Posts by Gibbon

    The only other items attached are,

    nickname = Br02_01_freeport7_space_dome
    rotate = 0, -45, 0
    pos = 3300, -4, 30461
    archetype = freeport7_space_dome
    parent = Br02_01
    reputation = br_p_grp

    nickname = Br02_01_space_tankl4x4_01
    rotate = 0, 45, 0
    pos = 3827, 0, 30989
    archetype = space_tankl4x4
    parent = Br02_01
    reputation = br_p_grp

    The item i call the prison_nodock is the standard prison model defined as NON_TARGETABLE

    The Freeport 7 space dome is set to SATELLITE and the space_tankl4x4 is set to NON_TARGETABLE

    Tried that, still behaves the same. Don't get me wrong, i can live with how it is, i'm just trying to understand why only the dockable part attacks players but the whole thing attacks npc's. I suspect this is hardcoded somewhere, although why it should be like this, i don't know. It's really stupid behaviour

    Hi OP,

    Here's the code,

    nickname = Br02_01
    ids_name = 196666
    pos = 3623, 0, 30785
    rotate = 0, -135, 0
    archetype = prison
    ids_info = 65689
    base = Br02_01_Base
    dock_with = Br02_01_Base
    reputation = br_p_grp
    behavior = NOTHING
    voice = atc_leg_f01
    space_costume = pl_female2_head, br_female_guard_body
    difficulty_level = 6
    loadout = prison_br_01
    pilot = pilot_solar_hardest

    nickname = Br02_01_prison_nodock_01
    rotate = 0, -135, 0
    pos = 3623, 309, 30785
    archetype = prison_nodock
    parent = Br02_01
    reputation = br_p_grp
    behavior = NOTHING
    pilot = pilot_solar_hardest
    difficulty_level = 6
    loadout = prison_br_01_nodock

    nickname = Br02_01_prison_nodock_02
    rotate = 0, 225, 0
    pos = 3623, -309, 30785
    archetype = prison_nodock
    parent = Br02_01
    reputation = br_p_grp
    behavior = NOTHING
    pilot = pilot_solar_hardest
    difficulty_level = 6
    loadout = prison_br_01_nodock

    I agree that i'm neutral when i attack but it doesn't seem to matter which part of the base i attack, only the main dockable section shoots back at me. As you can see the parent section is fine and slaved to the base so in theory, all three sections should open up on me, but they don't. Very strange. Yet for NPC's, all hell breaks loose.

    I bolted on a few extras to Newgate prison and did a special loadout for the addon base part identical to the main base section, but with different lights. I'm taking about the prison station model. Here's a piccie to show you what i mean

    So the issue i'm having is this. The three prison models behave oddly when under attack. If i attack the base by myself, ONLY the main section fires at me, the middle dockable section. If the pirates attack the station via a patrol path i put in there, then all three sections fire at whoever is attacking. Why not with me? Am i not worthy or is this some FL bug i've not noticed until now?

    Tbh it's only useful if you have a big turret you want to use, otherwise it can be left on the standard setting of 90. Some base turrets after further digging are set to 45, but in my case i really wanted it to be slow so messed with the setting until i found a value i was happy with, 10 in my particular case

    Don't know if this has been mentioned but something i randomly found out while testing a new ship with a massive turret on it.

    I wanted to get it so the turret would turn really slowly due to its size and weight on the model. All it did was turn quickly like a normal turret. I then decided to add mass to it, thinking that's bound to slow it down. Nope, still turning quickly. And then i discovered this line in the weapon code,

    turn_rate = 90

    I always thought it had something to do with the angles the turret could turn like 45 degrees, or 90 degrees etc, but that's not the case at all. It's a speed setting for the turret. I set it to 10 on my model and the turret rotates really slowly like on a battleship which is exactly what i was after. Not sure what the highest number is you can enter, but all anyone needs to remember is low number equals a slow turn and high number a fast turn. Never too old to learn :P

    As an avid user of FLE for placement of objects into the game and alignment of objects that i bolt onto bases, there are one or two tips i'd like to pass on regarding its use. NEVER under any circumstances allow FLE to assign IDS numbers. Always use your own. Create a custom dll and use your own numbers. I still use FLEd-ids for entering numbers and infocards and it makes things much easier to track. Tradelanes work fine when added by FLE, but i always add my own entries for the names.

    There are other areas where FLE really sucks, that being patrol paths but i found an easy workaround for that and since then all my patrol paths work 100% and i simply don't have issues with it but that's for another topic. Every entry needs checking that you add with FLE but since i'm used to it and have used it for years, there are a few basic rules i follow,

    1. Create a custom dll and add your IDS entries there
    2. Always add your own numbers when adding in an IDS name or infocard entry
    3. Always double check what FLE has done and modify if needed
    4. Only add one thing at a time and check in game, very important when doing patrol paths
    5. Never allow FLE to do the market files and base NPC's. Always add them yourself

    Finally, learn where the entries go, which files get altered when adding certain items and you'll be able to track down any issues very quickly

    Down where you are, i can imagine the internet not being the quickest. Don't forget you can always turn down some of the effects in the option menu in FL. I'm sure OP has some effects that make a few computers graphically take a deep breath

    Here are some new explosions i've been working on for the new Genesis mod.

    I suggest watching the video in HD on Youtube and fullscreen to get the desired effect

    All of the explosions are actually already in FL, i just wrote some custom fuses to better implement them on the models i've been using like the Corsair Battleship and the Nomad Battleship. In standard FL, the Nomad Battleship has the worst explosion ever, i also updated the other Nomad ships so they give a much better visual boom.

    I don't have an account on there anymore either, so i'll probably get the brush off as well, i wasn't exactly flavour of the month when i left. Just have to wait and find out i suppose

    When the dx9 plugin is done then i'll go nuts bump mapping all my models i think, will look great on custom planets, ships, bases, whatever

    Ok, wasn't sure of that as i have loads of different textures available for a new station model and thought i might try one of the extra maps to see what happens

    Op, correct me if i'm wrong, is it possible to add bump maps to stations? IIRC it is. I know it doesn't seem to work on ships as i've tried that but i seem to recall it works on stations with the BcBt line in the type section in a mat file

    On the hull section yes, when you look into the model, least it shows up now. This also explains why two of the models worked correctly as this had already been done on them but not on the other eight ships. It also explains why the double sided texture option didn't work as there was no mesh for it to be on. The file sizes of the models is still small, anywhere between 200k and about 600k after the alteration.

    The other obvious option is screw the interior and just have a solid cockpit, but not as nice, especially when i have the option to make them transparent then it was just a case of find the solution. Works for me, might help someone else, all is happy in the land of Gibbon...for now lol

    Well a few days away from the problem and the solution just came to me. Tested my theory and it works very well. Solution is a bit long winded but here goes.

    1. I had to make a copy of the model and reverse the vertex order in MS.
    2. Saved the model with the reversed vertexes.
    3. Loaded in the normal model, merged it with the reversed one
    4. Save as new model

    Now in game the interior shows up as it should through the cockpit glass without actually having to have the textures double sided as there's no need now. It sounds complicated but takes a couple of minutes to do, so at least i know i can do this on any model now.

    Every ship in vanilla has a power generator, it's standard issue. All information regarding the stats for powergenerators is in the misc_equip.ini

    2779996489 = ge_fighter_power01, Starflier Power Generator
    2182579915 = ge_fighter2_power01, Startracker Power Generator
    2194637003 = ge_fighter4_power01, Hawk Power Generator
    2195423681 = ge_fighter5_power01, Falcon Power Generator
    2189918923 = ge_fighter6_power01, Eagle Power Generator
    2722014858 = ge_train_power01, Train Power Generator
    2911550017 = ge_large_train_power01, Large Train Power Generator
    2548337857 = ge_transport_power01, Transport Power Generator
    2573097859 = ge_large_transport_power01, Large Transport Power Generator
    2592524426 = ge_prison_power01, Prison Liner Power Generator
    2898311171 = ge_lifter_power01, Heavy Lifter Power Generator
    2454314894 = ge_liner_power01, Luxury Liner Power Generator
    2463997902 = ge_miner_power01, Mining Ship Power Generator
    2440416965 = ge_repair_power01, Repair Ship Power Generator
    2293659904 = ge_csv_power01, CSV Power Generator
    2660060175 = ge_armored_power01, Armored Transport Power Generator
    2180305863 = li_fighter_power01, Patriot Power Generator
    2968894153 = li_elite_power01, Defender Power Generator
    2896957829 = li_freighter_power01, Rhino Power Generator
    3040067276 = li_cruiser_power01, Liberty Cruiser Power Generator
    3009625668 = li_dreadnought_power01, Liberty Dreadnought Power Generator
    3139811086 = br_fighter_power01, Cavalier Power Generator
    2363039246 = br_elite_power01, Crusader Power Generator
    3038861450 = br_freighter_power01, Clydesdale Power Generator
    2726897037 = br_gunboat_power01, Bretonia Gunboat Power Generator
    2493026244 = br_destroyer_power01, Bretonia Destroyer Power Generator
    2869216321 = br_battleship_power01, Bretonia Battleship Power Generator
    2559049420 = ku_fighter_power01, Drake Power Generator
    2679297037 = ku_elite_power01, Dragon Power Generator
    2368349760 = ku_freighter_power01, Drone Power Generator
    2167106639 = ku_gunboat_power01, Kusari Gunboat Power Generator
    2895376654 = ku_destroyer_power01, Kusari Destroyer Power Generator
    2691043020 = ku_battleship_power01, Kusari Battleship Power Generator
    2217753024 = rh_fighter_power01, Banshee Power Generator
    2936819917 = rh_elite_power01, Valkyrie Power Generator
    2757078158 = rh_freighter_power01, Humpback Power Generator
    2644290371 = rh_gunboat_power01, Rheinland Gunboat Power Generator
    2968999115 = rh_cruiser_power01, Rheinland Cruiser Power Generator
    3220718660 = rh_battleship_power01, Rheinland Battleship Power Generator
    2421248832 = bh_fighter_power01, Piranha Power Generator
    2366526861 = bh_elite_power01, Barracuda Power Generator
    3208063555 = bh_elite2_power01, Hammerhead Power Generator
    2864006792 = pi_fighter_power01, Bloodhound Power Generator
    2336623689 = pi_elite_power01, Wolfhound Power Generator
    2891391439 = pi_freighter_power01, Mule Power Generator
    2946888966 = bw_fighter_power01, Dagger Power Generator
    2895354511 = bw_elite_power01, Stiletto Power Generator
    2733166601 = bw_elite2_power01, Sabre Power Generator
    2638301386 = bw_freighter_power01, Dromedary Power Generator
    2582876104 = co_fighter_power01, Legionnaire Power Generator
    2403646734 = co_elite_power01, Centurion Power Generator
    2514394563 = co_elite2_power01, Titan Power Generator
    3077351812 = or_elite_power01, Anubis Power Generator
    3015408262 = no_fighter_power01, Nomad Fighter Power Generator
    2853693445 = no_gunboat_power01, Nomad Gunboat Power Generator
    2765008393 = no_battleship_power01, Nomad Battleship Power Generator

    I've tried virtually every option i can think of now. I've tried shared textures, individual ship mat files, exporting, importing, kind of given up as the only solution is not to bother really with see thru cockpits but to simply have a solid one instead, that way at least everything is as it should be. Still baffled why the Two setting in the Type section isn't working, usually does.