NPC Shields & Armor

There are 13 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by denne.

  • Hello,

    As this is my first post here on the forums, I would like to preface by saying that, besides the music in the prisons, I absolutely love the Crossfire mod. I played Freelancer a great deal from 2003-2008 and played on many RP servers during that time (Frostworks was my first, if anyone remembers that) and I've been on Discovery on and off over the last few years. I very much appreciate how the look and feel of the Crossfire mod makes everything seem fresh and new again. I also really like the little things like the wings on some fighters folding during cruise. I also like how shield and weapon types matter now for resistances.

    Anyway, I would like to propose an alteration for consideration: NPC armor and shield regen. I can imagine the current settings were implemented to make the NPCs "harder," and while something like this is a perfect example of artificial difficulty, I would contend that, in the current state, all this does is make dogfights with NPCs into a tedious grind, rather than making it more fun and challenging. The outlandish speed with which the enemy's shields regen, the seemingly random amount they come back after they are knocked out completely (indeed, both the time it takes for them to come back online, and the amount regained seems to be complete random, from the vanilla amount all the way to full shields), and the seemingly bottomless amount of nanobots the enemy ships have mean that any dogfight I get into is more annoying that anything.

    I very much enjoy dogfighting in Freelancer, both against players and NPCs, but now whenever I have to engage with an NPC it feels like a grindfest; while some enemies are downed in seconds flat, some take up to 5 minutes. This also removes something that was present in vanilla: the ability for skilled pilots to take on NPCs in much better ships. While I was never capable of it myself, I'd seen people in Starfliers take on Sabres (both NPCs and PCs) because they were able to grind down the enemies shields, then target their shield emitter. With the speed that shields regen, there absolutely no way for this to happen anymore. You either have big enough guns, or you don't, and no amount of skill on your part matters, at all, when determining whether or not you can take down the enemy.

    I understand there's a desire to make the dogfights in Freelancer more difficult, what with their pathing being very predictable, but turning every dogfight into a boring chore is not the way to go.

    Thank you for your consideration.

    Le silence eternel des ces espaces infinis m'effraie.

  • Greetings Promethean Era,

    there is easy way how to deal with this. You need only take guns with high damage (on planet Manhattan are ones for start) and slow fire rate and learn how works rapid-fire (in wiki combat video-guides). You will see quickly that "difficulty" is very relative ...

  • Right, the point of my post is that it isn't difficult. It's what's known as "artificial difficulty." Increasing the health of an enemy does not make an enemy more difficult, it just makes it take longer to kill. This is a cheap and easy tactic to get people to think a fight is difficult when it isn't. In the case of the Crossfire mod, the fights with these enemies are not difficult (I rarely use nanobots or shield bats), but it is long, drawn-out, and tedious.

    The main point is this: I've played Freelancer a lot for a long time. I know how the combat system works, the patterns the enemy takes, and the ways to fight them. Giving the enemy infinite nanobots and shield bats, and swift regen, does nothing but kill the fun, and turn dogfights into tedious slogs. Check around online, it's the chief complaint made about this otherwise really good mod.

    Le silence eternel des ces espaces infinis m'effraie.

  • Wall of text was erased ... please watch following video. What you see is first capture (nothing was done twice), I'm obviously very rusty (passed more months from time when I played CF regularly), but there is not any infinite shields, nanobots or long time needed for kill NPCs (due theirs re-loading). Video was captured today on crappy older laptop (effects set to "0"). All skills which you will learn on start, will be paid back to you later many times. Crossfire have more new strong weapons, advanced equipment, but also much more very deadly NPCs which will kill you very easily if you are not faster, more skilled and prepared. Starting fights are a joke, comparing with deadly force the strongest CF NPCs. Second thing is, that is not possible separate campaign (non-scripted) and multi-player NPCs and for us is priority MP.

    (quality up to fullHD, you will need wait if still not available bcs video is processed on YT)

  • As this is my first post here on the forums, I would like to preface by saying that, besides the music in the prisons, I absolutely love the Crossfire mod.

    LMAO THAT MADE MY DAY! The music is like a troll to me haha, but I do like the deep sound of the Tuba. Bom bam bom bump!

    You’re running into the same issue that almost everyone does here when they start playing, whether Singleplayer or Multiplayer. I will be honest, the story mode is very hard and long, and I often played on easy/god-mode if I could not win. Some dogfights literally took me 45 minutes. I’m a better pilot now after watching the video on fighting, although the concept is the same if you’ve been playing this game for years, making your shots count is really important here.

    But…here is my advice:

    Trade cargo for a while until you make at least 20m. It is slow for the first week, then it gets easier when you buy a new ship with more cargo space, discover more bases for trade routes (they change daily), and you’ll have a very nice ship and decent money in no time! If you’re playing SP, you level up by the money earned, and it’s easier to trade and level up then do the missions in a low level ship! If you play the multiplayer I’ll even get you some nice guns, like nomad weapons or something from Coalition space,I might even try to recruit you to my clan, then I can help with just about everything!

    It might seem like a lot of extra work just to get a decent ship and be able to fight NPC’s easily, but it really can all be done under 10 hours, which is like 2-3 days at 2 hours each. I figured it out on my own, but everyone online is friendly and will answer any questions you have. You won’t realize it until you play a lot more, but this mod is perfectly balanced, all things taken into consideration, I rarely see any mod with a balanced economy, this is definitely one of them! It takes some patience and getting used to, but the end result is worth it.

    In one month, I made about 1bil credits from trading. I now have a Battleship with the best guns/equipment, a very heavy fighter with 100m spent on guns/equipment, a Soulforge Train (trading cargo pods from planet to planet is like 12m credits round trip!), and an Armored Transport for smaller cargo runs. That’s a pretty decent accomplishment for one month of gameplay, maybe 2 hours a day I play. Anyway, you need any help in game, feel free to ask!

    [RA] Revan

    [Republic Alliance]
    (click for system rules)
    A Galactic Smugglers Clan in a galaxy not far away!

  • NPCs dont use infinite bots/bats
    they use 1/3 of what a player can use on these ships (that amount already has been reduced multiple times -> fights are alot easier than they original were)

    NPC shields, just like player shields have the ability to restore after a certain amount of time
    that amount of time is identical to the player shields

    NPC difficulty (AI) in Crossfire indeed has increased as NPCs hit better and evade attacks better.
    They make better use of missiles and mines and also can use countermeasures (which wasnt possible before).

    Higher class NPCs can be really tricky and were designed to be that way for the server gameplay to allow players practicing combat or team up with other players and hunt difficult NPCs.
    Singleplayer NPCs are not a big deal on the other side.
    Like I already said... their difficulty scale has been reduced multiple times.

    In my eyes the somewhat longer fights very well fit to the by far higher mission rewards which somehow creates a perfect balance.



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    This is ten percent luck,
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  • Alrighty, I guess I got the answers I was looking for from the people who mattered. While not entirely satisfying, I guess it's something I'll have to live with. I continue to very much enjoy the server, and will strive to grow more patient. For the record: I didn't notice this in any of the starting systems, or even when I was grinding rep in Dublin. I first noticed when I was hunting Hessians in Hamburg in a Valkyrie I had to go all the way to Omicron Theta to get decent guns in haha

    Le silence eternel des ces espaces infinis m'effraie.

  • For good persons there always be help in MP space :)

  • The NPC's on border planets are around level 19, where as starting in NY everyone is under level 10. Level 19 def harder! Glad I found you in game yesterday and helped with the nuetral status :) Cya in space mate!

    [RA] Revan

    [Republic Alliance]
    (click for system rules)
    A Galactic Smugglers Clan in a galaxy not far away!

  • I was just searching around for a topic like this cause I found it a little difficult too in the beginning. I'm returning to Freelancer recently, I think 2007 was the last time I played maybe? Perhaps this is just a noob problem with difficulty.

    I laughed a good laugh.

  • Well, my pc had broke, so I had switched to console gaming. I've gotten use to its autoaim :roflmao:

    I started playing battlefield, and a few other pc games I used to play, recently because I want to get back into pc gaming. I had no idea my skills had gotten so bad.

    I laughed a good laugh.

  • Well, my pc had broke, so I had switched to console gaming. I've gotten use to its autoaim :roflmao:

    I started playing battlefield, and a few other pc games I used to play, recently because I want to get back into pc gaming. I had no idea my skills had gotten so bad.


    not ur skills got bad. well, maybe they did. but truely, NPC-s evolved (= someone pimped them). but u are lucky, they used to be even stronger in the past ;) take it as a challenge, thousands of players managed to go through the whole campaign, so u will too.

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