Critique and suggestions

There are 17 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by MarcBomber.

  • I just flew around Sol sector for a while - I'm impressed and dissapointed at the same time.

    Where to start?

    I'm gonna start listing suggestion and critique for the improvement of the mod.


    I hate to say this, but the Order ships are terribly textured. My old UV mapping was left more or less in tact, but the ships have been painted over with ONE single texture.
    Also, the position of weapons on the ships is terrible - why put all the weapons on top of the ship?

    Well, I can help with this - I have some free time availabe so I can do some texturing if hte ships models and I can send them over with the textures. I know what feel you're aiming for this time.

    The scaling of ships is allso way off - the command tower on the Broadsword for instance is smaller than my light fighter???
    Capships don't use trade lanes so make some of them big.
    Jump gates and cocking moors could allse be bigger.

    Next, the capship weaponry is limited - just one tpye of gun for all ships, regardless of clas and size. Devirsity is a good thing - give capships anti-fighter weapons (low damage, fast fire) and dedicated anti-capital weapons (long range, big damage, slow speed)

    On other things:
    - the surface of Sol could do with a bit of a improvement. The background buildings could use ahiger res and cleaner texture and the white building should be replaced with two towers (since fighters fly trought it regulary)

    - what's those green particle thing in Sol? Looks like some spores and frankly, it somehow doesn't fit.

    - ship classes desigantions and descriptions could use some work. Why would anyone want ot re-build ancient ships? Those are over 800 year old, and the sleeper ships, while being high-tech at that time also carried selected individuals and knowledge. If the outer HULL desing was taken from the old ships, that's OK - but the whole tech is outdated.

    - the dragon shaped ship I named KuBatleship is a Order gunboat? The BrBattleship, that looks like a Man-O-War (symbol of British naval power in the old days) is also Order? Who decided the classes for crying out loud?

    - the warp bouys are great :D I love the idea (jsut one part you can bump into), but the effect could use a bit of work. zthe yellow particles that fly past you could be smaller and there could be more of htem. the big yellow blobs that appear infront of you should be removed as they block allmost the whole view.


    Why not improve on it too? If I could (allmost) do it, surely you can do it too? There are so many great new hings, ships and weapons that it's a shame they're not part of hte campaign.
    Adding into the campaign things like captial ship shields, new craft, changing balance of ships - it changes the whole experience and it's not too hard to do.

    Balancing would be the problem, but it's qa easy thing to do (at least for me - I modded over 30 games so far and made balance packs for all of them - and they were all highly rated)

    Lastly, I offer my help regarding this matters I wrote before.

    Well, if you're interestd, I can go into more detail on these things..

  • the ships are good like they are
    there is a reason for the size
    there is a reason why there is that texture
    there is a reason why ive choose those weapons

    and sol wont be changed



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
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  • There's nothing wrong with the texture itself- teh problem is hte UV mapping is horrible - and it's the ONLY texture on the ships.

    Look at other in-ganme ships - they all have several textures, with destinguishable features (windows, hatches and things)

    I'm offering my help to improve some of the things in the mod.
    You don't have to take it, but why not aim for better?

    Would you care to expand on those reasons?

  • 1. the only way to retexture them is to create new models which is something that will not happen

    im not going to risk that hardpoints are not working anymore... that hardpoints are missing... that sur files are not working with the ships anylonger or that ships are going to be rebalanced coz of the recreation

    2. the textures are basic yes... but they fit to the ships which are prototypes.... that are ships which dont fly under the banner of a house... that are ships which only should have armour plates shown

    3. and in fact which capital ship does need a cockpit?
    do the house battleships have a cockpit? no they dont have

    4. more reasons i cant give atm (i never release too many information)



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
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    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • I think Sol would have been much more awesome if the DK could have stayed there (reference to the 1.6 beta). The order ships were put in sol to combat alien attackers and those order ships are nowhere nearly as entertaining when their guns remain silent.

    In addition, I thought that perhaps making that order base at Mars dockable and selling ships and weapons would be very cool (okay so there would only be "Order Turret"s, but they would be imensely popular buys for the fliers of trains and some VHFs).

    This doesn't matter I suppose though. I like the mod as is and though there will always be room for improvement, I approve of and greatly respect the game in its present state. :] We might as well note suggestions in case another version of the mod goes into the works. I think Sol and the Order ships are very exciting and could form a foundation upon which to build the mod even more. There's lots of wiggle room for ships, bases, and storyline elements in that system and it would be great to see any form of related development underway. If he's willing to change the ships and submit them, why not at least hang onto them in case you ever need them. Nothing bad can intentionally come from a bit of help :D., this post just became obsolete from my lack of haste in making it. There's no point in editing it all out so I'll just leave it

    24/7 SWAT CF veteran from sometime before 1.6 up into 1.82. Lots of memories!
    Built 88 chars between DC, BD, UAC,
    STC, and freelancers. Ashes to ashes, alas? D:

  • I was thinking in some other thing to add to this post and add what i really want to ask as a "PS:".. but i can't think, so i'll go straight to the PS:

    PS: My god, op's new sig is scaring me... awww.

  • Why is the chick in OP's sig waving around an onion or a leek? Her breath must be fantastic. Good thing she has the big hooters.

    *Son I'll tell you only once, stay away from her mouth and you will be ok*

    Yes Burros Do Bite.

    Chars: SMG_Burro and derivatives thereof

    SMG Forums

  • She's ok.. but the sound get's annoying when there's more than one chick singing in the same page...

    hmm, nvm.

  • Quote

    Originally posted by SWAT_OP-R8R
    1. the only way to retexture them is to create new models which is something that will not happen

    im not going to risk that hardpoints are not working anymore... that hardpoints are missing... that sur files are not working with the ships anylonger or that ships are going to be rebalanced coz of the recreation

    Since I would be re-doing those ships, I don't see how can that be your problem. I can texture them and I guess I can even hardpoint them. Alltough I will havew to look up Milkshape again...has been a while.

    As foir balance - the ships are not player controled so this wouldn't brake anything. and balancing is probably my strongest point.


    2. the textures are basic yes... but they fit to the ships which are prototypes.... that are ships which dont fly under the banner of a house... that are ships which only should have armour plates shown

    You don't get it - the UV mapping is HORRID. The same texture used for EVERYTHING - windows, intakes, engines - and tliling that has run amok - at one point you have a 10x10 tiling and on another you have 1x1. Sorry, but it is horrible.

    There's nothngi wrong with a military steel, rough look, but this is not it. This is just bad. Looks like a noob did them.
    I can show you how a example of how they should look if you want.


    3. and in fact which capital ship does need a cockpit?
    do the house battleships have a cockpit? no they dont have

    Cockpit? Capships don't need cockpits, but they do need command towers. As isaid - if you look at almost all ships, they have windows and intakes modeled in, but there is no window texture put there, alltouhg the UV mapping for it is there.

    the cockpit reference I used to show the size problem. A light fighters is 2x bigger than a whole command tower on the Order battleships.


    4. more reasons i cant give atm (i never release too many information)

    Can you answe the Dragon-shpaed kusari battleship and Man-O-War shaped bretonia battelship issue then?

    Also, what about my singleplayer enhancement?

    EDIT - what's with the second intro movie? Why put it in - it just euses up space that could beused for more ships/effects.

  • Those are interesting propositions mate, but they come at a price. To do that a new update is required, and there are lots of problems and incoveniences when uploading a update :)

  • I like this guys persistance. I'll say again, why not let him do the work and then save his products until the next update? There's absolutely nothing to lose here... the only reason I could see for completely rejecting his offers would be if CF were never going to have another version. It's not like an update is going to be very close down the road atm. By the time we get to that point there will be lots of new features to add anyhow, and these probably will be some of the lowest-risk changes. This mod has always evolved towards things that are better, and this is a perfectly logical step :D

    24/7 SWAT CF veteran from sometime before 1.6 up into 1.82. Lots of memories!
    Built 88 chars between DC, BD, UAC,
    STC, and freelancers. Ashes to ashes, alas? D:

  • the answer is no
    im not going to make an update for this and im not sure if i ever will do an update for CF again

    and you guys should know good enough that i would never let somebody else work on my mod in such a way... i would never let somebody else create hardpoints for ships in CF (not even RGHawk did them for the freedom x)
    ive seen hundreds of fl models and ive seen what shit a wrong created hardpoint can do and most custom ships in those so called ship packs had hardpoint errors which i had to fix before i was able to use them in CF

    you only need to ask blaster... he will tell you what the smallest mistake can cause in a complex mod



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
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    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Your loss bud.

    b.t.w. - the only two ships that were hardpointed where the two fighters you claimed you didn't use.

  • i meant that generally... there is not a single shippack out there with correct working hardpoints



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Come to think of it, the two fighters that I put into Freelancer did have one issue - the shield generator howered below them. (like where you normally land)
    I don't know how or why, as I followed the instructions in the tutorials, nad the suggestion to fix that given to me by some forumites didn't work..

    anyway, I'm planing on making a SP enhancement mod myself. I allready rebalanced the ships, shields and power generrators and I'm currently working on the guns.

    Just one problem - the game keeps chrashing whenever I put "New Game". I didn't have this problem with Crosifre installed (this is fresh Freelacner instalation). Could be becouse of Win XP or my GForce 6800 card.

    Does anyone know if it's a bug or if some patch is needed to get this working?

  • [SIZE=3]Just one problem - the game keeps chrashing whenever I put "New Game". I didn't have this problem with Crosifre installed (this is fresh Freelacner instalation). Could be becouse of Win XP or my GForce 6800 card.[/SIZE]

    Help anyone?

  • delete the savegames



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • hey there is a great FAQ, maybe ppl should look there more often when they have problems, alternative search the forum

    [angel] Give me your hand and follow me into the light! [angel]

    MSN: (no mail)
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    Skype: ask me

    [SIZE=1] Post last edited by MarcBomber on 11.09.2005, 10:01 AM. [/SIZE]