Hi, any way to remove the text on Screen that show up every 5 min ? ....
Console messages - request [REJECTED]
- Lampro V
- Thread is marked as Resolved.
what text?
on the server, there are text on screen every 5 min, about event and stuff like that, i find that immersion breaking.
also about the singleplayer campaign, i need to set off open sp is that right ?
Console messages are there for a reason... especially on the server.
And yes, you need to turn of OpenSP if you want to play the campaign.
Console messages are there for a reason... especially on the server.
I do understand but i dont have a red fish memory, so no need to remind me the same shit every 5 minutes at least every 15/20 ALRIGHT, or just give the players an options to turn off/on that flooding text whenever they want too.......... But right now i just feel like behing flooded and i find that flood immersions breaking, so how can i show off the text on screen ?
And yes, you need to turn of OpenSP if you want to play the campaign.
I do understand but i dont have a red fish memory, so no need to remind me the same shit every 5 minutes
your memory certainly is fine... but other players... well...
The software displaying the messages is part of the server and has fixed interval which i can not change.
Considering that there are 16 different messages, one cycle of messages takes 80mins... which I think is reasonable.
The only messages which repeat in a shorter amount than that are restart reminders during the daily maintenance.
So there is no choice but getting our screen full of text every x times ?
Thats kinda ........ Annoying + something i d'ont like, there should be a client side option to setup the delay between each message or something like that, it break my immersions when i play or want to record some video for example.
For example in settings we have an option to hide the hud, why n'ot about those text too ? ......
The software displaying the messages is part of the server and has fixed interval which i can not change.
Sorry i can n'ot believe in that
I also don't like many things in the world and can not change it.
If all my wishes would be granted a lot stuff would look and work differently but that is not how it works.
For example in settings we have an option to hide the hud, why n'ot about those text too ?
In settings you see this option because we found triggers for this very specific function. That does not mean that we know the triggers for the chat nor that such triggers even exist. Maybe you should consider that this is a 18 years old game to which we still don't have access to the source code.
This being said I would not even want this to be possible because then the people on the server would not receive any messages about updates, maintenance or anything else important that I am sending to them and as a result of this they would not know when I want them to do something specific like restarting the client in order to receive updates. And if they don't know about such important stuff because of such a (atm not existing) feature then the result will be server crashes, bugged chars, banned accounts and most importantly a pissed developer (me) because important tests and patches won't show the expected results.
Sorry i can n'ot believe in that
What you believe has very little importance compared to what I say.
I also don't like many things in the world and can not change it.
If all my wishes would be granted a lot stuff would look and work differently but that is not how it works.
In settings you see this option because we found triggers for this very specific function. That does not mean that we know the triggers for the chat nor that such triggers even exist. Maybe you should consider that this is a 18 years old game to which we still don't have access to the source code.
This being said I would not even want this to be possible because then the people on the server would not receive any messages about updates, maintenance or anything else important that I am sending to them and as a result of this they would not know when I want them to do something specific like restarting the client in order to receive updates. And if they don't know about such important stuff because of such a (atm not existing) feature then the result will be server crashes, bugged chars, banned accounts and most importantly a pissed developer (me) because important tests and patches won't show the expected results.
What you believe has very little importance compared to what I say.
Hello yes that i can totally understand, then it would be nice to have longer delay between message, tbh and my feeling i really have the impressions that my screen is flooded of diverse message.
And source code or n'ot iits your mod so your creations, so you can control stuff like that.
take care.
Not every tool used on the server was created by me and not everything can be altered by me and without source code the things you can do is VERY limited.
Ok i understand. Well i may move to another online mod just because of that, immersions is something i do care sorry.
but still you did an amazing job, doing the SP campaigns actually, like it very much.
good luck then because I am pretty sure that the other servers use exactly the same banner displays
For well over 15 years this is established on almost all servers.
Crossfire is not Spotify
btw is there a way to get the music from lets say Nephele system ? that very very noice music.........
Crossfire is not Spotify
got the music anyway so.
seems umad.
Next Job for SWAT_OP-R8R make Crossfire Tunes for Crossfire Server
not mad, disappointed
FLs lifetime actually expired 2007 and despite this sad truth, modders (not me exclusively) decided to keep the game running by putting a lot of work into it.
Much time, much work but also the trust and good will of other people which created stuff, that we are allowed to use in our mods, either for free or based on specific license agreements or even because we modders have even invested money to buy rights and permissions of use.
The terms of use that every Crossfire player has to accept during the installation of the mod serves to protect years of work. It protects our own work but also the work of other people which gave us permission to use their work aswell the work of people and organisations we actually have contracts with in order to provide specific content.
Everytime the terms of use are being violated puts our work at risk.
We might lose permissions and licenses we already have and we might also end with not getting any new permissions if content we released as part of our mod is being used like a music library.
To explain this over and over to people actually goes against fiber of my being but it is the sad truth.
SWAT_OP-R8R The people here to play and enjoy this Mod you have created with all these things Music shaders Missions etc. we know how much work it is and cant be payed with money but sometimes you have people make this great mod down because they dont understand that all here and sorry i take a german word for this "Querulanten" dont know the english word . But the y come and go the core here will stay like me
so fu.. o.. for these
thx for this Mod
Well, what a welcome. You're new to a community that provides a lot of new and reworked content for a very old game - and it's free. Anyone can use it for free.
Fortunately, there are supporters who still keep this place alive.
Then, of course, you come along as the new guy and demand and get pissed off when a certain feature of the game can't be changed to your liking. And still admit having ripped out content for your own purposes.
That's what I call a successful start. If you do the same in real life, then I can hardly imagine that this approach will be successful - I hope for your sake that it will not be
If that's why you want to leave - we can get along better here without such *troublemaker* (guess it's the appropriate translation, Requiem).
Then, of course, you come along as the new guy and demand and get pissed off when a certain feature of the game can't be changed to your liking. And still admit having ripped out content for your own purposes.
ho but am n'ot the only one who complains about that, they just d'ont say anything when me i tell you that getting pop up message every 5 min is annoying.
If that's why you want to leave - we can get along better here without such
Yep am moving to Discovery, there is more player there as well, everything i need.
You can delete this account as well.