Trains and Cargo Pods

There are 10 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Night-Hunter.

  • So, after looking at other threads, let me see if I understand this correctly:

    When carrying cargo pods, there is a house for each container that when you sell it, is worth millions. Am I understanding this correctly? Or is there a different factor for selling cargo pods?

    Also, is there anyone who can list which planet prefers which cargo?

  • your understanding is correct. each major house planet will sell all pods at 200000cr but buy one specific type of pod for over 1milion.

    I won't list the pods and planets for u here as I do not know how to create a spoiler, I can't even read a spoiler come to that.

    however, see me in game and I will, of course help you, as will most other soultrain players.

    incidentally, imo , the train is worth the large cash outlay, as it brings back loads of cash. it is a pig to fly, doesn't have particularly good shielding, has no bots or bats.
    it is important to watch your rep, as enemies can shred u very quickly. another thing, when u start out to buy a soultrain, avoid docking at anywhere until u have actually
    purchased it otherwise the collected commodity data on your exchange ship may become confusing. the soultrain can only moor at certain stations and most planets.

    anyways, enjoy your purchase, I will no doubt see u in game.


    Ray OK

    ps I am a relatively new owner of the soultrain. and have received untold help and advice from the other owners
    which is now being passed on to you. lol

  • Containers trade is 'static' so when you once know which container major planet buy, you can sell it there all times. You can also see this 'right container' when you look at base details using nav-map.

    .. and btw is also few small bases 'train' friendly. But it is rly for space exploring and talk in-game. I have bigger experience with train, so if you see 'Forlon' or SA_Trader02 just call for info :)

  • if you want i can send you a private message with the containers part.
    I do runs regulary, if your ever on at the same time, look up "madison" :)

  • Sure thing! And it does seem to be something that allows for more leisure with talking to others (when Hessians aren't f***ing you up...)

    Well you can neutralize your rep with all factions at the begining ( not Nomads or Doms ) if you do a certain
    Like me i love to trade, and nothing beats flying through a system and not being bothered by NPC pirates.
    Boring you say, well concidering the Soul Train is soo weak in the shield department which amaze's me as
    its a huge mother and expensive to start with, i think not.
    The only Pirates you have to worry about are real ppl Pirates.

    I can PM the secret to you, and its not a cheat b4 u ask... you can even do it on SP, if you know what to do.



  • If you still don't know where and what to see, let me tell you. Titanium conteiner for New York, Cobalt conteiner for New London, Berylium conteiner for New Berlin, Iribium conteiner for New Tokyo. I hope I've helped ;)

    Always have a thought for those you care about. That way they will never be forgotten even after they are gone.

    Edited once, last by Night-Hunter: . ().