Posts by Gibbon

    This problem is getting stranger by the minute now. Just to put things in perspective. I have four models, all share 1x512x512 DDS texture and a cockpit glass section, same colour obviously. All four models are uniquely named for all their internal parts, only thing they share are the name for the textures. This way i can have 1 texture file for all the models instead of four. All four models show up in game without any problem apart from this see through interior hull nonsense.

    As suggested i re-exported all four models, did them at the same time, same procedure for all four, now only two suffer from the problem. Could the issue be with how they are uvmapped for the last two models?

    I find it all rather baffling tbh, i'm not exactly a noob when it comes to these sort of things but i'm going to go away and think about this and see if the solution will come to me. Thanks for the help.

    Settings are the same, just checked three or four other ships where i know all is well. Would a setting in Milkshape make a difference before importing, anything to do with the backfaces?

    Okay, didn't know there were options for Dt_flags.

    In the MAT library section, this is what i have for my texture,

    ds04_tex----------------- Name of texture node
    Dt_flags------------------- 64 0
    Dt_name------------------- ds04_tex.tga ( Reference name for the texture library section)
    Type------------------------ DcDt

    Also tried the last setting with Two after it. What are my options for the Dt flags section if you don't mind me asking?

    This is now driving me nuts to the point where i have no more hair to pull out. Converted four ships, all work in game, surs are fine, everything is peachy until you look through the cockpit in turret view, inside of my ship is invisible :cursing:

    Now a solution touched on in the past has been to look at the MAT file in UTF editor and add the word Two to the Type section to make textures double sided so it ends up like this,


    It's worked before, used this method a few times but it's not working now. Is it a setting in Milkshape that i haven't clicked on or what am i doing wrong? It's driving me bananas!!!

    I downloaded this quick, just in case EA get nasty. Installed it and have to say it's excellent, this is how it should be done. Wonder if Chris Roberts will see this, he will be impressed. Shame i have no idea how to play Freespace as i'm bumbling around in space like a new born. May have to get a copy of FS2 as well...

    Show me a game that doesn't have a star wars mod attached to it lol. George hasn't gone after anyone yet, as i keep saying, as long as it's free, highly unlikely he ever will. Seriously doubt he will close down Freeworlds as it's free advertising for the franchise, he'd be silly to do so, especially when it's done so well. All this talk of closing people down only happens when some eejit starts selling a mod like you say on fleabay, or at a boot sale or wherever, that's the only time issue can arise.

    I was just watching a brilliant video of an X3 Babylon 5 mod on youtube, you think that will be closed down? It's got better graphics than the series (hardly surprising as the visual FX were done with a couple of Commodore Amigas but that's not the point), a hugely popular mod that in it's own way might even sell some dvd's for the series it's that good.

    None of these big film or tv series franchises will close down the mod makers, not gonna happen, not when they have free advertising because of it


    I disagree about Star Wars. There are mods being made for that for nearly every game i can think of, including Freelancer, just look at the new Freeworlds mod. I honestly can't see George Lucas coming along and asking them to stop, it's freeware, same as any mod made using the FS2 engine. It's like saying Microsoft will come and stop OP making a Starlancer remake, not going to happen. The important thing to remember is as long as nobody makes a $ from it, it's all good.

    All i was saying about the Star Wars side of things is that the FL2 engine is perfect for it due to its modability and seeing as the original X wing and Tie Fighter were of the same genre, i'm sure it's only a matter of time before some team gets their modding fingers dirty and makes one. Oh wait, too late, somebody is already doing it, Fate of the Galaxy - FreeSpace Wiki

    That doesn't surprise me at all, by that i mean the fact that you were getting good results using the FS2 engine. A lot is possible with that if it's mission based space adventure you are after, and with all the good things that you can now do with that engine, time is the only limiting factor.

    I'm glad they are doing a WC version of this as it's perfectly suited to the engine, trying to think of other similar games that could be updated apart from Starlancer, maybe Tachyon the Fringe which was excellent in its day although i know there is a remake being done of that. Someone could redo all the Star Wars games that were like that, original X Wing, Tie Fighter and the like.

    It's a great engine for games, but i honestly think a team is a must, not something you can really do just by yourself

    Shows how good the freespace engine is for games of this type, in other words mission based. I remember the BSG one, Beyond the Red Line, that was awesome as well. Starlancer should be redone using this


    I was actually on about the ones at 3DRT, easily a $1000 worth there. The ones by Angryfly are less obviously and that other pack mentioned is very good looking as well

    Not unless i win the lottery, easily over $1000 worth of models there, no FL mod is worth spending that on, but i do agree a lot of those models are excellent. A lot of the other models i've converted like all the ELITE ships are free to use in any mod, plus any of the others i've made, why i released them to the community

    Thanks guys, i'd love to take credit for the model but as is usual in my case, i just convert them.


    You seen the other ships this guy has made? Some great designs, all come with bump maps and specular maps. What impresses me is the low poly count and quality of the textures, just shows what a decent texture can do to a model. One of his other freebies is a cool looking space station i'm in the middle of converting. I also converted one of his other ships, a funky looking green freighter that looks like a beetle


    Yes i agree, that's quite a good comparison actually

    I saw this ship while i was hunting around on the internet for something else, as is usually the case with these things. I really liked the look of it so downloaded it (available from his page, TurboSquid: 3d Products by Angryfly), converted it to Freelancer and hardpointed it.

    For the technically minded:

    583 - Vertices
    298 - Triangles
    1 - 512x512 DDS texture

    It comes with all the trimmings, all class 10 setup,

    6 - GUNS
    1 - TURRET

    I made a sur file for it, cockpit file and included an icon as well

    If you want to use this ship in a mod then you are free to do so, just credit Angryfly and myself

    The ship is available for download in the DOWNLOADS section for Freelancer on this site


    Well children, let's go back a bit further. ELITE was originally for the BBC Micro with a truly astounding 32k of RAM, now that's what i call fast, don't forget i'm talking 1983 here. It was originally wireframe graphics only, but even so, the game laid the principles that all other space/trading shooters live by to this day.

    To put it into perspective, the texture file for this station is 4mb, compare that to the whole game lol. I'll admit it's not wireframe plus the model itself has some complicated parts to it but even so, just shows how much memory we take for granted these days. Imagine trying to write this game today and trying to squeeze any bit of programming for that matter into 32k, not easy, i have readme files bigger than that rofl

    Feel like doing something interesting. Now this model has been around in FL since day one, only seen in Hokkaido iirc, and it's non dockable. Now i've already got past that little problem, next thing i want to do is to have animated doors.

    I'm thinking of grabbing the whole docking bay with parts from the newer gas miner model and trying to get it to work. So this is what i've done so far...

    1. Imported gas_miner_a_lod.3db model into MS.
    2. Imported docking bays from newer gasminer model
    3. Now have old gas miner model with the two docking bays in correct position
    4. What next?

    I'm assuming i need to copy across the animation section and associated code into the old gasminer model. OP, is this doable at all, as you know about these things?