Star Wars - Rise of Skywalker

There are 23 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by SWAT_OP-R8R.

  • Agree with SWAT and most of the other comments here.

    I've enjoyed the new SW films to a point as they certainly look good and sound good.. but because I have a habit of thinking about things too much I find myself quickly building a list of annoyances related to plot, story, & characters haha.

    The line "Which way is up sir?" pretty much summed up the amount of brains behind the new film for me lol.

    The spin off content has been way better. Rogue One was brilliant, Solo was pretty good, Mandalorian was excellent. So yeah they can keep making horrible main SW films if it means we keep getting all this great spin off content as far as I'm concerned haha!

    Blake's Sanctum:

    - Total Conversion mods: Star Trek Doom 2, Quest for Glory IV-3D Hexen, & Star Wars Civilization 2
    - Game Shrines: Age of Wonders, Babylon 5 Games, Command & Conquer, Elder Scrolls, Dune Games, Final Fantasy, Freelancer , Heroes of Might & Magic, Master of Magic, Quest for Glory Series, Starflight, & Star Trek Games

  • It's also ironic that we get to see more nicer storylines in the games and not in the main movies, with a budget of around 200-300 million dollars.

    What they need is just a new story, with a great director, producer... but no, they don't want to spend money because that's all that it comes down to => $

  • btw ... in my country there are now re-played in TVs "old" SW series. Yesterday I watched The Empire Strikes Back and I still cannot believe how much better they are (story) when compared with this last addon. It is in fact really hard to compare, its like from another universes :) ... I think that SW universe would be much better if sequel trilogy was never released. It not had bad moments, but story is pure disaster (and it is going exponentially worse with 2nd and 3rd film). It really need to go back and look on old series to refresh memory and then you can clearly see how bad this last serie is ...

    I enjoyed Empire Strike Back and look forward to the next movie ... and I saw these multiple times. Sequel trilogy 1st film I watched few times, 2nd once and 3rd once ... <X

  • this ~90mins analysis is more entertaining than the movie... worth watching



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