Server Rules - PvP Bots/Bats

There are 63 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Finisher.

  • Well,
    Nanotechnology IS a reality in Sirius, so, when it is not a declared PvP, or for a Train to try to scape, I think it is justifiable to reload. Though I never reload.
    Yesterday, a member of UAC reloaded, he was in a train, I got disappointed... but trains are easy preys, so... for a train to reload it will be considered as a dishonored act, or a legitimate defense act of the weak?

    BUT ONCE players have engaged, no more reloads. Thats my opinion.

    Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

    {LP}Amos and derivatives; {LP}Ivanov{X} from the Altair branch of LP

  • I was hunting down a particular train the other day and the person F1'd out at the last second. I'd much rather have train drivers using bots and bats than to just suddenly *poof* out of hypothetical existance before my very eyes :P. I was wondering though, doesn't an APC still have lv 10 slots? One could run or put up a decent fight with such a ship I would think...anyway, my qualm is with VHF pilots who do it. If you're in a clearly inferior combat vehicle I don't see how the act is dishonorable at all; you're just trying to close the gap of disadvantage presented to you.

    24/7 SWAT CF veteran from sometime before 1.6 up into 1.82. Lots of memories!
    Built 88 chars between DC, BD, UAC,
    STC, and freelancers. Ashes to ashes, alas? D:

  • Yes the APC does have level 10 slots, however for them to be of any use you have to be able to effectively engage the enemy - and this doesn't happen if you are flying a barely mobile brick....

    The APC is just not designed for combat against fighters - it fits this:


    Originally posted by Marshal Cunningham
    If you're in a clearly inferior combat vehicle I don't see how the act is dishonorable at all; you're just trying to close the gap of disadvantage presented to you.

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Amhos
    ... but trains are easy preys, so... for a train to reload it will be considered as a dishonored act, or a legitimate defense act of the weak?

    BUT ONCE players have engaged, no more reloads. Thats my opinion.

    So Amhos you feel that there is no middle ground with a train? The use of Bats/Bots is "Dishonarable" or an Act of"Weakness"

    Basically you believe in "Pay or Die" ....Are there no sevival instincks here at all......??? I believe in Paying IF i don't want to fight or I'm out numbered. But If it's one on one I just may try to escape......And why not use everything I have (with the exception of F1) to survive. What's honarable about dieing except in a fair fight or a stricly defensive situation where you have NO choices??

  • i dont like reloaders... and if i see one reloading i will hunt him down

    no need to discuss about it... it will simply happen like i said



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Phantom you are Psyclops? if you im the one who said the ban. Sorry.
    But make one thing clear. Im not threatened you. Only warned becouse of your own intrest.
    Becouse i belived this is can end with ban too. I heard this from someone else. But sorry no clue who told me.

    And again i will apologize for my mistake. [670] [872]

    But anyway at least we have some fun. I tired to cach him about half hour long. And when i got the chance to take him out... Well he used the regen and entered cruse. [3]

    But the other hand i undersand why he done this becouse i will not pay the pirates. rather to pick up fight or run if i have too much to lose. 8)
    BTW dont you guys think its a little "strange" to try tax a police person??? Its shows you guys have too thick skin in your faces. :D


    Robert holdstock: ELITE the dark wheel

  • Sry, I didn t meant that. I will refrase, for I was asking:

    [For a train to reload, will this be considered a dishonored act, or a legitimate act of defense of the weaker?]

    Can two walk together, except they be agreed?

    {LP}Amos and derivatives; {LP}Ivanov{X} from the Altair branch of LP

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Argos
    Ok, better to remove all bats bots from the game, cause only if I engage I will stop use them, ho better remove them to from npc's, lol

    Personally, I like them for repairs between fights. Without them I'd lose a lot of money and time contstantly returning to docks and stations for repairs. They're in the game for a reason, it's just that some people misuse them :evil:

    24/7 SWAT CF veteran from sometime before 1.6 up into 1.82. Lots of memories!
    Built 88 chars between DC, BD, UAC,
    STC, and freelancers. Ashes to ashes, alas? D:

  • yes, WE NEED THEM

    but, WE DONT NEED THEM in PvP

    i also think that players in freighter, when attacked form POLICE (because they are SMUGGLERS), SHOULD NOT use them either when tring to escape from us

    i talked this morning with CANOSO, and he says that smugglers are alowed to use them, but we ARENT alowed t use them in PvP

    well, i AGREE with the PvP, but NOT with the TRADER/smuggler situation.
    well, for FIRST: they always try to run
    SECOND: when they are almost killed, they recharge the ship
    THIRD: whn they manage to escape, they SWITCH char IMMIDATELY and i DONT support that

    if this situation with tradrs doesnt chang, KRT will do some changes in the universe. which one? hehe, youll SEE

  • Wow...this is turning into quite the debate! Hehe...guess it was a question whos time had come ;)

    @ Lancelot...Yes, this is Psyclops and I apologize also...I think I mistook your friendly warning as a threat. I had a great time with our interaction (my running like hell) the other day and still look forward to our next engagement. Understand though that the cargo (illegal as it was) had cost 25 mill and represented 1/3 of my finances. Hell yeah I used everything I had to escape! LOL
    Thanks for the coffee tip BTW...I can't remember where you said to sell at, but I'll find it :)

    @ Inferno....I don't switch characters until docked. If I am fired upon and choose to run my pursuer has every opportunity to finish the job. They just have to put as much effort into killing me as I put into surviving. :D

    [104] [323]

    [rocket] [rofl] [rocketq3]

  • To speak the truth i cannot understan why i cannot change my character after sucesfully docked and my enemy waiting me before the ring??? ?( Im not a fool to lift off and let myself killed, if i only have a COMPLETLY defenseless cargoship. Or i need stay in the planetside, until i get bored myself to death??? ?( Until of coures my enemy get bore himself to death first and go away. :D

    BTW if i had the chance to fight back i will not switch my chars. BUT i will not make any suicidal liftoffs, becouse its not brawery, but stupidity. And im not a mindleess cattle who waits until get killed. :) I'd prefer in such situations to run, and fight back another time when i have a chance. ;)


    Robert holdstock: ELITE the dark wheel

  • Live to fight another day, a sound strategy in such situations :D.

    24/7 SWAT CF veteran from sometime before 1.6 up into 1.82. Lots of memories!
    Built 88 chars between DC, BD, UAC,
    STC, and freelancers. Ashes to ashes, alas? D:

  • Phantom, you need to bring to planet kyoto in kusari main system. 1900 profit /unit is not a bad profit, and its completly legal. :D


    Robert holdstock: ELITE the dark wheel

  • Quote

    completly legal

    How boring..... ;):D8)

    We few, we happy few, we band of brothers
    For he, today that sheds his blood with me
    Shall be my brother...

  • Quote

    Originally posted by privateer
    when in train i even use them just to get a good run for me dond mind iff they kill me but dond wanna die after 1 shot
    so i die like a pussy after being killd but they have to chase me tru lot off systems before i do die

    LOL. True to your avatar LP. Spoken like the "real" Capt Jack Sparrow . :D:D:D

    BTW we should remember that not all use of bots or bats in PVP is intentional. I was fighting DC_Drakon or Red someone or other last night and, while, trying to strafe downward, I fat-fingered the strafe key and hit F. instant shield reload.
    While trying to type "oops" into the chat window to tell him it was an accident, I got so distracted, he killed me anyway.

    The moral of the story. Don't assume that every use of bots or bats in pvp is an act of cowardice. Might just be fat fingers in the heat of battle.

  • The giveaway is when you smack down the shields a second time and they pop right back up. Hehehe, it happens all the time. Accidents are a far cry from strategy though.

    And yes, if you know you're going down, and you can't take them with you, by all means fight tooth and nail to drag it out as long as possible (in a train I'm hoping... :D). You'd be surprised what a couple extra seconds can let you do (go to cruise, dock at a moor, jump, ect...).

    24/7 SWAT CF veteran from sometime before 1.6 up into 1.82. Lots of memories!
    Built 88 chars between DC, BD, UAC,
    STC, and freelancers. Ashes to ashes, alas? D:

  • The general consensus seems to be, that you should be able to use bots and bats if you are in a freighter, as long as you are not engaging your attacker, but are running.

    However, there are some noteworthy dissenters to this line of thinking: Inferno, Tassie, and, most notably, OP himself, who has voiced his intolerance to reloading and repairing in no uncertain terms.

    And it seems that the original line of thinking was: no bots or bats in PVP. Ever. No matter what. But now you have a lot of respectable members considering otherwise.

    So, is anything resolved here?

    If we are taking votes, I would vote for allowing a fleeing smuggler to use all necessary means to protect his cargo. Smugglers, by virtue of the ship they are flying, are not placing themselves in the "jousting course." I would think for a non-combative runner in a freighter, dueling rules would not apply, and if fleeing (with extreme dedication) is not considered dishonorable, neither would invoking all other means of self-preservation.

    And it might make blowing away that poor, all-but-helpless flying warehouse (using your highly maneuverable VHF arrayed with PPC's and Tizonas and special equipment) slightly more exciting.

    <img src="" />

    <i>Is that you John Wayne? Is this me?</i>

  • well from my last post here i killed about 5-6 trains (good hunt for me)

    and every player i warned tried to kill me after i warned him

    and everytime they used nanos/shield and im leting them to do so
    reason? well, they ARE weaker and they have no chance to survive the attacks froma VHF so its OK for them to use the regeneration tools.

    but what wonders me: lately everyone are tring to escape like crazy guys from me :) everytime i come to the system where is the smuggler 1-2 mercenarys/escort is waiting on me to prevent the smuggler to get killed.

    and i really have fun tring to avoid the escort and to track the smuggler/-s down
    btw. there is a big smuggler activity later: hehe, it seems like KRT is going to activate all members to prevent the smuggler activity. :)