Posts by LoneAngel

    the community for freelancer is actually considerably large..
    this would be pointless because the freelancer community might be large, but not large enough to even bother pouring money into something so risky... especially with how big microsoft is... they would frown upon the creator because they would technically be stealing the idea!!! and that would be BAD

    im pretty much done my Business Management/E-commerce Management course and what you are suggesting would actually be theft since the idea came from a game that has already been sold and not even supported anymore!!!

    well OP would have to get testimonials from as many people as possible, make up a business plan, work on assests and expenses, he would also have to come up with a budgeting plan for the bank to see... to determine if a business loan/grant is the bet optiion.. would not be worth it unless you know for sure that this is possible and would benefit and have a good budget worked out!!!

    well this all depends on where you were! because i know out in Weth.. when your heading to the base.. your speed without thrusting or cruising is lower than it usually is and thats because of the Slow Anatomy! well at least thats wat i think so i wouldnt worry about it.. i thought something was wrong with my fighter at first because of this, but then i asked a few people about it they told me that this is normal depending on where you are (what your flying through)

    That is really impressive. Have there ever been any talks with some publisher to try to make a small company, license the engine officially from Microsoft and release it as a budget title on gamersgate or impulse, for example? With a budget of $100K I think this should be very well doable, depending of course whether Microsoft would be willing to sell a license for less than that... I'd certainly buy such a title immediately from gamersgate for 20, for example.

    i much so doubt microsoft would even bother with that for $100k and microsoft also doesnt support freelancer anymore! but if microsoft was willing to give up the liscence.. i would support you guys as best i could..!

    Actually no ,cos SA_FUD and me had success in a hunt between 10 to 11 Sept, in early morning hours and later we shared our booty^

    actually the NPC's stopped dropping guns later in the evening which obviously OP already knows why so there's no need to worry... just gotta wait for OP to say when things are good again!!!
    and hopefully OP can fix it instead of putting these guns in wrecks/depots cuz its so much fun killing those NPC's and getting those guns!!! keep or sell em!!! :thumbsup:

    this makes me sad.. hoping to go hunting and make some $$$...!
    if i was one of those people who has nothing to do with the forum.. i would think that this mod was just super buggy but that is not the case... but might i make a suggestion, even if it is someone else posting but maybe have a section just for those occasion... such as "CF Testing" or whatever, to warn people that do look at the forum about when things are being tested and to let everyone know that if player's are having mysteries problems, that its most likely caused by the testing because things have been taken out temporarily... just a thought, not big deal.. cuz i know, new players might not realize this, leave and never come back..! but then again, some people don't even bother to read anything on the forum but on another note Galactus and I saw a few wiked battleships while we were heading towards Weth that neither one of us recall every seeing and WOOOOOOW, they are totally awesome!!!

    edit: approx. 6:30am (server time) haven't been on since before the normal update, so, i wonder if things are normal again?

    another edit: approx. 7am (server time) NPC's still aren't dropping guns... :(

    you should just come on over to OP's server... there's lots of good people who play on the server, the server is good... ah heck, im sure people would be more than willing to help you out if need be!!! just gotta ask...

    sixsigma1978 if you make changes to the mod files (even if it is SP) you are in violation of the Liscence agreement! which OP brought up earlier in this post.. i would suggest that you dont change anything.. you can get into serious trouble for doing such things without permission!!!