Posts by Gibbon

    Tasks aren't being set which is personally how i would test and i still test even today. There's a bug report button if something happens and that's that. Not good enough imho. I can't moan as i get in on the next phase, by then most of the issues will be sorted hopefully. I can't test when i'm surrounded by an armada of morons with no clue what TESTING actually means.

    BTW if you need testing help with CF 2.0, let me know

    ED has now entered the PREMIUM BETA stage, meaning you pay to test it before the standard beta testers have a go like me.

    Now here's what annoys me so apologies for a rant as it's not aimed at anyone here. Why do some people bother playing games that are in a test phase? The Frontier forum, makers of ED, has gone bananas with some players saying this doesn't work and that feature is bugged and so on. Of course it is, it's a damn beta, these things happen. One guy even wanted his money back because there were a number of bugs he didn't like.

    Now personally i'd like to strangle people like that as they clearly weren't born with any brains at all and have no concept of how software gets developed. I found out the hard way when i started modding FL and that's just writing a mod, not a new game from scratch. Some players are so impatient and expect everything on a plate with no reciprocal effort. Another player was bitching about a player wipe before release as he'd have to start all over again from the beginning when the game is finally released. He's probably just playing the game and not testing at all. ARRRGGGGHHHHHH.

    Ok, had some coffee now and calmed down. It's the same with all games that allow the general public in to beta test, there will always be a large percentage of morons followed by the minority willing to actually test the game, a point lost on the masses sadly. Now somebody please, pass me a gun....

    100k for a single version is excellent. I have 65k on all my versions of various mods, so between us we've done well lol. Have to agree with the wishful thinking on his part, or just delusional.

    I'm sure he's on something. I came into the scene on day of release, i certainly don't remember over 100 servers running TNG. Yes it was popular, but not that popular. Like you say, plenty of other mods around at the time to try out. I don't know of any mod reaching 100k downloads, let alone a million. I know my downloads for mods are monitored on my main download site, so i can give accurate figures. I don't remember any more than around 200 servers active at any one time. Why is he making himself seem bigger than he is?

    I bring this name up as i very recently ran into a post of his on the Star Citzen forum. Now i don't know if he's just blowing hot air to make himself look big, but i question some of his stats, and i quote:

    Hello All,

    I just wanted to say I am excited to be a part of Star Citizen and look forward to modding this as well.
    Since FL: TNG 10 year anniversary is coming up I redid the site and put back up the mod so people can download it.
    I actually put up the full CD, which was the full physical CD we shipped out when it was available.
    Includes many extras & features that were not part of the original release.

    You can get it over @

    I'm certain for those that remember it was one of the best mods for Freelancer of it's time.
    It had well over a MILLION downloads and ran on over 100 servers at it's peak!

    Here was a rough list of what was in the Mod.

    • Over 75 new ships added to the freelancer game
    • Flyable Frigates, Cruisers, Battleships, & Battlestation
    • Over 500 new pieces of equipment (Weapons, shields, engines, thrusters, upgrades, and more!)
    • Over 20 new commodities for you to buy and sell
    • Over 40 new music tracks for systems, bars, and intros
    • Over 45 new sounds for various equipment & weapons
    • 10 additional systems
    • 14 additional factions
    • 1 buyable battle station for players (Used to be 3)
    • Core return program for expensive ships
    • A gauntlet in the arena for players to run with over 20 grueling trials.
    • Internal police featuring Starfyre creators & ships
    • New costumes for Trent, Juni, and King
    • An arena system where players can test there metal against NPC or PVP.
    • Planets use a new system for docking, no more old docking rings
    • New Freelancer menu with advanced options (Difficulty level, more graphic, key, & sound options)
    • Player ships now drop loot when killed
    • Greatly improved ship customization options
    • New movement & ship controls
    • Upgraded graphics, sound, and physics engine
    • Revamped single player game with enhancements
    • Massive explosion / weapon enhancements
    • Greatly enhanced “Identity” engine
    • Greatly improved AI tactical & offensive capabilities
    • Improved & more difficult single player campaign mode
    • Anti-Hack / Cheat / Encryption systems to help improve game integrity
    • Police system for administrators
    • New solo missions, Capital ship missions
    • New group missions, Battle stations
    • Different starting ship
    • An extremely comprehensive & detailed manual
    • Full mod support with website & forums,

    Let me know if you have any questions or need any help :)

    Original post here: 302 Found

    Now what bugs me is the numbers he's quoting, a million downloads? That's just such bs it's not even funny. Not sure of the total sales of Freelancer but i doubt it was more than 200k worldwide, although i wouldn't mind a more accurate estimate if anyone has some figures they can back it up with. TNG was played on over a hudred servers? i think not.

    You get a load more in the pack. You also get the ones with more cargo pods, up to five on each side for each ship, all individually modelled. All the ships are around 1600 polys with one 1024x1024 texture. They include bump, light and specular maps as well. Yes i paid for them but i think it was worth it :)

    Been fiddling with a few of AngryFly's ships, namely his transporters collection. Here are some of the new models with one cargo pod each, can have a maximum of of five pods per side mounted.











    The new updated version of Genesis 1.2 OSP has been released on Moddb. Fixes a number of issues over earlier versions.


    Razorback hardpoint issue fixed
    Stinger hardpoint issue fixed
    GMG guns availability fixed
    Weapons don't fall off as easily on capships and other weapons
    Licences availability issue fixed
    Licences defined correctly
    Missing mooring fixtures in Sigma 13 added
    Angul Smelter radiation zone fixed
    Neuss Smelter radiation zone fixed
    Pirate gunboat missile turrets fixed
    Domes rearranged at various bases to aid docking
    Wreck moved from inside planet Hiran
    Planet rotation speeds reduced dramatically universe wide
    Planet inertia added to keep planets spinning
    Alaska exclusion zone fixed
    IDS 197140 issue fixed (missing space in npc names)
    Lowered tradelane weapon power
    Lowered tradelane disruptions
    Kone Shidan availability fixed on Battleship Matsumoto
    Coyote loadout updated
    Some commodity drop rates improved
    Cursor colour changed to yellow
    More police patrol paths added universe wide
    Turret zoom added to a distance of 2k (zoom in or out with the mouse wheel)
    Order thruster updated and priced accordingly
    Missing missions added to Stuttgart system
    Asteroid miners now sell correct commodities
    Corrected commodity pricing on Thorsen base
    Junkers sent on vacation from Manhattan
    Pirate Scanners and Tractor beams now more difficult to obtain
    Many smaller fixes and updates

    Download link here: Genesis 1.2 OSP download - Mod DB

    I've decided to release a new version of Genesis in singleplayer format only. This will be called Genesis 1.2 OSP as it is the open single player version. This means you start just after the original campaign with 10k in your pocket.

    Some time ago i did release a 1.1 version of this mod, but i really needed to upgrade it to the current 1.2 version with all the fixes etc. This will have a lot of the features of the mod currently on the server and will include the price randomizer code which will make the prices fluctuate throughout the game on everything including commodities, equipment and ship prices.

    I've also made all the clan ship pachyderms in all their different liveries available to buy. These are spread out throughout the game. There's a whole bunch of fixes and new features including turret zoom which is very handy on bigger ships.

    Currently i'm testing this but should be ready for release towards the end of the month

    Just tried connecting to my Genesis server, can't get in. My remote access works, shows everything is fine, but if i try joining as a player, same as everyone else... Disturbing

    Clearly David Braben has been reading too much Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy recently. Having said that, that style seems to fit the game, just have to see. Their production work is coming along nicely and more or less on schedule. Yet to see anything useful from the SC camp, even if they do have over $40 million now.