Posts by Gibbon

    A random bit of info i discovered and why i've had no crashes on patrol paths in my new mod is how i've been adding them this time round. By no crashes i mean not because the patrol path was bad, if it did crash it was for the usual reasons, crap loadout, wrong ship defined in npcships or factionprop, no faction defined in mbase if it went to a base which are the most common reasons.

    So, for me at least, why i've had no issues assuming everything is ok with the ship or ships used in the patrol path, loadout etc, is that i add them one at a time. By this i mean if it has 6 waypoints then labelled 1 1, 1 2, 1 3 and so on, assuming it's the first path for a faction, otherwise, 2 1, or 3 1 depending which entry it is. The trick is you add the patrol path and all it's waypoints, then go and test them. I get a crash everytime i add more than one patrol path, don't know why, don't care. If i add them one at a time, then all is good.

    Also you can have more things going on, on the same patrol path, for instance, a trader going from A to B, also you could add a freighter entry onto the same path and that works happily as well and adds variety at least to trading patrol paths. I read years ago that you couldn't do that but that's a load of balls because you can. In fact there are few original vanilla paths that have this

    Shouldn't be any difference between the two as they share the same code, unless you had different system ini files for each version. I do all my testing in MP so i know it all works in the OSP versions of my mods as the main system ini file doesn't change, therefore neither do the patrol paths

    Yes i do. To put that statement into perspective, i ripped out all the original ones and made my own for the whole of the game. Lost count how many i've made. What do you need help with?

    Happy Birthday. It's all downhill now, soon you will be remembering what you did when you were in your twenties, then when you hit 40 you start to remember what you did in your thirties, then when you hit 50, erm i'll let you know in a few weeks lol

    Slightly off topic but congratulations to my team Chelsea last night for winning the European Cup. A better display of determination, defensive capabilities and luck you will not see anywhere else. It's what got us through the competition against much better sides. Feel a bit sorry for Bayern, they had their chances but didn't take them, even though they were the better footballing side on the night. We know how you feel by the way, been there ourselves. Better luck next time :P

    And yet more newness. Now i have solved the problem of custom asteroid and nebula names showing up in missions, thought it was time to create my pirate hub system called TORTUGA. Features a main base where you can dock from the side or underneath, floating rocks and more importantly, holo strippers, yay :D

    Might want to add that if you are just doing this for yourself then it's all very nice. If you still want to keep the original model and textures seperate so you have two different versions, then you will need to rename every part of the model with a custom name in the group section in MS, plus custom names for all the textures. Be advised that any animation sections will have to be added in manually as well.

    Using TGA textures is all very well but these days DDS is the way to go, vastly smaller file sizes and noticeable improvement in game. I just remade Mancers ship pack number 5 with DDS textures only, so much better. TGA is old skool and a resource hog, no need for them

    It should display correctly. I use it to align base parts and various other things and works as it should. It even displays custom wireframes of objects i've added in correctly. If you are not using it on a 32 bit operating system, this can lead to issues. Maybe update your video drivers. Throwing ideas around now as in all honesty, it should work as advertised.

    Yes they are. The big one at the front is by SolCommand, it's his AnnaV ship renamed for the mod, the other two are by a guy called Griff and were originally for my other mod featuring the ELITE ships. These Griff ships have custom rotating turrets as well.

    You know anything about adding custom asteroid field names so they show up in missions? I've been following DwnUndr's tutorial and not getting any joy, don't understand why as the missions themselves show up ok, but the names for the new asteroid field stays blank in the mission description. Very annoying

    Never mind. fixed it now.

    What i like about the Ox is he's fearless, he really doesn't care who he's playing against. Saw a few games with him playing for the Gooners this season and he always had an impact, not to be underestimated. I honestly think the Germans will win it as well, but a lot has been said that since nobody expects England to win, they might actually do well. I'll be very curious how we play with the two friendlies coming up, what sort of shape we have on the field, see if Roy is brave enough to go 4-3-3 if needed. God help us if we stick to 4-4-2, it's so predictable, we'll just get slaughtered.

    Can't find too much to disagree with there, i'd use Oxlaide-Chamberlain instead of Lampard simply because he has pace. Not sure about Roy, i mean he did get the Swiss to 3rd in the world so clearly has some idea of what he's doing, and apart from his time with Pool, he's not done badly. Only time will tell.

    The England team was named yesterday, so i'll revise my optimistic enthusiasm and say that we'll be lucky to leave the group stages. Forgot to mention that Holland are looking good as well and could easily make the last four, so difficult to call this championship

    A few posts up is a dedicated link to the main thread on this mod where you will find all the information you seek. You've also been on my forum Vardek so you know the answer to your question already, which is no

    The only place you would have seen them is in something i created. The original model was made by a guy called Triple X for one of my mods years ago. I then released those ships in a ship pack and they have been used by a few people tbh. I've created over 100 variations of the ship probably and about as many different skins as i love the design, plus i have some special items from the guy who actually made the original model for the movie 'Space Truckers' which is where the Pachyderm is originally from. I've used the Pachyderm in one form or another for going on 8 years now lol