problem entering x304

There are 22 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by goodone.

  • Hi,
    When i try to go to the x304 system my game crashes. i dock with the jump gate and then the game crashes. Does anyone know what could be wrong,

  • Enabled 3D sound? Turn it off within the audio-options from the main menu!

  • Hi there,

    Did you follow these Installation Instructions from Hägar and Dopple?

    Click the image above to visit us.
    "Sir, we are surrounded!"
    "Excellent, now we can attack in any direction."

  • Hi,
    i did all that but it still dosent work. i put all my previous saves in the fresh install so maybe thats the problem. i might have a corrupt save. i hope not because im level 13 and have 4.000000 credits. dont want to start all over again.

  • if you are playing on Single Player, dont launch crossfire on multiplayer, only on single player

    Let's trade and bring happyness to the universe :))

  • remove those savegames (they are incompatible with CF)
    and turn off the 3d sound
    then it will work



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • my savegames are crossfire savegames though. i tried playing the game from a previous save and went to x3043 and it worked, i got in. this is the weird thing though, it seems that the outcasts have to be my enemy for me to get into x3043. however after mission 9 in sp the outcasts become neutral to me and then the game crashes when i try to get into x3043. anybody know whats wrong.

  • Its maybe old CF version saves

    Proud member of the Independent Operators' Consortium ever since day 1 in Crossfire. :herz:
    In-game characters: (IOC)Tyrael, (IOC)HimejiFortress

    “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” Sun Tzu

  • ok now ive got a new problem. i was eventually able to enter x3043 and i went to daedulus. now when i try to leave to go nback to x3043 the game crashes so im stuck!

  • What I have noticed about crashing the game at the x 3043
    gates was because I haven't finished the game yet. Those gates are reliable then. and that 3d sound fix sounds
    good too.

  • if it does crash using a gate or jumphole then it is always because of 3d sound



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • only if its telling you to go somewhere and showing you a waypoint



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • This issue deserves a special note somewhere that everyone will see. It took me awhile and multiple useless reinstalls before I realized what the real problem is:

    If the story mode is currently showing you a mission waypoint, you cannot enter X-3043. Period.

    It has nothing to do with 3D sound, correct installs, or any other issues. Something in the original game crashes when trying to determine a path to the mission waypoint through X-3043 which has so many jump gates.

    This means that you can enter X-3043 only at specific times during the story. "Between" missions is okay, as long as you don't earn the required credits for mission advance within one of the X-connected systems. That reactivates the waypoint system, and could leave you stranded with no way to get back.

    You really need to wait until the story mode is complete before you gain full access to the new systems without trouble.

  • i got the same problme .. i lost 7 hours of maping systems in single player couse of this bulshiet thanx for write in readme or enywhere do not go to x system when u got mision or so really fucking nice now cannot do anything couse autosave is screwed .. fuck it i go play shadowbane

  • or better yet - maybe ALL jumgates/holes to CF custom systems [or maybe only those that lead to X (custodian etc)] should be locked until the story is done.

    <table border="0" align="center" width="75%" height="40px" cellspacing="0"><tr>
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  • Quote

    Originally posted by marcusdavidus
    i got the same problme .. i lost 7 hours of maping systems in single player couse of this bulshiet thanx for write in readme or enywhere do not go to x system when u got mision or so really fucking nice now cannot do anything couse autosave is screwed .. fuck it i go play shadowbane

    save often, this advice goes for any game or application on a computer

    example - word processor: it just does not sound good if u say to ur teacher that ur word processor crashed and u cannot hand in ur homework...

    General - DC commanding staff member & DC Truchsess
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    Karl Marx: To do is to be!
    Lenin: To be is to do!
    Freddie Mercury: Doo be doo be doo!
    RPG: Es gibt keinen Alkohol in Mittelerde! -> Mist!
    I heard that's me having a beer (^^):
    ..... O
    LI² \ ' /
    ..... ^
    ..... / \

  • omg freelancer make saves every time i dock or change system thi sis the first time ever i got not working save in freelancer . and ill use linux i dont got things like program crash or so so i use to think that program will work and dont crash couse of some one alse foult :P just write in damned readme somehwre on beginign DO NOT ENTER X ... i go thre just to sell pods couse no prison in bretonia and cannot fly and use prison in texas so i go to karrak and .. :( kaput anyone know save game editor to freelancer or so ?

  • Quote

    Originally posted by marcusdavidus
    anyone know save game editor to freelancer or so ?

    I have successfully used IONCROSS Freelancer Character Editor to redirect me to a different base when I got stuck somehow. (Usually when docking with too big of a ship, and it couldn't leave the dock).

  • i get the same problem when i go through a gate to Cambridge or cortez and again when i spend to much time in sol.
    And i don't think its 3D Sound causing the problem.

    (" )_(" )
    This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    signature to help him gain world domination.