There are 35 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Cartman.

  • *Lasers 2nd identity ''The Ninja'' appears on the screen: [SIZE=3]Thanks for the introdcution Cartman. I`ll be looking foward for killing you soon!!![/SIZE]

    Assumption is the mother of all fuckups.

    Being a Cynic isn't that bad. Either I'm right or I am pleasantly surprised.

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  • Quote

    Originally posted by StingRay

    If you don't pay the tax then you can expect to be shot.

    Getting shot when you don't pay tax, ok, but remember that you should refrain from dockrapes.


    It's just a game, and it will always remain a game

  • im gonna take a wild guess at what he's calling a dockrape

    Either, its because i always pirate in the same spot, usually without moving, and it happens to be on one side of a jump gate. But i always say "Tax!" then, before i shoot.

    It might be the time i was gettin attacked by 7 people at once, and i knew he was on the other side of a hole, so i waited till he came out, engadged, and when he eventually ran away, i hid in a debris feild. I dont know, Swag, what are you talkin about?

    I am god of the sea people.

    "If you ever touch Mr.Kitty, ill put a M80 in your nutsack and blow your nuts all over your pants."- That goes for shooting at my transport too.

    MW Gonna Rule The Earth!

    or at least you.

    Charachters- [MW]-XXL-[X] [MW]-Cartman-[X]
    [MW]-10-CENT [MW]-KONIG and in development:
    [MW]The_Oak. Thats right, run and hide.

    West Coast For Life

  • Dockraping is engaging a human player when he has just left a station/base/gate/hole and not have gained control of his ship yet. In such a situation you can get the shield down and hull damaged before the player can react. (DK's are good dockrapers, even with a maxed out fighter you can find yourself being blown to pieces before even starting up your thrusters).

    This is a rule every player has to obtain, no matter the role you play.


    It's just a game, and it will always remain a game

  • Quote

    im gonna take a wild guess at what he's calling a dockrape

    Dockrape is defined as attacking a player within 6 seconds of their launching from a base/jumping in system (unless they open fire on you first) - which as said above indicates that the player has control over their ship.


    Either, its because i always pirate in the same spot, usually without moving,

    Sitting in the same spot for hours waiting for your prey is called a) boring, b) camping, c) planning ahead, and d) laying a trap :D

  • dockraping = getting killed within 6sec after leaving station

    jumpgates or jumpholes dont count coz you always could take another way or fly around before you pass the gate/hole



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Nitro I assumed teh_crow misused the term dockrape when he said it happend in Dublin. There is no place to dock a train in dublin. Shooting a fleeing play trying to dock with a station, gate or hole has always been acceptable.

    burro There may not be an official, bannable, rule against invading clan systems, but we have all agreed that this is a rule and is not to be done as it will lead to chaos. I'm sure the leadership of CFPD don't want there members challenging players to invade Tarsus.

    The reason I posted the reply was the two statements made it seem that teh_crow was complaining about the RP that we all play, and inviting ppl to break the rules.

    I was just suggesting he discuss this with his leaders so that they could explain it better.

  • sure, i have a limited idea of the term RP and dock rape, dock rape was cleared up by op, yes i indeed understand this term, junkers oak, always uses his cruiser to block the jumpgate in dublin to hyperion, so when i came through the leeds jumphole, i was assuming that would be the safest, u know not coming through the nl jg/jh, when i came through the leeds jh, b4 my screen returned to me i was at 5% hull, of course i ran, he's in a cruiser....

    secondly, the asking of them to invade tarsus... well im yet to actually meet a junker, whom can pvp well, i took out ldogs battleship in my fighter... so needless to say they can't fight pvp... well

    i feel it necessary to add this post to clarify my situation.... i dont have a problem with pirates, or rp, or anything else u guys do, but when im trding in rhineland, and u come all the way from dublin to camp me, or when im doing sol run, u change chars and sneek about making it look like ur not gonna come to where i am to attack me, it starts to feel more personal then just u doing ur rp....

    i have been chased across 5 systems b4, chased from char to char, i have been dockraped coming out of planet NB, dockraped coming out of planet LA, yes it feels a bit of a personal attack, well i have uber $$$, and uber ships, so i invite the pirates to a few friendly pvp's in arena.... oh nvm i know u wont come to arena

    but like i said, im not trying to complain or w/e, its just i seem to be getting targeted more than anyone else, chased, tracked down, most of the time when and if i trade, getting a new route just isnt an option, hell ive even bought an apc to do some small runs, and i even get attacked then ruthlessly, they dont even ask for tax anymore they just shoot. guess they've given up on me actualy paying them, and as i was told already if a cfpd pays tax, he gets kicked :( so ok now im asking for advice, how should i trade... get a new untaged char? which i will be banned for??

    i know im the new cfpd, and therfore dont know how to handle multiple constant attacks, and im pretty much the only way ppl can hurt a cfpd, cause the pirates know if they try doing this to another cfpd they will get rolled so bad, dun worry, im getting much better, better than 130 pvp's in 4 days, i will get better, much better, so yea, im a newb now, but lol will u die many many many times when im not

  • i would suggest leaving a fully equipped fighter in dublin
    and then doing a run in you train if as you say you have
    lots of money sacrifice a cargo and as soon as you are killed switch chars to fighter and then kill the cruiser
    head straight for NL wher he will respawn and kill him again dont let up the pressure and keep killing him, (I realise that camping and F1 ambushes are not considered by all as fair and good RP but its my belife if a cruiser can F1 ambush a train then a fair response is a fighter F1 ambushing a cruiser in fact the cruiser has much more chance against a fighter than a train against a cruiser)

    then tell him every time you bother my train i will kill you 10 times

    stick to it and soon you will be to much hassle to bother

    or you could just enjoy the RP and try to avoid contact with pirates at all when u are in your train as most of us do

    but it deos seem you are a favorite target of the junkers
    so i would do a bit af harsh enforcement with them and send out the message you are not to e targetted or there will be consequences

  • If you want to trade, get someone to help you. If you are in a clan, ask a clanmember for help. When you pay him 20% of the profit, and the clan bank 30%, then I don't think that people from your clan would be reluctant to help you.


    It's just a game, and it will always remain a game

  • Teh_crow is referring more specifically to one certain {LP} , who is questionable anyway, who sits outside the Planet LA and taxes traders, docking AND undocking and if these players do not pay, he kills their train.

    Well to make it worse, he taxes them EACH time they undock and in a few cases, MULTIPLE times to a SINGLE player.

    So I personally took an interest in this {LP}, he now logs off or changes ships to stay about 8 systems distance from me......I think I made my point.

    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.

  • i think we are pretty up front about taxing. I have never ambushed anyone, if your in a train in NL and you see
    New Player- {Junkers}The_Oak" then i think many would know exactly what awaits them at the Hyperion gate.

    Which has led to alot of IOC's and UAC's and CFPD's chasing me around dublin....

    My this was such a good idea at first... oh well...

    I am god of the sea people.

    "If you ever touch Mr.Kitty, ill put a M80 in your nutsack and blow your nuts all over your pants."- That goes for shooting at my transport too.

    MW Gonna Rule The Earth!

    or at least you.

    Charachters- [MW]-XXL-[X] [MW]-Cartman-[X]
    [MW]-10-CENT [MW]-KONIG and in development:
    [MW]The_Oak. Thats right, run and hide.

    West Coast For Life

  • Cartman it is still a good idea. We need Pirates, it makes the game fun and all of the bravado is also part of the fun.

    Besides, I havent had the time to kill you yet. LOL

    Yes Burros Do Bite.

    Chars: SMG_Burro and derivatives thereof

    SMG Forums

  • Yeah i was out with L dog tonight, i tell ya, that new ship hes in, hes pretty sick with it. Were getting better. Not bigger... oh well, maybe will find some that are our type...

    And crow, i think alot of your woe (not just from the junkers) is coming from those four pretty letters infront of your name.

    I am god of the sea people.

    "If you ever touch Mr.Kitty, ill put a M80 in your nutsack and blow your nuts all over your pants."- That goes for shooting at my transport too.

    MW Gonna Rule The Earth!

    or at least you.

    Charachters- [MW]-XXL-[X] [MW]-Cartman-[X]
    [MW]-10-CENT [MW]-KONIG and in development:
    [MW]The_Oak. Thats right, run and hide.

    West Coast For Life