Posts by Gibbon

    Welcome to the Galactica 2.0 mod. This is a TC (Total Conversion mod) featuring the Battlestar Galactica universe and the search for Earth. Primarily based on the re-imagined series, you will see all the ships from the tv show as you attempt to find Earth just after the Cylons invade the Colonial systems.

    This mod was originally made in 2008. After a request on the Gizmo Studios forum, i've made this updated version available with a few added tweaks. First off the mod is OSP compatible ONLY!! I've added widescreen support, zoomable turret view, a new interface, a price randomizer for all goods and equipment in game and updated the planet textures. Rest of the mod is the same. It's as stable as i can make it for the moment, no updates are planned, so the mod is how you find it :)

    <<<<<<<<<< BACKGROUND STORY >>>>>>>>>>

    As a lowly commercial pilot whose just received his licence, you start out on Caprica, the home to Colonial civilization. Unsure of which of the many Colonial shipping companies to work for, your mind is made up for you when the Cylons dramatically start their attacks on the Colonial homeworlds. Do you decide to trade, hoping to make your fortune while fighting off the Cylons at every turn, or do you join the fight with the Colonial Fleet against its most deadly of enemies and go in search of the missing 13th tribe from a planet known only in the sacred scrolls of Pythea as Earth?



    Here is a link to the new version of Galactica 2.0 : DOWNLOAD HERE

    Another download link from the Strategy Informer site : DOWNLOAD HERE

    Make sure you use the DOWNLOAD FILE button on the Strategy Informer link :)

    You can change how much they hit or miss by changing the pilot option defined in the code for the weapon. This is defined somewhere else but can easily be modified

    If you have a pulsar effect, great, but if not, feel free to use the one i have, just let me know

    Actually it depends how you want to implement it. I have a pulsar in Genesis, it's an original effect i activated. Need to find the code if you're interested. It's in the Genesis video at around 1:01 and you can see it system wide


    From my other posts in the Elite Dangerous thread, it's clear i'm more of a fan of that game considering the cash they are working with and what they've done with it so far.

    That said, i've always loved Freelancer and Starlancer, have a lot of time for Chris Roberts and Star Citizen, but like OP, have some doubts as to where the money is going as they have over $35 million now. More than enough to be getting on with things. While i don't believe it will be out on time, it's clear from this video that things are happening at last. Worth a look to see some of the progress being made with my cash :)

    This is the recent dogfighting video update which has been put back (no surprise there), probably due to seeing what ED did with their alpha. Either way still progress and that's all that we want to see


    Another much longer video with more in game action, scroll forward to about 12 mins to watch the action...


    As a backer of both, at the present time i can't really argue with the sentiments expressed so far. ED is clearly looking good, i will be interested to seethe next few alphas so that i can see where they are going with the game. It seems to be by all the indications and noises coming out of Frontier Developments, more in line with the original Elite than the games that came after. All the systems and planets are procedurally generated, looking forward to that, there is a pseudo newtonian flight model with flight model assist ON/OFF button, plus a bunch of other stuff. Bring it on...

    1.1 Alpha released

    Alpha Phase 1.1 includes the following in addition to the 1.0 content:
    • A selection of stereoscopic 3D support options added
    - Oculus Rift
    - Side-by-side 3D rendering for use with 3D TVs / monitors
    - Anaglyph rendering: old school Red/Cyan rendering for those without Oculus Rift or a 3D TV but with some vintage red/cyan glasses
    • Track IR support added
    • Dashboard brightness option added
    • Improved build stability
    • Assorted improvements from Alpha feedback

    Definite progress if you ask me

    Collectors box edition is heading my way on release, already paid for :)

    Be aware if you want future addons, it will set you back £35 more, this will get you all the addon stuff they release, and you never have to pay a bean again. For £20 you only get the digital download iirc

    Have to agree with you there OP. The way Elite is being made and tested is very well thought out from what i can see. I'll be joining in the testing soon myself, bought beta level access, but from what i've read so far, it's a series of modules that players get to test, these will be bolted together for beta, and if it all works, it gets released. When this is all done, extra stuff gets added down the line like, landing and walking around on planets and other stuff. Least the guys at Frontier are testing small sections, bolting them together and making sure they all work, before release.

    While i have contributed to Star Citizen and eagerly await that as well, i feel the approach with ED is better and will provide a solid base for the devlopers to add things to as they know it all works. What i'm seeing with SC is that they seem to be adding everything they can think of first, then release it and hope it works, with a 'we'll fix it with a patch' mentality later, due to the amount of things they are trying to include with initial release. Just have to see i guess, but ED look a well thought out game so far with good testing methods, release is planned for around April '14, and the way alpha is going so far, can't see that date slipping by much.

    Yet more info uploaded by Frontier a few days ago explaining the alpha process and how it's going to work in Elite Dangerous.



    Same as me, still good to see the game progressing nicely, with what so far seems to be well built and bug free, Can't ask for more really.

    Some more new videos some of you might have missed.



    Of more interest is the fact that Elite Dangerous has started the alpha phase, consisting of various modules that players can stress test. Currently the combat module is up for testing with six missions to try out various combat options. Early reports are very good, stable, and lag free.



    New 1.2 version released! Focusing on server stability and bug fixes in this release. Also added turret zoom so when in turret view, you can zoom in or out on your ship. Download link updated in the original post. The OSP version has not been updated yet but the multiplayer version obviously has :)

    Mine is crashing a more regularly now, and it's clearly down to the new content. Factor in there's been a patch practically everyday since the new content was released and it's not difficult to work out where the issue is. It's been more stable the last couple of times i've played it, so things are clearly improving.

    What operating system do you have? I play STO all the time, simply don't have any issues at all. People i've encountered with problems are the ones who use upgrade disks for windows. For instance, you run XP, get a vista upgrade cd. Then a year or two later, you upgrade vista to Win7 and so on. I have a Win 7 64bit laptop, STO crashes maybe once a month if that. Never lost anything in game, all good. I use Chrome as a browser as well