Posts by Gibbon

    Tried out the Kobali set in pvp by accident when somone challenged me and i accepted, thought it was a mission (getting old), and i have to say i quite like the Kobali set. Useless if offense is your thing but great defensive set. Guy couldn't kill me no matter how hard he tried, and he did try. Nailed him once and then he left :)

    Well the traders that moan about being blown up in open play in ED and then ask for the devs to do something about it need a reality check. It's open play for crying out loud. It's a nasty big universe with other players that have guns, and yes, they will shoot you for no reason. It happens.

    Now the moaning has moved onto the new problem in ED, player disconnections during combat, in other words, players escaping by logging off.

    I've had nothing but regular dc's since the start of the event, rubber banding is terrible, needless grind, love the new updates NOT, new icons look the same, ususal Craptic programming standards, don't know why i still play it tbh.

    Olympus Home of the Gods server running my Genesis 1.2 mod is back up and running after repeated hacks on our systems. It's taken a while to sort out as the attacks themselves were not aimed at our Freelancer server complex directly, but more at our Teamspeak setup which is a bit odd. We are still monitoring the constant attacks (bots obviously), but they haven't managed to get through for a a few weeks now. We've added extra firewall protection and it all seems to be working ok. Anyone who wishes to play Genesis 1.2 is more than welcome :)

    I agree it was released too early, that said, regular updates are on the way. It seems this is the way a lot of gaming companies are going these days and Frontier are simply doing the same. Latest figures show around 300,000 sales, so while not everyone is online at the same time, still healthy figures for a game of this type. I'm seeing more and more people online now, and space is becoming dangerous, with plenty of pirates attacking traders in a number of systems, i was slaughtered brutally by someone yesterday.

    Clearly i need bigger guns :roflmao:

    A few points to think about,

    1. Docking is actually insanely easy. Plenty of good tutorials on youtube regarding docking.
    2. Docking computers are cheap, and available from most higher tech planets
    3. No Thargoids as yet, probably invading some other galaxy atm
    4. Nothing wrong with the Sidewinder either. Don't forget to get the best out of any ship in ED, they need upgrading. The way to make money in a Sidewinder is to catch wanted ships and blow them up. If you hang around a nav point, or go to somewhere where there's mining going on, plenty of ships fly past that are WANTED, and you just collect the bounties on them.

    I agree the standard keyboard shortcuts can be long winded, have you tried configuring your own? Don't forget you can reconfigure all the buttons in ED.

    Anyone else playing this atm? We are currently on version 1.03 which came shortly after the release back on the 16th of December. Most players are happy enough, but there are some alarming omissions from the release version. Claims of multiplayer activity with friends from the developer videos that David Braben talked about pre-release have fallen well short of the mark so far.

    In game chat is only between two players, no system, or group chat is available. There is no grouping atm as it's very difficult to get say a group of five players into the same instance to do co-op missions, of which there aren't any. So group play is kind of out the window.

    To be fair these are being worked on, and i think the release version, a view shared by many on the Frontier forum is just the skeleton of the game, with the devs releasing further content to flesh out the game over the coming year. Not ideal, but something that those playing simply have to put up with. The question is, for how long.

    Noobs are struggling with it, expecting a lot more, as seen in the promo videos which are nothing like the game btw, and expecting the same gameplay when loading up E:D for the first time. Only time will tell how it all works out. Be nice to hear from anyone else and their thoughts so far.

    To be fair i don't think you'll get much joy with Star Citizen either. Since the decision to go procedurally generated, not to mention the size of the whole game, i can see that being online only as well. I understand what you mean about playing it in a hotel or similar, this is why i take Freelancer along with me on my laptop as well, only difference is i play my mod instead lol. As to bigger games to play, they have to wait until i get home.

    I still don't get it regarding the connection speed side of things. I have an appalling connection due to where i live atm, yet i can still connect without problems to ED. I guess if you are after a completely offline experience then yes, ED doesn't support it, which it should i agree but obviously doesn't. I have a lovely new pc as well but it's let down by my connection issues a lot. That said, the game is still very playable.

    Also this decision killed it for me. Thats why I am in for Crossfire now :)

    Killed it for you? Unless you live on a rock in the middle of the ocean, most people have a decent connection these days. Yes i agree that if something is promised it should be delivered, especially when the fans for the most part have supplied the cash for the game in the first place. I also appreciate that when something like this option is not delivered, it can be annoying. That said, nothing stopping you playing it in a private group of 1, or playing it in online/singleplayer mode as this way you will only encounter npc's. Even if you play open play, because the universe is so vast in size, most of the time you don't meet other players as we are all so spread out. Chances of getting jumped by other players is small at best if that's what you are worried about.

    The Olympus complex is currently down. This includes our Freelancer server running the Genesis mod plus our dedicated Teamspeak server as well.

    Why is it down i hear you cry, well we're being hacked to pieces at the moment. the attacks are mostly coming from Europe through the Freelancer server ports which is the reason the server is down. We are trying to rectify this as soon as possible, but this is not a simple hack, it's very coordinated and it's messing with a lot of our stuff. We will report back once we know more.

    Don't know if the Crossfire server is suffering as well, but i know we are... :(

    Agreed, the game is neither singleplayer or multiplayer, it's sitting somewhere in between. What i find frustrating is the total lack of multiplayer interaction, yet to play singleplayer, you need to be connected to the server... WTF? FL has more interaction and more things to do which is quite sad really

    Starting to wonder if the developers understand the concept of multiplayer. This game is rapidly turning into an MSO, Massive Singleplayer Online experience. It's still impossible to group up on a regular basis, very hit or miss if you end up in the same instance, so far they have included a 6 person voice chat option, think i'll stick to using Teamspeak as it's way better. No formation options, or other grouping options, no co-operative play options...yet. Just have to see how it all develops, needs work clearly

    Gamma 1.0 has now been released. Lots of improvements, new ships, and for a few lucky individuals, like me, you can visit the Sol sector and check out the birthplace of humanity. Currently touring our system as i speak, will post piccies once i've done the complete tour

    DB certainly ducking some of the main questions and yes, they will lose some money from certain players who will no doubt ask for a refund. The kickstarter campaign grossed over £3.6 million but i doubt a few thousand refunds will make a huge impact. I supported the project from the start so i'm in for the long haul, but i also find it frustrating that when i travel abroad, sometimes it would be nice to play ED on the go, but then this is why i have Freelancer installed on my laptop, perfect for such occasional offline play