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    has a neat new audio treat for fellow fans. He's recorded a classic Star*Solder article to test out his new audio gear. If the story doesn't ring a bell, it's the one that details some of the exploits and fate of the final surviving Midway class megacarrier that fought in the Nephilim war. It's a very creative reading with music and sound effects layered in! You can find the original text on page 23 of the manual



    In order to test my new semi-professional microphone and practice my skills in Adobe Audition, I produced an Audio Narration of "Last of the Megacarriers" from "Star*Solder", the manual of "Wing Commander Arena". This is the tale of the TCS Port Broughton, a Terran Confederation Megacarrier and sistership to the TCS Midway from "Wing Commander: Prophecy".
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    Editorial Staff, Jayce’s Interstellar In a statement issued by the Allied Cooperative Starship Development Board, both Starfleet and the Klingon Defense Force have announced they are adding new classes of starships to their orders of battle. These two ships are the first fruit of an unusual endeavor. The Allied Cooperative Starship Development Board was created during the Iconian War as one of several desperate initiatives to gain any technological advantage or insight regarding the Iconian Herald fleet. After the resolution of the war, some suggested that these programs should be dismantled, but both Klingon and Starfleet planners saw wisdom in continuing them, along with a variety of other joint training and scientific exercises. The ACSDB began by taking an inventory of existing starship designs that had shown promise but never advanced beyond early prototypes for various reasons. For

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    If you were wondering why the Portal was offline today... well, yeah... HDD number 4 died this night. It meanwhile got replaced and backups were put in place.

    If the components keep dying at this pace, we will have a brand new server in less than 2 months.

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    Caching up with other plaforms, we've just released a new patch on Xbox, too. Here's the changelog: New Features

    • Added special "retro graphics" option that is unlocked after finishing a hardcore mode run


    • Encounters: Nerfed Engine Booster MK2 and MK3 efficiency
    • Increased camera range in action freeze


    • Fixed Splitter glyph additional projectiles not homing in on targets anymore
    • Fixed blueprint drop probability for higher tiers being too low if no more tier one blueprints are available
    • Potential fix for Okkar Corvettes and Outlaw Drone Carriers occasionally bouncing away when destroyed
    • Fixed a bug where it was possible to accidentally overwrite normal mode perks with hardcore mode perks
    • Fixed Grey Goo damaging player from greater distance if player has a tractor beam installed
    • Fixed hardcore mode "Anti Consumerism" handicap carrying over from sector 6 to sector 7
    • Fixed
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    The sound of a shattering PADD echoed through the underground offices. Vrosik hardly paid any mind now; she’d become used to the outbursts, the manic intensity, the slumps of dejection, and the heat of anger that cycled quickly through her co-worker. She waited for the string of invectives to die down, then picked up a fresh PADD from a neatly-stacked pile at the corner of her desk, pulled her goggles down over her light-sensitive eyes, and strode into the workspace next door. She extended the PADD silently. Callius, standing in front of his desk, moped silently for a few moments, then snatched the PADD from her hand. He looked down at it and tapped at it a few times, loading in his latest designs from the network and setting it up for use. Finally he mumbled, “Thank you.” Vrosik started to turn and head back to her workspace, then stopped. She wasn’t sure why she did. Callius’ outbursts

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    Protect Your Account With Arc Defender We've noticed some recent suspicious activities on a few Arc accounts, and want to take this opportunity to remind you to protect your information using Arc Defender. Utilizing Two Factor authentication, Arc Defender ensures that your Arc account is kept safe! Your security is our top priority and Arc Defender helps make sure you are protected from internet threats. We always recommend activating Arc Defender to protect your precious Arc games, game saves, and personal information. Defender creates a unique profile for PCs that you authorize, which allows you standard username/password access. Unauthorized computers require an additional verification step in order to access Arc, your game saves, and personal information. This feature should be enabled by default, but just in case, the section below explains how to set it up. How to Set Up Arc

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