Posts by Gibbon

    Without wishing to knock the stuffing out of this project, it has been going on for years and nothing ever happens. While i wish him well with the project, can't see it ever happening. I agree with above sentiment, make your own systems, why use other peoples?

    Here's what i'm after, a detailed explanation of the types used and their uses in the TYPE section of a mat file.

    What i mean is this,


    I'm familiar with some of them but not all. For instance how many can be used at once?

    How many types in total?

    Their meanings?

    Thx in advance

    Here are some details about the current mod i'm working on. It's a total conversion mod for SP and MP. I've included links to my website and MODDB as the info is all there to see :)

    [size=3]Link to the Galacticum website :



    Yes, you're quite right, a no go on this one. I hate sur files, i knew i should never get involved with them lol, the fighter ones i've done seem ok, but def issues with larger ones

    Testing is going to be the only way to find stuff out here. The sur is actually 1 group so no problems there but i agree size might be an issue, never thought i'd ever say that rofl

    May i ask why? looks fine to me. Of course easiest option is to go test it but a figure hugging sur shouldn't cause an issue methinks

    Sorted it, thx for the tips. Worked out sur exporter 1.2 is utter rubbish, laid my hands on 1.1 instead which gives proper results. Case in point is below. The Endeavour, only thing is i did it with a shield bubble as opposed to not because this way i got a figure hugging sur, shrink wrapping it just didn't work

    Yes, hence the reason its facing the right way lol

    It's not the orientation that's the issue, but the position of the final sur file which as i've already said is slightly below and in front of the model

    I've been using the sur exporter 1.2 with milkshape. I've tried it on some models to get a better figure hugging sur file, on some models it works, others not.

    The problem i'm having is that sometimes the sur file ends up slightly below and in front of the model, no idea why, like it's off centre. Is there any way to correct this?

    Here's one i made earlier using exactly the same method as i did to make the one above, and this one is fine [7]

    Well the staff are not the same. BakedPotato runs it with Turion. Baked as some of you know used to run the old TLR. The old database is saved and accessible, the downloads are there so not much is lost really. The guys from the last incarnation of TLR are not in any way involved with ReactorForge. I seem to know a lot more about this than you guys but trust me when i say the 3 idiots who were running TLR are in no way involved. This should mean a peaceful period for FL players and servers with no more attacks

    Jumping the gun there a bit i think. E4 isn't even in development yet.

    If you have a look at the Frontier forums which are the official forums for Frontier developments, the company owned by Dave Braben, you will see they are currently working on a game called the Outsider.

    The rumour and i stress that it's only a rumour is that development on E4 "might" start once they finish coding the Outsider and not before. are idiots tbh for even posting that as there is still a good chance E4 won't go into production

    I personally would love to see another ELITE game as it was the first one i ever played.

    Well these attacks actually affected quite a few sites. My forum was virtually unuseable all weekend plus it turns out they were bouncing attacks off of numerous FL related sites, mine included. I hope these idiots or idiot die a very painful and lingering death in the very near future