Posts by Gibbon

    Totally agree. I mean it's not that hard to make things SP, i'm sure some content can be sacrificed for this mode to happen. I'm almost sure FD will make it happen due to the sheer volume of complaints, and the bad reputation that they will get because of it, will probably make them change their minds.

    Over 460 pages of complaints so far on the official forum. Most are asking for their money back which i find a bit surprising, but then these are the ones claiming they have been cheated and lied to. I can kind of see both sides here as offline mode was promised from the start and it's been snatched away from them

    Yeah, it's not going down too well on the official forums lol. Tbh, i don't understand the issue, lots of pissed off old men with beards if you ask me

    I think the point being made atm is the fact you have to have a connection to get the regular galactic updates from within the game. It won't be possible to play it completely offline like say FL where you have fully singleplayer and then a multiplayer option. This most definitely goes against one of their original promises, as mentioned before i don't care either way but i know it's going to upset a few players that's for sure

    So the rumours appear true, no offline mode for those that wanted it. Going back on their original promise as quoted here from the latest newsletter #49,

    "Galaxy, story, missions, have to match, and it does mean the single player has to connect to the server from time to time, but this has the added advantage that everyone can participate in the activities that can happen in the galaxy. A fully offline experience would be unacceptably limited and static compared to the dynamic, ever unfolding experience we are delivering."

    I can live without it tbh as i'm online all the time. Some of the moaning does make me laugh though, that people are demanding their money back because of it. Well how the hell were they going to buy the game anyway when it's download only, something you need an internet connection for? A few of us who bought early enough get a physical edition but otherwise you need a connection to buy the game

    Gibbon: just tried new start to be rly sure and all works here. There may be security trigger not allow you launch until you do not visit bar and equipment room. But after talks you should normaly takeoff like I just tried. Have you some old save in…

    Sadly, yes, going to clear that out and try again

    My turn, probably doing something wrong. I'm trying out the singleplayer version. Installed ok, i've talked to Juni, got my starflier, ready to meet King in space, pressed launch and.... nothing happens. My Starflier won't move. Any tips?

    ***** EDIT *****
    Looks like the launch icon is de-activated for some reason

    Just tried in multiplayer as well, can't launch from Manhattan, other players on the server so it must be something my end, baffled

    Well done with doing this mod, believe me i know how long these things take, especially as i normally work on my own. Good luck with it and i'll be downloading a copy as well :)

    Anyone tried mining yet? Heard it's rather dull, doesn't mean of course it's not fun for those into this sort of thing. Not got enough cash atm to get the mining lasers, saving up for a Cobra

    It's clearly been a busy day at Frontier today. I didn't have time to test the first version so came home to 3.02. Seems the programmers have been fixing early issues. Logged into the game and within 5mins an announcement comes over in global chat, can we please log out and update to 3.03. The elves are busy...

    Beta 3.0 due for release sometime today. Knowing Frontier it will be a late release so keep your eyes open for those interested.

    Ok, i'm almost there with this now. It's the double sided texture saga. If i type in DcDtTwo into the material library section in the MAT file, this cures the problem. I also want to have an emissive section for some glowing lights on the textures, so normally i would add DcDtEcEt and then that works. Seems i can't have both though. DcDtTwoEcEt, which is what i'm after

    *** EDIT ***

    DcDtEt - Works with emissive texture, can still see through model
    DcDtTwo - No emissive texture, cannot see through model
    DcDtTwoEt - Doesn't work, model is completely see through
    DcDtTwoEc - Same as above

    Am i saving the texture wrong? Thinking out loud for possible causes now. Maybe a setting in Milkshape that i haven't set right?

    Thanks, been a while since i messed with some models. Only problem i have now is something we discussed some time ago. When i look through the cockpit, the inside of the model is see through, so i can see say a planet if i'm parked in front of one. There's a setting in MS or something else you told me to do which fixed this, any idea what it was?

    Here is a set of Angryfly's space destroyers i've converted for Freelancer. Don't know why they are called destroyers, as in reality, they are fighters. I added a cockpit to all of these ships with glowing instruments and two pilots, which i borrowed from one of Mancers ship packs and kitbashed it all together.