Posts by Gibbon

    @ Michael
    The Europa league don't forget is a minor competition in the great scheme of things. The teams that get into that competition in the first place are minor cup winners anf fourth placed league finishers, plus the losers from the Champions League group stages. Yes Atletico Madrid won it but it doesn't really say anything. The Champions League is where the money and prestige is, and not a Spanish club in sight this year. The final on Saturday will be an epic encounter methinks, fingers crossed my boys will win it (Chelsea).

    Back to the Euros. While i think that Spain will do well as they are the current European and World champions, the loss of Puyol will be immense. Personally not sure they can keep the very high standard needed to win this time around, even though i do see them getting to the last four. I think Germany will be there again, as they have quality in their side, plus they are used to getting to finals. Italy will probably also be there but i don't think they have the stamina to win it either. Which leaves England of course. I'm optimistic as ever, but we are under new management, plus the team hasn't even been announced yet so no idea who is going or how they will play. I'd love it if we got to at least the semis but based on past form, that won't happen. I still hope they will though :P

    Anything related to the Genesis mod people, don't be shy and just ask me. As already pointed out, a separate install of FL is the ideal solution as it uses mod manager to activate, 1.3 to be exact. It is not compatible with Crossfire in any way and will royally screw it up if you try to install on top of it. It's a completely separate project. There is a dedicated thread for this project here: index.php?page=Thread&postID=296190#post296190

    Thanks Husker.

    Before i continue with this, one thing i really want to make clear is that i'm not trying to step on anyones toes, especially OP's with this mod of mine. I didn't come here to steal players or other similar nonsense, so if this request of mine breaks any rules, then please tell me. Back on topic, something completely different yet exclusive to Genesis, clan freighters.

    Seeing as Genesis will be running on two servers with interchangeable player characters, one server is in the US, the other in Sweden, a feature i've used before that seemed to work nicely was the addition of clan freighters painted up in the appropriate colours of said clan. To be able to make this work, i decided some time ago on a special model, ideally suited to this task, the Pachyderm Freighter. Here are some i've made already.

    If any clan would like one of these that has more than three players, then pop over to my forum and leave a message in the CLAN SHIPS section. You get there by either using the community bar link or click on my signature

    Here are some i've done already just to give you an idea of what is possible.

    If this idea breaks any rules on here i apologize in advance and an admin can delete this particular post

    Then i suggest some glasses especially for you Michael :D

    "I thought it can't get any better than this, then you Sir, Mr Gibbon come along with this little gem" Cygna

    Everything deserves a damn good thrashing, it's how things should be lol

    Sorry did you say little? lol

    Think of it as a mega update for vanilla. All gates and jumpholes are open making travelling around a lot easier. The usual systems you couldn't get to like Alaska, Tohoku, Omicron Minor are all open. I'll be adding a few more systems as people always ask me, "are there any new systems?", so this time there will be, but more systems don't always make a mod, it's what you put in them that counts. Loads of other things going on as well.

    I'm starting to get concerned myself, lots of oddness coming to the fore here, think i'm in good company :P

    How about an update then?

    Today i added in a new ship, a Liberty Gunboat. Rescued from some ancient FL files dating back to 2004 so an eight year old ship, but looks great in the mod, plus i needed a gunboat for the boys in Liberty.

    Been busy adding the final effects, things like ambient flak, so when you are near a station or capship, you get little flak bursts around you, scared the crap out of me when it first happened lol. Also some battledust, again occurring near capships, stations, weapon platforms, anything with a big gun. The longer the battle goes on, more dust and debris appears. When the battle is over, this all disappears, but looks cool while the chaos is going on. Bug fixing and testing all at the same time.

    Work continues...

    And just in case you didn't know, here's a little history lesson regarding Coca Cola. It used to contain cocaine when it was first made as the substance was legal then and used to help invigorate you. Obviously this was removed later.

    @ Duck_Dodgers

    It's not finished yet, close but not quite ready. Currently testing :)

    On a side note i find it a bit weird how many of you are interested in this considering you have a perfectly good mod to play on here in the guise of Crossfire. Saying that, all support very much appreciated

    @ Vardek

    Well i managed to break that mod. Not actually sure what i did to it tbh, it's not the ELITE ships i know that. A string of random crashes just drove me nuts. I actually suspect they were sur file related which makes them very hard to track down and i ran out of patience. Still have the code and i might try and sort it all out at a later date. Things like that are always an issue when you work alone.

    It's much easier to tidy up vanilla and sort that mess out atm, least i'm nearly done with the whole thing now. Originally started as a minor update to vanilla but it has just ballooned out of control now, but thankfully nice and stable. Been exceedingly anal about bug fixing this time round. As soon as one is found, off i go and fix it and this method has been much more productive for me this time round

    Thanks. Been working on it non stop since December last year and i'm surprised how much i've managed to do on my own. The good news is it's not in direct competition with Crossfire as it's well, different which is all that matters really. The universe according to Gibbon ROFL. Used a few models from SolCommand including his sleeper ship which randomly appears in various systems, catch it if you can, will hide something nice on it if you can bring it down. It's also HUGE! Of more interest is the work of Hunor, a Hungarian modder who has made a complete set of HD textures for all the starspheres, and they are really lovely. Will keep you all updated

    DOWNLOAD GENESIS 1.0 HERE: Genesis 1.0 OSP download - Mod DB

    I said i wouldn't do another one, i really did. After my last project stalled due to me getting older and more forgetful, and adding things that i'd forgotten i'd added, in turn screwing everything up, i said no, no way, not again. Even took a break from the game... Time passed.

    So here we are again, only this time, i thought i'd wait until it's almost ready before i say anything. Starting with a nice fresh code base, i've removed every encounter and patrol path in the game and put new encounters and patrol paths in, ones that actually work and make sense. You will see correct factions docking where they should be docking and ships flying to where they should be flying and so on.

    Activated a number of unused vanilla factions and got missions working with all of them including the nomads.

    Added giant planets everywhere, and giant suns to try and give a sense of scale to the systems. Put back many missing items that were supposed to be in the code like the rings round the gas giants in New Tokyo etc.

    There are a few new factions like the Simian Trade Federation, Razids and others which will be familiar from other mods i've written.

    What sets this one apart are lots of unused effects that have been dormant since day one of Freelancer which now make an appearance as either weapons, engine, thruster or anything else i can think up.

    Major features added

    - All planets and suns resized and made much larger to give a sense of scale
    - New systems - Omicron Minor, Tohoku, Alaska can now be accessed - more planned
    - Black and silver interface added - Maverick
    - HD replacement starspheres - Hunor - Köszönöm szépen :)
    - New Trent textures - Hunor
    - New HD textures for all asteroid models by Gibbon
    - Brand new icons for everything in game - Gibbon
    - New tradelanes - JSNCalif - Rebuilt by Gibbon
    - Custom jumpholes - Cheese On Toast
    - New Menu screens - Ruppetthemuppet - used with permission & modified to taste by Gibbon
    - New Menu screen - Chips - modified to taste by Gibbon
    - New realistic lighting for all the systems
    - New encounters for all the systems. All original encounters and patrol paths have been removed with new ones added
    - New weapons available and others updated
    - New commodities to trade and new places to trade them
    - Fully working dynamic economy (Multiplayer ONLY)
    - Simulated dynamic economy (Open Single Player ONLY)
    - New factions added and some of the original ones have returned
    - New music for all the pirate bars - Marc Pullen & Mortice
    - Aldebaran's Plastic Surgery Kit - Aldebaran
    - 16 new engine effects - Gibbon
    - Battleship encounters
    - Widescreen support
    - Various tools, hacks and enhancements - Adoxa

    On top of that we have, 55 new ships of which 47 are flyable with most factions getting their own ship and freighter on top of the ships already in the game

    Some more screenies


    • 3DHeaven - Banzaimaru
    • 3DRT - Addanc
    • 3DRT - Denizen
    • 3DRT - Narwahl
    • 3DRT - Nimrod
    • 3DRT - Platypus
    • 3DRT - Stinger
    • 3DRT - Peccary
    • 3DRT - Boar
    • 3DRT - Warthog
    • 3DRT - Razorback
    • AngryFly - Beetle Freighter
    • AngryFly - Typhoon
    • Astral Prime Studios - Cougar
    • Astral Prime Studios - Coyote
    • Astral Prime Studios - Hornet
    • Astral Prime Studios - Hyena
    • Astral Prime Studios - Jackal
    • Astral Prime Studios - Starviper
    • Awts0c - Zorg
    • Digital Anvil - Samurai - Flyable original model
    • Digital Anvil - Starblazer - Flyable original model
    • Digital Anvil - Defender II - Flyable original model
    • Digital Anvil - CSV - Flyable original model
    • Digital Anvil - Megatrain - (Original unused model)
    • Fuzzball - Cerberus Battleship
    • Godzero - Firefly 'Serenity' Freighter
    • Griff - Pirate Gunboat
    • Griff - Pirate Cruiser
    • JSNCalif - Scarab Freighter (Large & Small)
    • JSNCalif - Colugo
    • JSNCalif - Goliath
    • JSNCalif - DeLorean Admin Ship - modified model & textures by Gibbon
    • Kasida - CTE Liberty paint scheme
    • LordFjord - Liberty Gunboat
    • Mancer - Hayabusa
    • Mancer - Bloodhound II
    • Mancer - Mule II
    • Mancer - Rhino II
    • Mancer - Sabretooth
    • Mancer - Wolfhound II
    • Mancer - Valkyrie II
    • Mhonolog(noire) - Border Worlds camouflage paintscheme
    • Panther X - Hellhound - from mknote's ship pack
    • Panther X - Hatamoto - from mknote's ship pack
    • Panther X - Konoe Shidan - from mknote's ship pack
    • Rimshot - Waran Freighter
    • Scarecrow - Razid Space Creature
    • SolCommand - Hippo Freighter - Made from the 'Vandal' modular ship pack for the Genesis mod
    • SolCommand - Hippo Freighter GLX - Made from the 'Vandal' modular ship pack for the Genesis mod
    • SolCommand - Hippo Freighter Deluxe - Made from the 'Vandal' modular ship pack for the Genesis mod
    • SolCommand - Hippo Interceptor - Made from the 'Vandal' modular ship pack for the Genesis mod
    • SolCommand - Hippo Invader - Made from the 'Vandal' modular ship pack for the Genesis mod
    • SolCommand - Hippo Intruder - Made from the 'Vandal' modular ship pack for the Genesis mod
    • SolCommand - Hippo Fleut - Made from the 'Vandal' modular ship pack for the Genesis mod
    • SolCommand - Mae Arae Freighter
    • SolCommand - Simian Cruiser - (retextured Ghost cruiser)
    • SolCommand - Sleeper Ship
    • Yedan - Serafina Freighter

    All of the above are subject to change, that said they've been in the mod from day one and it's highly unlikely i will change them as they all work well

    Best viewed on the YouTube site in HD and fullscreen ;D

    Just to clarify Micahel. The Psionic ship was released by Psionic years ago, it was all part of a skinning competition he ran on his site. I originally did a ship pack of his repaints way back in 2007. The ship pack is downloadable here on the Portal amongst many others. Anyone could convert the original 3DS model into any format they wished. I've lost count how many mods use that ship. It wouldn't surprise me if OP converted it himself way back when, all i'm saying is that model is not a custom creation for Crossfire. I can even tell you who made the textures as i have the originals in front of me :P

    Excellent work, very impressed with that. Nice to see the Psionic fighter in action. I released a ship pack featuring that fighter years ago with repaints from a skinning competition he ran. Like the side thrusting. Newtonian physics or simplified flying like FL?

    Beyond the Red Line was released years ago, i have a copy. The video OP posted has the same ingame shots as the one for BTRL so if this is a new project, something isn't right, unless it's by the same people in which case, fair enough