CF Grand Melee Event

There are 286 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Crysis.

  • TDM 29th June

    [SIZE=3]Team 1[/SIZE]

    SMG_Picard 11/10
    SMG_Jack_Bauer 18/6 +2 rampages :won:
    (Fallen)Ryder_hook 12/6
    Wolke_Warrior 1/6
    TRF_Marauder 7/7
    Wizzard 8/21
    [SFP]Luka13 9/21

    Team Score 66/77 :won: - better K/D Ratio

    [SIZE=3]Team 2[/SIZE]

    |PX|Black_Arrow +1 rampage 13/8
    BG_Spiky' + 1 rampage 15/5
    DC_Maxbur 12/18
    SMG_Simba 8/9
    (Fallen)Silentwing 11/16
    [SFP]Mellon 2/23
    TRF_Lucy 6/16

    Team Score 67/95

    thx for the participation, see you soon

    Fleet Captain Spiky / WL

  • Yeah, but we also had more selfkills i think. Anyway, it was good fun. Big thanks to Spiky, it's real cool to just drop in and take part in a TDM and not having to manage it (it's even better to know that 13 guys were waiting for me, hehehe)
    I could get used to that :D

  • Well organized and coordinated. Hell of a lot of fun. Think even CHAOS couldnt improve on it except for the RP. think I could get used to this. Thanks Spiky.

    If you enjoy CHAOS and want to spread throughout the Universe the domination of the criminal kind then add this to you sig.


    Originally posted by SWAT_OP-R8R
    [SCHILD=19]Chaos rulz[/SCHILD]

    If you are afraid of doing something there is no better reason for doing it!!!
    My real Life Profile

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Bond
    Yes, and when i see you, i am a "little bit" in the dispersion.But for THIS feeling, always rdy to pay price![fuck] because you are so ugly when [wayne], and this is not good for...:pimp:

    i sincerely beg your pardon, but wtf r u talkin' about???


    No wait, i guess i don't wanna know.

    Btw, i'll be around next Monday so you don't have to host the TDM, Spiky.

  • July 7th

    TEAM I
    SMG Jack Bauer 13/12 :won:
    SMG Simba 8/14
    PX Soryn 5/10

    Total: 26/36 :won:

    BG Spiky 10/8
    SFP Xiss: 5/12
    TRF MissBehave: 7/17

    Total: 22/37

    Good fights, lotsa fun and thanks for participating.

    PS: Will be away from July 11th until July 25th, so if anyone wants to step in and host a TDM, feel free to do so.

  • July 20th

    Team 1

    BG_Spiky 23/10 +1 rampage :won:
    SMG_Picard 20/18
    50ct 6/45
    [SFP]Salim 13/41

    Team Score: 62/114

    Team 2

    SMG_Simba 21/16
    DC_Blade 14/23
    Wizard 11/9
    DC_Maxbur 19/19
    {LP}Esi_md{X} 3/12

    Team Score: 68/79 :won:

    thx for participating

    Fleet Captain Spiky / WL

  • Juli 27th

    Team Pink Bananas (aka Whackos, aka 'if we weren't that silly we'd probably think of a better name')
    TRF Marauder 2/9
    BG Spiky 9/8
    DC Hipogriff left!!!!
    DC Maxbur 17/18 :won:
    SMG Eclipsya 7/9
    TRF Huor Surion 10/9 (sic!)
    SFP Viper Salim 2/9

    Total: 47/62 :won:

    Team II
    TRF MissBehave 8/20 :(
    SMG Picard 15/10
    PX Zaphod 5/10
    SFP Xiss 5/9
    SMG Argos 2/5
    SFP DeathEater 6/13

    Total: 41/67

    Thanks all for participating, good fights all around and next time someone calls my team names the event will take an alltogether different course. Yeah, Marauder, that means you :D

  • sorry for tonight my net failed :( sorry very much


  • No biggie, hipo, but if possible it would be cool if you come back for the stats.

  • TEAM I

    Wolke Warrior + rampage 6/7
    SMG Picard 22/9 + rampage :won:
    TRF MissBehave 11/16 and queen of selfkills :rolleyes:
    DC Ancalagon 12/9
    PX Zaphod 5/7

    Total 56/48 :won:


    TRF Huor Sùrion 8/13
    TRF Marauder 3/11
    PX Avian + rampage 13/8
    Fallen Silentwing 7/19
    Konung 0/14

    Total 31 65

    Good fights all around and thanks all for taking part.

  • TEAM I

    BG Spiky 8/2
    DC Hipogrif 8/7
    BG Coryntos 4/16
    PX Zaphod 5/7
    PX Hawk 7/3
    TRF Huor 5/9

    Total: 37/44 :won:


    SMG Picard 12/8 :won:
    SMG Simba 9/9
    PX Azzy 2/11
    PX Semaka 3/2
    DC Ancalagon 0/9
    TRF MissBehave 7/16

    Total 33/55

    Mille grazie a tutti chi hanno parteciato, mi e fatto tanto piacere. ;)

  • August 24th

    TEAM I
    SMG Jack Bauer 21/17
    PX Bitzy 0/22
    DC hipogrif 8/22
    TRF MissBehave 10/28

    Total 39/87


    DC M@xbur 23/14 + rampage :won:
    SMG Picard 18/11
    SFP Xiss 8/10
    DC Blade 9/20

    Total 58/51 :won:

    Thanks all for taking part, next time with less lag i hope.

  • September 7th

    TEAM I
    DC Hipogriff 3/10
    SFP Deatheater 11/8
    TRF Huor Surion 6/12
    Pile 0/12
    DC Maxbur 20/14 :won:
    BG Corynthos 14/14

    Total: 54/70 :won:

    DC Blade 14/23
    SMG Picard 16/12
    TRF MissBehave 11/30
    Fallen Mercenaro 0/16
    DC Iani dropped out

    Total 41/ 81

    Good fights all around.

  • hmm the TDM player results do not seem to be showing enough to conclude of a certain pattern..