Open letter to EPSILON clan

There are 66 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Gunny.

  • You're dead. Every single one of you. You steal some ships from me, which is no big deal...........(well it is), but then you flee to NY to avoid the CFPD/ BG & LP chasing you to avoid the beating....and switching chars constantly to avoid being caught..........hope you have religion.

    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.

  • a joj .... and i told them this would have benn happen ...
    hm, i thinkl, because of healthy problems that could come, there will be no friendship pact with those ...

  • ok

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  • I have pics of

    4 of them + 1 Fallen in Cust
    4 of them + 1 Fallen in Tarsus
    2 of them in Franky buying equip in Shrouds

    Interesting message from a Fallen to me about them

    Naughty Fallen

    @usul - If i ever see that you (bad stuff) about other clans again (no matter if you hide it in Roleplay stories or say it public) it will be the last thing you have said here in this community.

    If you have a problem with what Ive said here... then leave my forum and my server!


  • Quote

    Originally posted by Gunny
    You're dead. Every single one of you. You steal some ships from me, which is no big deal...........(well it is), but then you flee to NY to avoid the CFPD/ BG & LP chasing you to avoid the beating....and switching chars constantly to avoid being caught..........hope you have religion.

    Greetings Gunny

    You must know that our actions in stealing your ships came with full knowledge of the repercussions. Another thing that you must know is that when coming after the Epsilon Clan, you will not be facing a bunch of noobs that you can take out at your free will. You will have your hands full when challenging us.

    It seems that you have been somewhat misinformed about the events that took place.
    Yes, we stole the ships. Yes, we did escape to NY awaiting for the shipment of weaps to come trough so we can equip said stolen ships. But, once that was done, we were out of NY in X3043 fighting with BG. I did not see any of the LP guys chasing us and the fact that 90% of the members only have one character so far, it would be kind of hard for us to be switching characters all the time. Don't you think..?

    When faced with a fight, we do no use cowardly tactics such as switching characters to avoid the challenge. We stand up to the opposing force. Do not mistake us for a weak or cowardly clan, because that will lead to your death and not ours.

    See you in space.

    EPSILON Clan Leader

  • I like it :-)

    Young Lynx, welcome to Crossfire mi hearty.

    Your dashing, brave, dubious and absolutely illegal actions have certainly lit a fire here - I hope you get what u seek

    Who are u guys and what is your roleplay?

    Whilst the authorities will no doubt have their hands full re educating you guys, the rest of us will be FREE,

    Pirates, the universe is ours!!

    To note:

    In roleplay terms you have basically gone into someones house, stolen their brand new DVD players they have been saving up for Christmas, took all the furniture, and urinated in the kitchen.

    Then burned their house down.

    I hope this roelplay with CFPD and BG can stay at that level, lets not let it get personal.

    Good luck brave (probably soon dead) Epsilon

    @usul - If i ever see that you (bad stuff) about other clans again (no matter if you hide it in Roleplay stories or say it public) it will be the last thing you have said here in this community.

    If you have a problem with what Ive said here... then leave my forum and my server!


  • ok

    <a href="index.php?mforum=lostprophets" class="nav"><img src="" width="120" height="120" border="0" /></a><a href="index.php?mforum=lostprophets" class="nav"><img src="" width="330" height="120" border="0" /></a>

  • I would not say they are ex Fallen - but maybe

    The nice gentlemen in Franky I met whilst they were stocking on Equip were English I think.

    And Warp - what is that and how can one do it?

    @usul - If i ever see that you (bad stuff) about other clans again (no matter if you hide it in Roleplay stories or say it public) it will be the last thing you have said here in this community.

    If you have a problem with what Ive said here... then leave my forum and my server!


  • Thnx for the welcome Kwisatz.

    Please guys do not mistake anything that is said in character as being personal. Anything that needs to be said OOC, will be said in the appropriate section of the forum. my previous post was all in character. Nothing more.

    About regening in battle. After having read the rules I did not see anything about regening not being allowed. i was only informed of this rule by SP in game last night. We have been playing on servers where regening was allowed, but if it is not allowed here, then we are going to abide by it.

    Narando ?(?(
    Sorry Saxon, that names sounds nothing like any of the names that our members have. ;)

    EPSILON Clan Leader

  • ok

    <a href="index.php?mforum=lostprophets" class="nav"><img src="" width="120" height="120" border="0" /></a><a href="index.php?mforum=lostprophets" class="nav"><img src="" width="330" height="120" border="0" /></a>

  • First of all hello all.
    my english are not so good and sorry for that but i try. :D:D
    i want to say that yes we stole the ships because the bg dont five us permision for 3 days now.
    then we go in and we stole the ships.
    the game called freelancer my friends and we are all free :D:D:D
    about our role play lynx will gonna announce it :D:D:D
    every clan wish to be neutral or friends post in lynx.
    thats all for me my friends see you in space.
    T he only i want to say it is a game and some people dont take it personal with some things. :] :] :] :] :]

    cya in space

  • Quote

    Originally posted by {LP}Saxon{X}
    u know, the shift-W, jump i mean

    I dont know - what does that do?

    @usul - If i ever see that you (bad stuff) about other clans again (no matter if you hide it in Roleplay stories or say it public) it will be the last thing you have said here in this community.

    If you have a problem with what Ive said here... then leave my forum and my server!


  • ok

    <a href="index.php?mforum=lostprophets" class="nav"><img src="" width="120" height="120" border="0" /></a><a href="index.php?mforum=lostprophets" class="nav"><img src="" width="330" height="120" border="0" /></a>

  • mano ..... this is going to be really funny ... someone threats Gunny that he is going to die .... damn , shit, why now ??? why am i going on holidays now ??!!! noooooo ....

    anyway ... like i said: {LP} clan will stay our of these shits .. we are pirates, but honourable pirates, and we are on this server long time already and nothing is going to prevent us to kill others. if we will feel in danger, prepeare to die.. whoever you are...

    you just have fun guys ... welciome to the server ... just dont even try to intrude Daedalus .. you only have to ask nicely to for permission ... dont obey tis, and its really going to be your last ... i think /frags speak for themselfs ...

  • hmmm ... i speak as leader of BG now when i say that entering our clansystem without permission... using it to escape to NY while being chased, buying ships without permission and violating system rules wont stay unpunished

    and the use of bots/bats is since the days of the old elite server (4 years ago) a dishonourable act which is only done by weak clans which cant fight better
    using F1 is not better

    BG will chase and kill the rulebreakers and nothing can stop us... if you think you can deal with it fine... maybe you will be the first clan which has a chance against the 2nd oldest clan in FL (all others before didnt have)

    i also like to know why fallen said that epsilon can get nephele by just claiming it their clansystem and that a charge for it is not needed... im expecting an explaination



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Quote

    Originally posted by SWAT_OP-R8R

    and the use of bots/bats is since the days of the old elite server (4 years ago) a dishonourable act which is only done by weak clans which cant fight better
    using F1 is not better

    We need to really put this in the server rules/ roleplay rules next time its updated as it aint there.

    Simply Bots/Nans not allowed in pvp

    @usul - If i ever see that you (bad stuff) about other clans again (no matter if you hide it in Roleplay stories or say it public) it will be the last thing you have said here in this community.

    If you have a problem with what Ive said here... then leave my forum and my server!


  • hi again

    i see swat you are very adjectival with us. we have not either one day in the server. i dont know if you speak as admin or bg but about you said that with out nano and bats a lot of active server with mods can use bat and nano. we dont see the rule in here and we fingure that allowed. am i be clear for one?
    the other i want to say is that we ask fallen what system is free and it says maybe nefeli. and we send you a message for that. i think the message was private for that we ask you.
    not in publish, if you like we will send you publish about what we think and no private.
    the other i want to tell you i dont know your age and i dont care, all epsilons are from 36- 53 and we are all friends.
    if you dont want us here please tell it now my friend because as i see you catch us frrom our neck.
    as we say it only a game dont be personal. we play also a lot of servers and also be a server police and i know a lot of things also.
    so we must keep all in calm so not to be personal. peace for everyone.
    the fights must be keep them for freelancer only.

    sorry again for my english are not so good. i think you undestund for what things i say.
    also for some people that tell that one epsilon knows only german i say yes he speaks german but he is greek , he is the only greek that leaves out of greece.

    soooooooooo boys play fair and enjoy the game [40] [307]

  • Quote

    Originally posted by {LP}Saxon{X}
    LOL, and the guy we had cornered was up in Hokkaido, Narando or something like that, an epsilon tag, he claimed to only speak german, which kinda makes sense for an ex-fallen. He used Warp in battle to regen his shileds the wimp!. and that was when he used nanos too. double wimp!.

    obviously you cannot be a pirate clan as pirates are harder than that.

    was entertaining though. [8]

    His name was Fanor or Faron or somthing, we wanted to tax him but he refused, so we chased him untill he died, and yes, he did keep recharging, which kinda got annoying ^^.
    But we whooped his arse didn't we Sax? Arrrrr [8]

    EDIT: I'm the one who killed him eventually (yay first LP kill for me :D).

    [8] {LP}TackledLobster{X} [8]

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Lynx
    When faced with a fight, we do no use cowardly tactics such as switching characters to avoid the challenge. We stand up to the opposing force. Do not mistake us for a weak or cowardly clan, because that will lead to your death and not ours.

    See you in space.

    You obviously don't know Gunny, don't taunt him :O.

    [8] {LP}TackledLobster{X} [8]

  • right you are not long here but from a clan i expect to read the damn rules before playing and not violating them
    and yeah there are alot of active servers where bats and bots are used... and alot of them are hosted by wannabe admins that have to use cloaks or other shit to get some respect and most clans there aint any good
    they know nothing about FL and its history

    and no - there is no written rule about not using bots/bats... because breaking the serverrules would get you banned
    instead we have something better... i set such reloaders on serverwide KOS which where these guys will end up chased by every other player on the server until they run out of money and interest or stop reloading

    the message you have sent to me was about a server related issue and therefore NOT private

    i dont care how old you are... age does not matter for me since if seen kids being more mature than grown up men... but i can assure you that you not deal with a kid here (if you feel better then)

    and dont take it personal too... but if you violated rules then you have to deal with consequences... not more ... not less (actio et reactio)

    oh and maybe i should mention that i usually dont trust clans that play on different servers since such clans give a damn about a community
    the CF clans play here... they work for this community... they support it... they are friends and stay here even in bad times and help each other
    and therefore they have rights that other clans will never get
    (not to mention that some other communities out there are considered enemies since they did act in dishonour towards us and others)

    if you stay on CF or not is just your decision.... because you are responsible for your actions and all resulting consequences
    so feel free to stay... but act in this way



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!