 91… [but] oh, that was a demo I created to get freelance work. It is in a video on YouTube. Daniel Bourbonnais computer artist or animator." That video is available here: :

    The animation in question starts at the 2m27s mark and includes many impressive elements not found on the original

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    Gen Con, the largest tabletop gaming convention in the US, starts today. In 1995, Mag Force 7 gave out these stunning Wing Commander promo cards at the show… and special guest Mark Hamill was on hand to autograph them!

    gencon1t.jpgThere was even some new lore on the show floor! Mag Force 7’s staff made these cool shirts for the event complete with a new Terran Confederation Marines fighter squadron designation!


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    We're entering the home stretch here in the lead up to the CIC's 24th Birthday Party. Next Saturday we'll all be gathering in Discord #Wingnut to celebrate with everyone. I'm excited for the cool things that we've got teed up to share, and it'll be wonderful to catch up with so many people again. Stop by on August 13 at 7:00 pm EDT (4:00 pm PDT and 11:00 pm GMT) - or join in any time beforehand to hang out! See you there!


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    After several months of diligent effort, Greg14 has completed his French Translation of WC1 made with the WC Toolbox. See the game in action is below! French Wingnuts can grab the update package from a link in the description of the YouTube vid below. Greg is continuing to research methods to translate WC2, WC4 and the Kilrathi Saga. You can also find a previously translated update to WC2 here.

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    *Pilots' Federation ALERT*
    Communication with all ships in the HIP 22460 system has unexpectedly terminated, following the Proteus Wave's activation.
    As intended, the energy pulse from Salvation's Guardian-based superweapon disabled all Thargoids in the system. This was followed by a second pulse of similar intensity from an undetermined source, which rendered the Bright Sentinel megaship powerless. The Thargoid vessels displayed signs of returning to life, after which all comms channels fell silent.
    The Alliance Defence Force, Federal Navy and Imperial Navy have verified that they are no longer receiving signals from their capital ships. Azimuth Biotech has been unable to contact the Bright Sentinel or Heart of Taurus. There has been no word from Salvation or any Azimuth personnel within the system.
    Some newsfeeds have begun publishing eyewitness reports from independent pilots, claiming that

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    Today we've got a great video interview with Mark Hamill that comes from "The Disc, Issue 5" of the Interactive Australian Gaming CD-ROM Magazine. It was dug up from the archives and posted by Mr^Burns. The conversation happened on the set of WC4 in 1995. Mr. Hamill talks about how the filming is going and what's new & improved for the sequel to WC3. The actual video portion is tiny postage stamp square in the middle of what would have been an already low res interface, but this would have been a rare treat to be able to see and hear him talking about the games in this era!

    The Disc Issue 5 - Interactive Australian Gaming CD-ROM Magazine (1995)
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    I don't really watch a lot of YouTube Shorts, Instagram Reels or Tik Toks, but I doubt there's a lot of Wing Commander content out there in those formats. There is at least one clip, however, in the form of BigJim's take on Wing Commander Prophecy for the Game Boy Advance. It seems really hard to do any topic justice in 60 seconds, but given that time constraint, this isn't a bad rundown of the game's features. I do cringe at the horizontal content positioned in the middle of a vertical video, but it's still worth a watch!

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    We're happy to announce that today officially marks 24 years of operation here at! We first opened our doors in the summer of 1998, and it's been an action-packed thrill ride ever since! Through the highs and the lows, we've been here together for well over two decades now. Sure, despite all odds, we somehow manage to post Wing Commander news here every day, but the point of the site is more than that. It isn't even just about building a massive archive or tribute to a series we like. LOAF summed it up best here:

    The point of a fandom is not to build a cathedral to a brand but to provide a shared starting point from which you connect with others, expand your thinking and grow to become better people.

    Hopefully each day (all 8,766 of them!) we further those ends a tiny bit more. One way that we do that is to host an epic party around our anniversary every year. It's coming this

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