almost no capital ship support.....

There are 68 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by sona1111.

  • i didnt considered #7 worth mentioning



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    #2: when swat you said earlier that no matter how powerful you made them they would still be easy for you to sounds like your PURPOSFULLY making them unbalanced in the fighters favor.

    ever heard about skill?
    battleships in CF have WAY MORE hull than fighters... they have very powerful weapons and move at a realistic speed
    give me the weakest of the heavy fighters and ill kill a battleship... not because of the fighter is soo good... but because i know how to kill a bs without a problem

    I'm well aware of skill and obviously there's a varying perspective on "skill". That aside, if I can ever manage to get the mod working, I'd very much like to see this skill of yours. It'll open my eyes to one of two things... either your "extreme skill" or a flaw of favoritism in the balancing. Either way, I have no complaints, you've made your point that you don't like the capital vessels early on; I'm just a curious individual.

  • so....

    ive been away for a while and i just want to know if you have made and positive cap ship changes yet.

    (this is the one place where a simple "yes" or "no" would do)

  • I´ve made some experiences with hostile Capitals in the past few weeks - and i think you need to do it too when in Game sona - not while sitting in a cap ship more trying to take em down in a fighter - ask inferno for a pvp with his castle ^^, it´s possible but not easy!

    Try to take them out alone - imO its well balanced atm. We don´t need to have stronger battleships or destroyers in the game.

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  • Sona, this thread has turned into a wide discussion about Cap Ships. This should not surprise you.

    As for that, enough of your sarcasm, time to grow up.

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  • Quote

    Originally posted by sona1111

    did you read anything? it snot more power *yawn*, its differnent customizable guns.......

    ill take that as a "no"

    Well, the work for it must be done - the question for me is for what or whom to say it directly?!

    When i´m online i see (or know that they are online) capital ships once a day for half an hour. This is not because of having four types of guns for them - this is bec. they are not used often...

    Btw. i followed this thread since its begining ;)

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