Posts by Gibbon

    Interesting way of doing cloaking tbh. Using FLAC on my Genesis server, one way i implemented cloaking was to add a timer, so let's say the cloak is active for 30 seconds, the recharge time is then set for say 1 minute. During that time obviously you can't cloak. Also if you were in battle you couldn't cloak to escape either.

    Works well in my mod. Nice to see another way of doing it :)

    Taken from the latest newsletter,

    "We are delighted to confirm that the feature where you can own multiple ships, which we announced a few weeks ago when launching our pre-order Mercenary Pack, will be included in Beta 3 on October 28th.This will let you have any number of ships ‘parked’ at any number of shipyards, rather than having to part-exchange them.When coupled with the enhanced ship outfitting and mission systems from Beta 2, you can see how this will really expand your possibilities in Elite: Dangerous.

    How you distribute your personal fleet is up to you; you could concentrate them all in one area, or have them strategically distributed around the galaxy.There are no restrictions on the number or type of ships you can have or how you outfit them other than the in-game money you need to buy them.If for example you are a die-hard Cobra fan, you can have multiple Cobras loaded out differently for different mission profiles, trading, exploration, piracy etc. as the situation or your mood demands.

    Conversely if you want to experience the advantages a range of different ships bring you, you can keep every ship you buy in the game and mix and match the capability of an Anaconda, the combat agility of an Eagle, the range of an Asp Explorer and the profit from a Lakon Type 9. Or you can do any combination of these, owning multiple types of any or all ships."

    Well it looks like another wipe is coming for beta 3.0, not really surprising based on the fact a whole load of new content is up for testing...

    Yes it is Huor. You still need to buy a copy of the game (and it's actually £10 extra for beta access) but doing so will give you full access to all the testing before release.

    Enough of this religious nonsense, more important things have happened in the Elite Dangerous world.

    BETA 2.05 has just been released to fix some stability issues which have arisen getting in and out of hyperspace. Download through your launcher...

    Development will continue on a regular basis after release. Pointless comparing Freelancer to Elite as all Freelancer did was borrow ideas from Elite, after all, it was the first game of its kind, even the developers of EVE acknowledge this. Everything that is in Freelancer is in Elite and then some. Populating all the systems obviously won't happen with in game npc's as that wouldn't be like that in real life. But you're kind of missing the point with Elite, it's always been about exploring and seeing what's in the next system. Yes you shoot. trade, mine your way along in the game, it's how it is, it's how the genre IS.

    There are three major factions in the game for instance, currently there is a war going on in one of the systems which affects gameplay, there's a fully dynamic trading system that can be affected by players, a lot of the systems are finished (apart from planetary landings which come after release), a whole load of stuff we haven't even heard of yet is also coming in the next beta at the end of the month. So many features it's difficult to list them as there's more being added.

    You're forgetting that Elite was the first of the space trading games released back in 1984. It's not a clone of anything, in fact it's the exact opposite

    Considering this will be released nearly a year before SC, it's a no contest situation, at least for a year anyway. Just have to see tbh, with Beta 3.0 coming end of October with a gamma version probably a month later, release is looking like Xmas this year. The planet landing side of things is planned for around six months later. The current version looks stunning with many gfx updates compared to previous versions.

    BETA 2.0 is now available, actually it's currently 2.04. I suggest watching the video in HD.

    BETA 3.0 is planned for the end of October 2014.

    Gibbon: Please use link to Aegis in quote:

    That's very misleading imho. The ship hasn't even been built yet to put in game and also gives the impression players have to pay that to play. Yes you can pay that if you want but why not tell people about these other ships for example? Game Packages - Roberts Space Industries

    Much cheaper ships and options for those wanting to get into the game. Let's face it, you can pay $10k as well if you want

    Where does this $350 come from? The game itself will only be around $40 to buy or thereabouts. You will be able to buy other ships in game with in game currency as mentioned in many places, not least by Chris Roberts himself. Where is the game? Well it's not due to be released until Xmas 2015 so pointless moaning about why it's not released yet. Yes Chris has a track record of delivering games well past their due delivery date, but with over $50 million from fans, i think that might just focus his attention a little bit. Let's cut him some slack and see what develops, if he doesn't get it together, i'm sure there will be a long queue of players wanting to dive down his throat asking for a refund. For now, let's just let him get on with it and see what happens. In the meantime, i'll continue with Elite Dangerous, which is turning out to be very nice btw...

    Loaded up very quickly compared to old site. Little windows keep popping up in german, even though language settings are set to english. Apart from that, very nice