Posts by Gibbon

    You guys keep forgetting as he's already mentioned this, he has $20 million already. Only reason he keeps asking for cash from the community is so he doesn't have to pay the tech loan investors back so much. Either way, enough is enough and we want to see something more concrete now in the 'this actually exists in game' department

    I know why, but a recent read on the subject led me to find a cure. Some of you might know this already. For those of us who mod and for players alike, i've always liked spinning planets. I mean it's a planet, it should spin, right? Well not in FL it seems. If you add this line to the planet code,

    spin = 0, 0.035000, 0

    Or similar, your planet will happily spin on it's axis, and after a certain period, grind to a halt, especially if you minimize the playing window. The bigger the number you enter, the faster the planet spins, either way it's not very realistic. The reason for this is the planet does not have inertia, which for those who are not sure what that means is the resistance of any physical object to a change in its state of motion or rest, or the tendency of an object to resist any change in its motion. In other words, the planets weight should keep it moving, but it doesn't, so how do we achieve this?

    We have to do some hacking!! Adoxa as usual found this, but a simple edit using your favourite hex editor of the common.dll gives planets rotation inertia. If you goto address 0E698E and change the value from 7C -> EB, planets will keep spinning, not only that, lower the number in the spin code to something like

    spin = 0, 0.015000, 0

    or less, and the planets will spin nice and slowly and will never stop spinning :)

    I'm currently updating all my planets in my Genesis mod for my next release and they look so much better for it as they spin more slowly now and don't make me feel sick anymore lol

    One of the features i was reading about which i quite liked, was the fact your ship displays damage as it gets older, dents and scratches, and the paint fades and other cosmetic nonsense like that. I like the idea of your new shiny ship looking all beaten up if you don't service it lol

    Not enough links on here lol, so here are some more with videos and the like. I've backed this as it's a crime if it doesn't get finished, thankfully DB has the funding and is getting on with it. All hail the godfather of 3D space sims, don't ever forget this is the man who started it all with his university buddy Ian Bell, who now breeds burmese cats lol

    Main Website: Elite: Dangerous





    Pay close attention to this one, this is how you create random items, it saves time and can create galaxies


    Fan made Cobra movie which is cool


    Now you've put away your little hacks and have stopped getting banned lol, let's deal with how to get along in Genesis. As with any large mod, lots of ways to get things done, so you need to approach this mod as with any new mod with a fresh outlook.

    Let's start with.... Money. There's a simple bit of trading you can do to get started. I appreciate trading is boring to some but then getting killed regularly is also boring so you need a better ship. This is how to get one. Buy some pleasure androids on Manhattan and take them to Newark. Repeat. In a Starflier you make 10k on every trip but do yourself a favour, grab a Rhino from Pittsburgh or a Rhino 2 from Norfolk shipyard, you will have a load of cash within an hour. Remember with the dynamic economy in place, keep an eye on the buy price on Manhattan as it does change. If it hits over 300, think about trading something else. After that you can go and look for some fighters and get yourself some better weapons. I run a neutral rep trading ship which funds my fighter char, at least at the beginning, as the higher paying missions are in the more dangerous territories. With the player banking options in game, it's easy to transfer cash between your own chars.

    As to the speed in game, i wanted to keep that more like the original, but personally i don't think it takes that long to travel around, try Star Trek Online, you can have a 3 course meal and still be waiting before you get to where you need to go, at least until you hit the higher levels. I've tried to keep the system sizes in Genesis to standard or medium sizes so there's not too much travelling involved.

    So to summarize, be patient, get some cash together first, grab a copy of FL Companion, build up your credits to a couple of mil, then go fighter shopping, it will make you much happier :)

    Server hosted, not much point otherwise with so few players in FL anymore. The server is setup for RP but non RP players are also well catered for, so they can wander about without having to take part and just enjoy the mod.

    New 1.1 version released. There is a new Open Single Player version available for download plus a new 1.1 Multiplayer only version available for download. Please make sure you download the correct version. Links are in the OP. Enjoy :)

    Well the good news for those wondering about a multiplayer version is that it's almost ready. Everytime i think i'll release it i find something to fix, but it really isn't far off now. I'll also release a new version of the OSP version as well which will have all the fixes from the MP version that apply to the OSP version. The MP version will include various features including player banking, cloaks, custom join messages, gender recognition and many other features :)

    To be honest, not sure where the beta came from, obviously lurking on someone's hard drive somewhere. Not fired it up yet but some of the earlier features in FL were better than what we got in the release, that's for sure. It's possible that ship was made by someone earlier, i just know this version came from the beta and was converted to the more modern CMP format.

    I've been working on the multiplayer version of Genesis and I thought i wasn't going to add any more ships, but then I saw this. It's taken from an early Freelancer Beta from 2002 and converted by a clever chap called Skotty. This is a Nomad Elite fighter with working spike animation. It activates when you use the cargo bay...

    Glad you like the mod. Don't forget there are four little fixes worth applying which are in the Genesis bugs thread on my forum, really simple to apply and help a lot with stability. I've included downloads for all four files, simply follow the instructions and replace those that came with the mod with the new ones i've done :)

    As with a large project and a one man setup, (ME), nothing is perfect. A couple of tiny errors have surfaced, pointed out to me by one of my own forum members and with some simple editing, can be easily fixed. If you click on the hyperlink included with the mod that takes you to my forum, follow the simple instructions in the Genesis 1.0 bugs section, and the errors will go away.


    I've been writing mods and making ship packs for years, but as anyone who knows me will tell you, i normally work on my own. That said, i've had a number of RL issues to deal with over the last year which means i haven't had time to deal with anything Freelancer related during that time. I wrote Genesis over a year ago and been sitting on it all this time. OP knows if he needs help with anything, he only has to ask, but to become a full time member of the team is unlikely due to my current RL situation, which while steady is hardly settled.

    Look even better with the vanilla planet textures you let me borrow OP, video was made before i put those in, which are in the release version thankfully :)

    I'll add some pictures to my gallery on here, sounds like the easiest option to me

    Genesis 1.2 has been released.

    Open Single Player version, DOWNLOAD HERE: Genesis 1.1 OSP download - Mod DB

    Multiplayer version, DOWNLOAD HERE: Genesis 1.2 MP download - Mod DB

    The Genesis mod is an addon mod for Freelancer by Digital Anvil/Microsoft that works in Open Single Player or Multiplayer, putting you into the game just after the original campaign has finished.

    The mod adds many new features and is based around events just after the storyline finishes. With many new ships to fly, places to explore, items to trade in a simulated dynamic economy in singleplayer or multiplayer. Many new systems have been added plus other items of interest, plus a full visual enhancement of the game with HD textures and widescreen support.


    The Genesis mod is a major revamp of the original Freelancer code. I've gone through each system and altered things as i'd like to see them, fixed numerous original errors and added in plenty of missing items from the original game. There are various updates which visually enhance the game including in no special order,

    - All planets and suns resized and made much larger to give a sense of scale
    - Updated and enhanced planet textures
    - Original systems - Omicron Minor, Tohoku, Alaska can now be accessed and are fully working
    - New systems - Omicron Kappa, Omicron Delta, Tortuga, Omega 13
    - Black and silver interface added - Maverick
    - HD replacement starspheres - Hunor - Köszönöm szépen :)
    - New Trent textures - Hunor
    - New Icons and Interface buttons - Hunor
    - New HD textures for all asteroid models by Gibbon
    - Brand new icons for everything in game - Gibbon
    - New tradelanes - JSNCalif - Rebuilt by Gibbon
    - Custom jumpholes - Cheese On Toast
    - New Menu screens - Ruppetthemuppet - modified to taste by Gibbon
    - New Menu screen - Chips - modified to taste by Gibbon
    - New realistic lighting for all the systems
    - New encounters for all the systems. All original encounters and patrol paths have been removed with new ones added
    - New weapons available and others updated
    - New commodities to trade and new places to trade them
    - Simulated dynamic economy (Open Single Player ONLY)
    - New factions added and some of the original ones have returned
    - New music for all the pirate bars - Marc Pullen & Mortice
    - Aldebaran's Plastic Surgery Kit - Aldebaran
    - 16 new engine effects - Gibbon
    - Battleship encounters
    - Ambient explosions and battledust - Why485
    - Widescreen support - Now updated so HUD and all elements align correctly - Adoxa



    3DHeaven - Banzaimaru
    3DRT - Addanc
    3DRT - Denizen
    3DRT - Narwahl
    3DRT - Nimrod
    3DRT - Platypus
    3DRT - Stinger
    3DRT - Peccary
    3DRT - Boar
    3DRT - Warthog
    3DRT - Razorback
    AngryFly - Beetle Freighter
    AngryFly - Typhoon
    Astral Prime Studios - Cougar
    Astral Prime Studios - Coyote
    Astral Prime Studios - Hornet
    Astral Prime Studios - Hyena
    Astral Prime Studios - Jackal
    Astral Prime Studios - Starviper
    Awts0c - Zorg
    Digital Anvil - Samurai - Flyable original model
    Digital Anvil - Starblazer - Flyable original model
    Digital Anvil - Defender II - Flyable original model
    Digital Anvil - CSV - Flyable original model
    Digital Anvil - Megatrain - (Original unused model)
    Fuzzball - Cerberus Battleship
    Godzero - Firefly 'Serenity' Freighter
    Griff - Pirate Gunboat
    Griff - Pirate Cruiser
    JSNCalif - Scarab Freighter (Large & Small)
    JSNCalif - Colugo
    JSNCalif - Goliath
    JSNCalif - DeLorean Admin Ship
    Kasida - CTE Liberty paint scheme
    LordFjord - Liberty Gunship
    Mancer - Hayabusa
    Mancer - Bloodhound II
    Mancer - Mule II
    Mancer - Rhino II
    Mancer - Sabretooth
    Mancer - Wolfhound II
    Mancer - Valkyrie II
    Mhonolog(noire) - Border Worlds camouflage paintscheme
    Nightstalker - Nomad Cruiser
    Panther X - Hellhound - from mknote's ship pack
    Panther X - Hatamoto - from mknote's ship pack
    Panther X - Konoe Shidan - from mknote's ship pack
    Rimshot - Waran Freighter
    Scarecrow - Razid Space Creature
    SolCommand - Hippo Freighter - Made from the 'Vandal' modular ship pack for the Genesis mod
    SolCommand - Hippo Freighter GLX - Made from the 'Vandal' modular ship pack for the Genesis mod
    SolCommand - Hippo Freighter Deluxe - Made from the 'Vandal' modular ship pack for the Genesis mod
    SolCommand - Hippo Interceptor - Made from the 'Vandal' modular ship pack for the Genesis mod
    SolCommand - Hippo Invader - Made from the 'Vandal' modular ship pack for the Genesis mod
    SolCommand - Hippo Intruder - Made from the 'Vandal' modular ship pack for the Genesis mod
    SolCommand - Hippo Fleut - Made from the 'Vandal' modular ship pack for the Genesis mod
    SolCommand - Mae Arae Freighter
    SolCommand - Simian Cruiser - (retextured Ghost cruiser)
    SolCommand - Sleeper Ship
    xXx - Pachyderm Freighters - Remodelled by Whitestar - Retextured by Gibbon
    Yedan - Serafina Freighter

    All of the models, including the custom station models, have been modified in some way by me. They have all been re-hardpointed, some have had their textures modified in some way, in some cases parts added to them. All the models have had custom sur files made for them.


    SolCommand - Kono Station model
    AngryFly - AF Station 01
    JSNCalif - JSN Station
    JSNCalif - JSN Docking Bay
    Griff - Asteroid Base model
    Griff - Pirate Base


    JSNCalif - New tradelane model
    Louva Deus - Planetary Beacon
    Nephilim - Omega 13 system plus my own custom additions
    RIP Team - Borrowed a couple of your planets, Cord and Rides. Appreciate the loan
    SWAT_OP-R8R - Loan of the updated vanilla planet textures from Crossfire, much appreciated
    adoxa - Various tools, hacks and enhancements
    Cold Void - Price randomizer for singleplayer


    New custom music for all the pirate bars created by Marc Pullen. Originals free to download from here: Marc A. Pullen – Free listening, concerts, stats, & pictures at
    Other custom music by Mortice: Mortice Music, Lyrics, Songs, and Videos
    Buy the album 'Mayhem' at all good online retailers including iTunes, Amazon and many others. See Mortice in the popular console game, ROCK BAND 3!!

    If you have any issues with this mod or wish to report a bug, click on the html link included with the mod and post on my forum, or feel free to post in the Genesis thread here at the portal as it is checked regularly :)

    It's out!!! Finished, sorted, complete!!! Waiting for authorization on MODDB. It's a bit of a porker at 927mb but it's full of FL goodness. Please bear in mind this is now Singleplayer only, or to be more exact, Open Single Player Only. You will need a copy of FLMM, freelancer mod manager 1.3. I can't guarantee it will install with later versions. Obviously a copy of Freelancer might be handy as well.

    Here's the link MODDB: Genesis 1.0 OSP download - Mod DB

    One oddity some of you will encounter is a space in the equipment section of your ships for something called a licence! These were meant for multiplayer use where players would require licences to enable various roleplay requirements. I left them in as it was too much of a PIA (Pain In the ****) to remove them :)