Posts by Gibbon

    I freely admit i bought the Freelancer package for SC, which is my total commitment to the game. That said, because i bought mine very early on and am a gold ticket holder, i got full LTI with my ship. As has been mentioned it's not all pay to play, you can certainly earn money in the game which will pay for insurance, paint jobs, whatever. Nowhere does it say anywhere on the SC site that you have to pay to play as you don't, period.

    Tbh, if you want the latest space opera, go Elite Dangerous, cheaper, one off payment, play as long as you want, regularly updated, made for a lot less than Chris Roberts is making his game for, and made by an all time legend with history of making good games. I rest my case.

    Could be that as well. One good thing about the model, the npc's go for the fat bit in the middle, so the TL responds and shoots at them. In a vanilla TL, the npc's shoot thin air as there is nothing really for them to shoot at which i've always thought looks silly

    Big day in the 'verse regarding Elite Dangerous. Today it goes standard beta. What does that mean i hear you ask? Well it means if you bought a copy when it was first announced on kickstarter, you can play the standard beta version NOW!!! 55 systems have been opened up, many features are now active. Bear in mind this is NOT the full release , but even so, plenty to test and play with. WOOT!!!!

    Frontier Developments now have a new website for Elite Dangerous, everything you want to know about the game is here:

    Elite: Dangerous Official Game Site | Epic multiplayer space adventure

    Well done Germany, most consistent side in the tournament and well deserved. They actually understood the meaning of the word, TEAM. Argentina had their chances but blew them, glad they lost.

    Thanks. Problem with the original tradelane in vanilla is the number of spaces, npc's always attack the middle of the gate where there is nothing to hit, at least with mine it gives them a target now

    What annoys me is that on my old XP pc, all this crap works fine in my 1.76 version and 1.85 version of MS, trouble is i don't have the machine with me grrrrrrrr. That said, i know other modders who have exactly the same setup as i currently have and it all works fine, i suspect some dll is missing from windows.

    A little something i'm working on, all works fine apart from the sur file. I created one but it doesn't have the two holes in it so using phantom physics as a workaround until i figure it out

    I had it and used it for making icons in MS, but its on my other pc which is in Sweden. I have the tradelane working in game but nobody can fly through it, In which case it's my sur file that's playing up, just what i need...

    Hi all,

    Looking for the 3db exporter for Milkshape. Looked in the downloads section but didn't see it, doesn't mean it's not there, not as young as i used to be. Trying to export a new tradelane model and realised it should be a 3db not a cmp. Thanks in advance



    Yet more eye candy. Word is out now that STANDARD BETA will commence 29th of July, which is an impressive date considering the funding and time it's taken to make. Most on the Elite forum suspect release will be in September to mark the 30th anniversary of Elite.