Posts by Daverin

    So I just had a thought about a way trains can be used for even MORE money that usual... at extreme risk.

    Specifically, I was thinking that there could be two separate classes of cargo pods. There would the ones already existing... and then there would be Coalition containers. Basically, if you bring an alliance pod to Coalition space, or vice versa, it should pay off majorly.

    The risks and difficulties are obvious. The LOOONNNG travel time combined with the fear of the Nomads and Dom Kovash makes this foolhardy for all but the most patient and brave or foolish of freighters. That said, why go it alone? It could be a perfect opportunity to encourage RP between a merchant and some mercenaries or bodyguards of some kind.


    EDIT: Apologies, looks like this was the wrong subforum to post this in. Could it be moved to Mod Development?

    So, after looking at other threads, let me see if I understand this correctly:

    When carrying cargo pods, there is a house for each container that when you sell it, is worth millions. Am I understanding this correctly? Or is there a different factor for selling cargo pods?

    Also, is there anyone who can list which planet prefers which cargo?

    So, as a newcomer, I don't know everything going on, but I do have to say that I have not seen a great deal of "PvE" type RP opportunities. Of course, you and other players can make something up, like invading Nomad or DM space, but I really like stuff along the lines of the above suggestion, where you can make some sort of superpowerful NPCs that absolutely need a group to take down. And maybe there could be other things that can somehow involve NPCs like that, while encouraging others to get together and even helping them make up stuff for themselves.

    As for the "MMORPG" likeness of it... MMORPGs work. There are many things they do wrong, but they wouldn't have gotten so far if there wasn't anything they did right. This is an awesome game with great mechanics, great action, and a whole bunch of things a player can do, but the one thing it lacks is guided multiplayer opportunities, whereas most MMOs seem to lack what FL has, which is unguided, make up your own awesome thing to do. If we could find someway to take some of the guided stuff, it would definitely help keep more interest in the community, which then can reinforce the RP structure.

    Also would be cool to somehow make actual "player fleets" for PvE like events (or heck, even PvP. Saw a Discovery video where there was a fight between Liberty players and Rheinland players, capital ships included. I have no clue how often it happens here in CF, but it seems like not often enough.)

    I noticed the Yggdrassil earlier while looking at battleships to get.

    You are a horrible, horrible man, Michael, going through such lovely descriptions yet forbidding their purchase. :P

    So I just made my first venture into the Coalition space. Which, btw, that dimensional rift is legitimately intimidating, thanks to its sheer size. At any rate, I didn't check it out, as I wanted to get in and out of Coalition Space (was getting some items), and was being chased by what might have been a dozen nomad ships(!!!), but I noticed there was a nomad outpost... that was neutral to me.

    What. Could I dock in it? What happens there? What in blazes? I'm just imagining getting chased by Nomads, and then you just dock there and get a nice cold one with the Nomad bartender, or something.

    Wow, this got quite a bit of attention when I looked away.

    I honestly don't really feel like getting in the bad graces with the Rheinlanders. Not the least of which because I like that house the most, and plan to use their designs most of the time.

    If you kill reinforcements during a mission, how badly does it affect your rep? Sounds like a nice possible boost (and you are right, reinforced missions are quite common.) But again, I am pretty happy with my current rep.

    And I don't really use the ancillary weapons at all, like missiles, mines, and CMs; for the most part, the AI seems to be very good at ignoring them. So yeah, it leaves plenty to sell after each mission.

    @Duck_Dodgers Honestly if I had close to that much, I'd just get a soulforge train, which is really my current goal anyways. Its getting there that I am working on and trying to find the quickest way to. I appreciate the offer of help, and wouldn't necessarily be against some kind of assistance, but I kind of also want to accomplish this for myself.

    EDIT: Err, that was not intended. How do you delete posts?

    Haha, don't worry, I find myself drifting quite a bit. Still, having the CSF bearing down on you when you are just travelling gets painful... Just furthers my drive to get a big ol' battleship and blow them all up! >:D

    EDIT: All of a sudden, I feel like I may have made a statement that will cause me a great deal of PvP strife...

    Yep, I def use batts and nanos (need to remember they are a no-no for PvP...) Still tough for me. I actually did switch ships to one that is tough and manuevers well, the Scourge. Still, I have decided to move back to Oasis. Just so much easier, and really not that much worse of a payout. And actually generally closer objective locations... AND only a system away from a prison!

    Well then, I think we have a winner! Here's to my skills being good enough to not die out there.

    And I am very grateful for granting permission in your clan's system. I will be sure to conduct myself accordingly.

    Well now, I have been fortunate enough to get top of the line weapons, a Deathblade fighter (which is awesome, I love the handling and the cargo capacity), and am now working towards a train.

    I have been doing missions in Oasis, which are very nice, rather easy, and the targets' escape pods are all Lieutenant, meaning 100k a plop. That said, I am always looking for ways to make the money come quicker, so... what is the system with the highest difficulty missions? Or perhaps a mix between mission difficulty and actual ease of performance (lets face it, corsairs take longer to kill than outcasts, for example.)

    I just want to thank TLO (The Lost One) and Walks_in_the_dark. They both have been very helpful to me as a new player, and gave me a headstart to getting along in the server. I really do appreciate it, and hope to be able to return the kindness at some point!

    Holy crap, Michael, thank you! That was as expansive an answer as I could have hoped for! Now of course, the question of what aesthetic I like best...

    As Ray said, that seems to have given me most anything I could expect to need to know (at least, before getting into a fight). Now I am just in the process of finding good moneymakers, so I can get said capital ships... And I'll try to remember that people will be happy to help ingame as well. I will note that it seems that a large portion of the forum-goers is from Europe, and if this is representative of the players in game, then I may be on during less traffic, being in North America and all. It certainly seems quiet as I am playing...

    I probably also should try to get into the whole social action on the forums, eh? :P

    Hah, looks like quite a bit to keep in mind as I move on in tech!

    For what it is worth, I am looking towards a capital ship (which, btw, is there any significant difference between the battleships and the luxury liner? I'd love to pick the liner if it was just a "look how you want it to" thing.) How different does that make all of this to keep in mind?

    Oh, and, does number of weapons mounted or number of missiles/nanobots/anything affect speed? I read something somewhere about equipment weighing down, but not sure what it applied to.

    EDIT: AND while I am at it: if I understand correctly, larger ships need to "moor" to a base. What bases have moors? Just planets, or are there others?

    So, as I am trying to get better so that I will be ready to go out in the scary world of Crossfire where PvP can happen, I am trying to better understand the mechanics of the game. One thing I noticed a couple of times while reading around is suggestions about using high fire rate guns and avoiding turrets. Thing is, it also often was for someone who needed help better hitting a target.

    So I guess I have several questions:

    1. Are turrets useful? Should I avoid them, and if so, why?

    2. Is every kind of weapon useful? i.e. are you as able to win with a particle weapon as a laser weapon, so long as you are skilled at using them?

    3. Should I try to only use one kind of weapon, or is it workable or even preferable to used "combined arms", i.e. different types of weapons at once.

    4. Regarding energy, is it better to have the highlest class weapon risking loss of energy, or is it better to take it down maybe a class in order to avoid energy shortage?

    I am at least certain that I should keep at least 1 pulse weapon, since those just make shields seem utterly pointless. But not much else.