Posts by Daverin

    Worth noting, given my experience: Does it actually -crash-, or does it say the program "stopped working"? And if the latter, does it actually just freeze up?

    I ask because for me, it tells me it stops working. However, the launcher is actually fine. It can still load, and once it is done with its download, I can press multiplayer... and its fine. And the message is still there the whole time, waiting to be acknowledged. So if you have this issue, check to see if you can do that.

    Hey! I was just wondering if anybody had enough experience with the ships I am going to list below to answer some questions about them. Namely, how good is their maneuverability? I can see the rest of the stats, but I know that their agility is an important one, but not really indicated by the game's given information. If you could "rank" or "tier" them, that'd be even better, but just kind of knowing how good they are (especially in terms of being a good PvP/dogfighting ship), it'd be really appreciated. Also listed will be what system they are found in, in case it makes it easier to know what I am referencing.

    Claw: Omega-41

    Deathblade: Oasis

    Cayman: Kyushu (In full disclosure, I know this is considered top of the line for PvP; this is so I know how the others compare for the same purpose. The standard, as it were).

    Chimera: Helios

    Redemption: Tarsus

    I, err... okay then. So, whenever I boot it up, it tells me the program has "stopped working", and asks me to press the kill command. Thing is... it works just fine. If I just wait, it will load completely, let me press multiplayer, and work fine from there... all while the computer thinks it stopped working.

    Notably, it seems to be related to the different launcher you get after the first time through. Just weird. But oh well.

    Yeah, the original announcement of specs basically read "best in slot" for all hardware at the time of announcement. Now, quality moves fast, and thus price goes down pretty quick, and I believe the SC team hasn't gone too far into optimization runs for all the specs, but still, we are talking a very high end computer.

    I think SC can do well, but it DOES have that sneaky feeling of reading what happened to Duke Nukem Forever: ALWAYS something newer, bigger, and better to add, with the feeling of all the finances in the world, means eventually there simply was no chance of the game ever finishing development (until of course new developer acquired rights and all.) Sooo many cool features promised, some of them just sound... incredible. In the actual etymological definition of the word: In-credible.

    That said, they do have their modules coming along, so... yeah.

    Definitely nothing wrong with CF, though, and like OP said... realistic expectations of the time needed for SC means it won't even be "competition" for a long while yet.

    Oh I know Forlon, I had a train and all. Its easy, just can take time (and/or a bit of luck with daily routes available...)

    And nice to see such a warm welcome! Its always something you got to watch out for coming back to an online group after a few months; you never know where other people have been since then. Just glad to see its still running, and hoo boy am I eager to see 2.0 in action (of course, all in good time. And no, no I won't ask the question I know modders/developers hate... :P )

    I have to say... going through the Lexicon, I feel like I saw a couple of ships I don't remember being in the game before... probably just because information was scarcer then. Its awesome to see how detailed the Lexicon has gotten! Now I just need to remember the kings of the VHF in terms of PvP combat; all I remember is there is basically a "final tier" of VHF, and that amongst those, the ships with the best agility/maneuverability were the best to be piloting.

    EDIT: Well crap, looks like I need a new char. Serves me right for not copying account id after getting a new comp. :xD:

    DOUBLE EDIT: Uh oh. I lose connection once, which is nothing unusual. But now my CF launcher crashes on startup... I'm going to try reinstalling, and double-checking it was ran as administrator.

    I swear, UAC can go... well, do something bad to itself. :P

    Well... this was a longer break than I expected. Don't know if anyone remembers me at all (wasn't too far in before I had to take a break due to life), but I decided to return. I have had a real itching to play some space sim (and SC appears to still be a long ways away... as is the day I can afford the specs needed to apparently play it 8| ). Plus, this server was full of cool people.

    How has the server been since... November I guess. Anything exciting?

    And hopefully this time I will have the patience to acquire enough money for a battleship! :D

    Gunny Well, if I do go into the other side of the law, I'll be sure to watch out for you. Which seems not hard, since I so rarely see you on... which is weird since we are both U.S. based.

    Ironically, the only choice that I have ruled out is pirate. I could just as easily be a police officer. ;)

    I like the looks of the Bullpup, but

    a) Its BG. Don't know how willing they are to grant permission, esp if I become a smuggler.

    b) Why the Bullpup instead of the Liberty Gunboat? Sure, I lose thrusters, but a gunboat means extra durability to make up for it, has the same cargo, handles just fine, and has some mean firepower. At the least, why would a gunboat not work?

    And no, the miner is not as bad as a train, but that isn't saying much. :P

    So, I am considering becoming a smuggler. Thing is, I am not sure what is the best ship for navigating the common rough terrain the crime bases are in while still having great cargo and protection? Trains just sound like a horrible idea, I found the mining ship to be too large a profile to navigate... I'm thinking a good freighter is prob the obvious choice, but I was kind of wondering about either the armored transport or the liberty gunboat, which I find actually handles decently and has the cargo space of the Bullpup Freighter. Thoughts? This'll be useful info even if I don't smuggle, so don't let that stop you! :P

    Its not entirely in his hands. Running this HAS to cost money and time. WIthout people, his time is not being rewarded. Without clans paying, he doesn't have money. The latter in particular is rather difficult to resolve without someone stepping in to help him.

    I REALLY hate being a poor college student. And I even got my first capital ship. Dem gunboats are fun.

    At ANY rate, sounds like everyone who posted so far likes cargo pod runs to and from Coalition space. I suppose there is the question of what the Coalition would put in pods? Have they been established as using any unique alloys or somesuch? Not that OP couldn't elegantly make something to fit if he wanted to, of course...

    EDIT: And just as I am about to post I find OP giving unhappy news... Alas, had I money myself, I'd probably contribute. Seems like a small price to pay for what is a great experience.