Posts by Psyclone0103

    WB Rifty.

    There's nothing wrong with taking short breaks every now and then. just make sure to keep in touch with your clan.

    This is my first attempt at a contribution to our community so bear with me.

    X3 Terran conflict by itself is one of the most deep and engaging single player games out there. Xtended Terran Conflict takes what was great about X3 Terran conflict and adds new depth to the overall mix. The mod includes a number of features including a new dynamic galaxy to explore, new ships to pilot, and improved AI to name a few. The link below will take you to the post in Egosoft's forum where you can read about the mods features and where it can be downloaded.

    Here's a trailer demonstrating the mod.


    In order for this to work, all of us must be willing to put aside our problems with one another and bury them with a big shovel.

    I am willing to return to help build crossfire's future along with all who wish for this pointless fighting to end and build a better tomorrow. I am sorry that I did nothing to help Crossfire in its time of need.

    I'm gonna have to get me one of those when 1.9 rolls out. hope it comes for a place to mount IC alien heads that I take from SA's future adventures in the IC.

    "Actions speak louder than words." If we just DO rather than rant, complain, and play the blame game, we could have this mess cleaned up in no time flat.

    For starters our clan needs to make a decision regarding the smuggling question before we lose anymore alliances. I will send an email to andreas in regards to this issue. If he does not send me a response. we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

    Happy Birthday ARROW (Just make sure you stay out of Inner Core. The Doms wish to celebrate your birthday as well... and they aren't bringing anything good for your health.... Well, the hostile ones anyways...)

    In my honest opinion... yeah there are times that I've seen ppl just drive slow then speed up once they hit a passing zone. I personaly think that everyone should learn how to drive with the stick shift before they switch over to auto.

    Sig Coming soon.

    I was just in game and several players began to state that they were unable to trade ships. upon investigating the matter I found that I was unable to buy ships from pitsburg and severan station in nephele. I'm not sure if this is a bug or an unintended side effect but its got some players a little nervous.






    I may not be the best at pvp but I enjoy the adventure. [GR]_Psyclone is docked at earth and ready to go.

    and pending GR character

    As with Orion I have never found myself in a position like the one that has been offered to me However, I look foward to learning the ropes of my potential new job and the oppertunity to give something back to this community. I began my time in crossfire back in March of this year and to this day enjoy every minute of it. I will begin to create and outfit (GR)_Psyclone in nine to eleven hours if not before. (If this name can't be used I'll think of something else.) I look foward to working with the other Galaxy Rangers.

    and pending acceptance

    This is Psyclone of clan [UR]. I plan to take part in the event that will start in a few hours. My ship, the hurricane, is currently docked at douglas station in Omega 3. I will join up with those entering the inner core and provide fighter support. let's all hope for the best.