Posts by screamer

    correct, but for the time being i have niether the time nor patience to try, this is why i made the decission, recruitment attempts where made but nothing came of them, no one person is responsible and i have no intention of pointing the finger because no one is in the wrong we just didnt pull together, for some people it can work out and for some it doesnt, just didnt this time for me, dont get me wrong i agree with your oppinion it just isnt the thing for me at the moment

    That's the whole point of me leaving OP the clan IS dead no-one has been active or seen online for over a month, the last time there was more than 1 of us arround at the same time it was a meeting to decide whether or not to carry on because of that same reason (no was taking part in anything at all), i do enjoy playing on the server, came back to it when you released 1.7 the only reason myself and a certain other player (i wont drag names into this) left back in 1.52 was because of a certain war we got caught up in where me and him were constantly harrased and blocked into the liner that was the main trade route at the time, a lot has changed since then, people like Newpol (from first time we were on here) and Dopple etc. that have helped us when we started out and that was greatly appreciated, like i said i am not leaving the server i just dont have a lot of time to be playing anymore so clan membership i dont see as a viable option, lastly it has been pointed out more than once that SL should have made the choice of ASF or CSF, but we were told we were to stay nuetral to both......doesnt work like that, apart from the odd bounty we were given to do our roleplay was dead, had we been a member of either of the 2 i am damn sure people would have actually played more and taken part instead of just not bothering, i do see your point OP and i'm not going to say you are wrong, but i am no one-man clan, my pvp skills are nothing compared to someone like say Gunny so me taking that job was out of the question, i was un-aurthorised to recruit so bassically that meant i was online trading or killing npc's for the last month and that is not what a clan is all about

    With immediate effect i have resigned from SL, my SL char's will deleted as soon as i have transfered funds and equipment to Gunny, I have been offered to join more than 1 clan but i decline the offers as i will not be playing all that much for the time being therefore i do not see clan membership as an option at the moment, i do though appreciate those offers. I am not leaving the server and the reason i am giving everything to Gunny to do with as he pleases is because i want to start from scratch as a freelancer, if i was to transfer everything on to my new char's i would very quickly have nothing to do, this way i have the challenge of building my new char's with no help, new char's will have same names or derivatives of screamer/starscream. see you all in space.

    Not only as Gust says but also you can ask people in-game most are quite willing to help out, but as with all games you have to play it and explore (and there's a fair bit of exploring to be done...) A good piece of advice is to scribble a few notes here and there, remeber the trading system on CF is dynamic so if you find somewhere that's making you a good profit one time doesn't mean its going to be there next time you log on, most if not all will give you pointers on where to get ships/equipment but try not to ask too much it takes the fun out of exploring!

    Was a shame that happened to Warlock, was good fun so hopefully next time.... i will say though when we had a test pvp off to the side before event started i got next to no hull damage on his predator but i was thinking it was just my aim, havent done a great deal of pvp in the past so i put it down to that....

    if it don't work kick it (usually does the trick for me) ;) failing that as another person linked to myself on here would more than likely say 'chuck it in the bin and P!$$ on it!' LoL

    Welcome mate have fun

    Ummm i gotta say somethin.....

    If u know how to fly, evade etc its easy to get a flier to X and through coalition space, ive done it on several occasions and so have quite a few players, 3 of us together took fliers to Vorkuta without too much trouble so yeah on that note its possible and before that i took 1 to planet xfire to pick a drom up before i realised they are sold in Cust too...(early uber n00b days heh)

    Dont think anyone would want that Gunny, you do the job that has been put on you and from what i have seen nothing more, in the past you kicked me for not obeying SP oder to leave an ASF/CSF battle area which as i said at the time was fair enough and we have spoken once or twice since. ALL the SP are there for a reason and from what i have seen in the server rules people are not allowed to enter clan systems full stop without permission there for the SP role of removal of a player from a clan system by any means is all that has been done here, along with the the name calling all Gunny has done is his job so why point the finger....