Posts by LancelotOnCrack

    This is the subforum for banned account request and such? Sorry for the noob question, I am not a frequent forum lurker here.

    Yes. Unbans, problems with the mod, enhancement requests, reporting other players etc...

    And don't worry, my dude, we all been noobs with the forum (except OP - he really digs WoltLab Suite).

    Hey mate,

    CF requires a vanilla Freelancer installation, like Void does. I do not know whether Void mod does any modification to the original Freelancer installation, but it looks like one of the following must have happened:

    1. CF picked up vanilla FL files from Void installation path instead of where it actually is installed.
    2. Void altered the vanilla FL install files, which CF picked up.

    I will test these two scenarios myself.

    Edit: For unban, consider opening a ticket here.


    I'm not sure how exactly your encounter with Tribbs happened, but like I mentioned earlier, it must have been a mix of RP rules breaking, language barrier and attitude.

    Please, feel free to message me anytime about this or role play rules, or anything else that you need to know.


    • StarCraft BW -> Remastered.
      • This game still has it's own e-sport competition and even though it's main-streaming in South Korea, during the past 2 years the international interest for this game has grown (almost) exponentially.

    • Age of Empires 2 - HD / Remastered
      • The e-sport scene is not developed as in SC-BW's case, but there are still international competitions with nice prizes and loads of community love for it.
    • Diablo 2 LOD
      • Numerous mods out there that either improved the game based on players' demands or completely created a new world in it (eg: Annihilus, Median, Path of Diablo).
      • Community made D2 remastered - aka "Project Diablo 2" - has a lot of interest from both old and new players.

    • Half-Life
      • Community remakes on newer engines. Eg: Black Mesa <- this gets a lot of love on Steam.

    These are a few of the titles that come to mind in regards to their longevity and community/developer support.

    To my mind, when it comes down to Freelancer (a game which according to many players has revolutionized the space-sim genre), it's all about three things:

    1. Find out the needs of the current FL player-base.
    2. Find out what could be the appeal for getting new players in the game.
    3. Advertise the hell out of it.

    Sounds simple, but it's not.

    So, guenni7, if Freelancer servers would have an increased player-base, what else would be considered an incentive for you to play this game ?

    Alright, it makes more sense now, thank you.

    SWAT_OP-R8R there are no more server-side console messages.

    Before the new server, there were these nicely formed messages broadcasted to players in regards to eithe server rules, future events, etc... If you can restore them OR provide the text messages to a handful of people, this handful of people could start rephrase them. Eg: replace the ones saying that on each week day at specific time an event is going to happen (this is not the case anymore) with various individual RP rules, like the use of bats/bots during a PVP, or Arena rule, or the necessity of having a license, differences between license types etc etc...

    I think that what happened here is a mix of what Martind explained , language barrier and attitude. And I also believe that broadcasting key-rules via console messages would at least reduce the occurrence of

    I would gladly start the work on it, if you also think this would help.

    Hey, I know this was a challenge back in the day, and I've been searching the web for such a tool in the hope that someone would have developed a simple editor for character models. But I didn't find anything, so do you guys know if there is such a tool ? Or maybe a simple viewer tool capable of reading body, head and arms .dfm files - similar to how the hard cmp editor does with cmp files and textures.

    (two weeks later)

    We got three proposals for dealing with clan systems and bases AND a suggestion for individual players to be able to construct a less complex base.

    I think that the vote should be focused on dealing with clan systems and bases while considering the individual base construction option - therefore, I am not listing it in this poll.

    Regardless of the option we end-up with, we still have to refine some details - eg: new rent price of the system in case of Option #1; the amount of time a clan has to pay the rent before any option happens; deconstruction system in case of Option #3; etc...

    Option #1 - Relist system and base some time after the rent hasn't been paid

    • Remove clan billboards and messages from clan's system.
    • If exists, keep the base intact and lock it.
    • Set the system as available for rent.
      • The new rent price may be influenced by the base and i'ts completion status.

    Option #2 - Stash the base, remove it from system and list the system for rent 1 month after the rent hasn't been paid

    • Remove clan billboards and messages from clan's system.
    • List the system as available for rent.
    • If exists, lock and stash the clan base ( = archive it internally, but delete it from the system), so that if and when the clan representatives return, they have the option to:
      • Re-rent the system if is available.
      • Rent another system.
      • Redeploy their previous base in the newly rented system (previous or new one).
    • This option requires additional coding in order to enable base stashing and eventual redeployment.

    Option #3 - Base gradual deconstruction over time, and total deconstruction & system relisted for rent

    • If clan base doesn't exist:
      • Announce via forum and/or other public method (in-game system messages, carrier pigeons, etc) that the system will be available for rent in <insert amount of time here> if current owner will not pay the rent within that time.
    • If clan base exists:
      • Public announcement that the rent for system <system_name> was not honored.
      • The following actions will gradually happen to the clan's base and system:
        • Deconstruct a base module / or multiple base modules after every <insert_amount_of_time> pass.
        • When there are no more modules to deconstruct, delete base.
        • This process would be publicly posted so that everyone to know what to expect when a public announcement like this is made.

    • This is a very good incentive for other people (eg: clan's allies, friends, videochat sponsors, etc) to jump in and help by paying the rent in order to maintain the current ownership.
    • Apparently there are hidden clan base features which enable automatic base module deconstruction over time based on the presence of specific commodities and specific amounts. This feature can be activated for all clan bases, or just for those whose owners stopped paying the rent - to be decided.

    A'right, the topics in this thread start to multiply, and this is good, but keeping track of all of them in the same thread usually leads to stuff being omitted.

    So, I would like to conclude the Arena/The Hive/Colosseum so we have one less to worry about.

    Seems that most votes so far are on (Option #4) Let Arena an PVP and Event only system.

    Further discussions suggested that this option is better when complemented by (Option #3) Add AFK timer in Arena AND by some CF hook modifications that prevent placing bounties on players in these systems.

    These changes are basically described as follows:

    1. These systems are PVP and event systems only.
    2. Players in Arena/The Hive/Colosseum are out of role-play for as long as they stay there
    3. Players cannot tax/fine or set bounties on players that are in these systems.
    4. Players seeking refuge in these systems to avoid RP situations are breaking the rule, and this action can lead to the being reported.
      • I don't think there is an automated way to prevent all scenarios.
        • The hook can restrict (I think) access to the systems for players with a bounty/tax/fine on their head -> some scenarios are solved.
        • The hook cannot restrict access to a player that is being chased (with or without knowing it) by another player with the intent of taxing/fining/collecting bounty/collecting a contract.

    @Admin/Mod team: if you agree with the development on this topic, can you share your (final) thoughts) on it ? If help is needed for testing Huor 's modifications on the hook, I can help.

    Quote from Huor

    The base offers a possibility rusting and getting older with the time being. Also it could consume crew members and ressources to keep it active. All features which havent been used, yet.

    this really sounds interesting. Can be maybe this put as separate topic and explain what abilities can be implemenetd etc, so active players can ask etc.

    This could be the answer for one of the proposed solutions to the clan systems and bases problem.

    As for the global AFK kicker...

    I also like the suggestions by Martind Forlon except the AFK kicking everywhere. Please only do that in New York and Arena. I like to park my battleships at repair buoys in Inner Core for repairs and that usually takes longer (fair game for anyone who finds them of course)

    I agree with Apache. However, maybe the AFK kick can happen on all other areas except the repair buoys ?