Trump American president ...

There are 52 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by SWAT_OP-R8R.

  • Some can see the writing on the wall

    Others refuse to see it

    I said before i don't believe in my government. It's a bullshit system thats broke beyond repair. I don't watch the mainstream media because i can tell they try to push an agenda. Wheres the outrage when a white cop shoots a white guy who didn't deserve it? Why weren't there riots when Dylan Noble was shot by police?

    But i'll ask you the same question i ask everyone else. Where is the proof Donald Trump is a bad guy? What has he done that was racist, sexist etc? Actions speak louder than words. I see a lot of "trump said this" and "promised to do that" and people are freaking out about it. He hasn't even been sworn into office and people are claiming he's ruined the country. It hasn't been a week and Twitter has death threats up the ying yang. Canadas Immigration website crashed after Donald Trump won the Election.

    Hillary lied through her teeth. Americans are so afraid of the truth they'll do anything to deny it. On top of that, Americans feel so cheated by Obama, That electing a democrat would yield another 8 years of no GDP growth, open ass borders, 500% increase in accepting refugees from countries with known terrorist populations, 0% interest rates (which can be good and bad...but mostly bad) and fake economic growth (175k jobs in one month is hardly growth. 250k jobs created is not much better compared to the true unemployment rate, a statistic also manipulated by the government).

    Trump spoke his mind. I will agree, some stuff he said was a little over the top. However what upset me the most is that people took his words for granted which progressed into hate and bigotry. Democrats called republicans all the names in the book, started trouble at trump rally's and at least two people tried to assassinate Trump already not to mention the countless threats on Twitter. Americans were fed up with being duped. Trump represents true hope and change and the establishment does not like that as he is a threat to their power structure.

    The word we use for what the media does to control what we think is called Propaganda. And Americans are so brainwashed that CNN is gonna report that 2+2 now equals 5 and if you argue otherwise, youre a racist. A ridiculous example, but it is pretty ridiculous. Right now, there is a lot of anti-trump propaganda and half the time it works, the other half it garners more support for the guy. At this point, the anti-trump memes showing up on my feed go beyond ignorance and false facts. Jane Doe court cases made public don't do well. Yes, they dropped the rape charges on Trump, but due to death threats is what the lawyer says. I don't believe that one bit. I think they did not have enough evidence to take Trump to court (after arraignment) but didn't want to drop the case without burning Trump in the process. Again....just gotta read the writing on the walls.

    However I predict any one of the given situations to happen
    - A terrorist attack, blamed on right wing conservatives (The US is famous for it's false flag operations)
    - Someone does something stupid that results in Nuclear War (plane gets shot down or something)
    - The riots spawned from Trump's election get out of hand and Martial law is enacted.

    The next 4 years is gonna be a trip! Hope i don't die...

  • Op, let me ask you something. Have you or a close family member ever had someone break into your home, attack 1 family member then threaten to attack another and then a couple of nights later come back & try to kill a family member and not be able to do a damn thing about it? Several years ago some asshole did EXACTLY this. He broke into my parents house, attacked my mother in her living room & broke her foot as she tried to stop him from stealing her stuff then threatened to stab my father. He got away as my dad hesitated for a second before going after the burglar, which gave the coward enough time to flee. Then a couple nights later he came back & attacked my father in the back yard & tried to slit my fathers throat after he'd stabbed my father in the back. The only reason he did not kill my dad was because my dad bluffed him, he yelled to my mom "get the gun and shoot him". My parents had no weapons with which to defend themselves at the time & fortunately the guy took off without killing my dad. Now, had my parents had a gun then my mom would not have ended up with a broken foot & my dad would not have been stabbed in the back & had a knife put to his throat. The coward has NEVER been caught by the police! I guarantee you, that if the Govt. confiscates all the guns, the bad guys will STILL have them. They do in Russia and Russia forbids civilian ownership of guns!

    The problem is all the COWARD THUGS that get guns ILLEGALLY and NOT the LAWFUL gun owners, the vast majority of whom have never pointed their guns at let alone shot anybody.

    A stubborn enough person can survive just about anything. Rage is a hell of an anaesthetic.

  • Where is the proof Donald Trump is a bad guy? What has he done that was racist, sexist etc? Actions speak louder than words.

    Well, since 1993 there is an ongoing series of cases where trump is accused of sexual harassment and even rape on women.
    Proof? dunno... most of the women abandoned the lawsuit and claims after Trumps initiated lawsuits to them
    To be honest after his little "grab the pussy" talk I have only very little doubts that he is guilty and used his financial power to make people shut up.
    Racist comments and demands are key program of his election.
    Just words.... right... words which clearly have influence on the people

    After his campain the amount of racism clearly increased. Words are enough to get the shit rolling.

    You make many claims about clinton but I also dont see a proof anywhere.
    And when you talk about that Obama didnt do anything then maybe you should take a closer look at the stuff which he got rolling and which in the end got stopped in the congress by the republicans which blocked every good change from happening. Take a look at the 8 years and how many approaches where stopped in congress during that time. There were even two incidents where the country was almost bankrupt just because the republicans blocked what was required to resolve the problem in order to blackmail Obama.
    It were republican presidents which started the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. But for some reason such stuff does not matter any longer? That these events caused a chain of events which eventually have lead to the current problems with the IS and Syria... thats for some reason unimportant to some people.
    I think Obama could have introduced important and good changes for the country IF the congress allowed him to do these changes. But that is again best example of a sick political system where people do everything for more power instead of giving in for the good of the country.
    Trump also will have his problems with the congress and I am pretty sure after 4 years nothing has changed.

    Trumps promises during his campaign are to the largest degree already off the table.
    "lock her up" .... not going to happen
    "build a wall" .... not going to happen
    "pull out of the climate agreements" .... not going to happen.
    "throwing out immigrants" .... not even possible
    "get rid of obama care".... nope... not going to happen.
    There isnt a day meanwhile where trump steps back from his previous promises. So who is the real liar?
    The only promises he will keep are the ones which are beneficial for his own company. Thats it.

    2 people tried to assassinate trump?
    I know of one incident where this was claimed but the guy was just a republican with a protest sign during an election event. No weapon were found... just a trump critical sign.

    I am not convinced that Clinton would have been a good president... but I am very convinced that Trump is going to be a bad president.

    @renegade Sixkiller
    No, I have not been in such a situation... but I live in a country with pretty low crime rates where not every idiot can get hands on a gun (legally or illegally).
    Your example is pretty sad and your argumentation sound reasonable on the first view. If your parents would have had a gun then they wouldnt have been injured.
    On the other side the attacker would be dead now and part of the annual gun shot statistics.
    But, yes... this coin has a 2nd side.
    Also the attacker could have had a gun. In this case your parents would be dead now.

    So please tell me again that guns are a good idea....
    Its so easy to get a gun in a legal way in the USA. In some states you just have to fill in your name, confirm that you are not racist by a Yes/No answer and answer a strange list of other question where you simply can decide to lie. Then you put money on the table, take the gun and rob a bank.
    The weapon industriy is interested in making money, not in giving weapons only to the good people.

    Would your example look diferent if there were no weapons on the streets?
    I want to be honest here. I think it wouldnt if you look only at this specific case.
    However, I think the general situation would look different in the USA.
    Less or no weapons on the streets mean that the police is not constantly getting involved in shootings or confronted by gun murders. The overall criminality rate would decrease if there were no guns.
    As result the police could finally do their job more effectively and patrol the streets to make them secure again. They also could more effectively investigate in other types of crimes such as that that happened to your family.
    There would be a whole chain of positive side effects that would make your country more secure again.

    The current situation with guns in the USA is like having a burning house and instead of calling the fire fighters you light up the neightbors house.
    That can not work.
    Violence leads to more violence. More weapons leads to more shooting and more criminality.
    Not only the good guys get the weapons for defense... also the bad guys get the weapons and make use of them.
    And even worse.... the good guys have kids which die because they play with dads gun.

    Since 1968 there have been 1.5 million deaths in the US due to guns.
    In all wars since 1775 (including the wold wars, the civil war, mexian war, etc.) there only have been 1.4 million dead US citizens.
    US citizens are by far more effective in killing one another than fighting at wars.
    And with every year it gets worse.
    You guys dont even try to do anything different from what has not been working during the past centuries.

    You say thats not possible? Why did other country make it possible then?



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Germany is by far the most PC country. They're practically forcing people to practice Islam. In fact i think i read an article that stated Chancellor Merkel knows she done fucked up by opening the immigration flood gates. It created a strain on the economy and welfare system. Wouldn't you be pissed if your happy little town of 150 all of a sudden was populated with 700 refugees which wasn't equipped or prepared to handle a huge influx of people?

    That said. You live in Germany. I don't. You have a better idea of whats going on than I do. The same goes both ways. I live in the united states. I'm seeing my country rip itself apart due to the hate and fear being spread by the mainstream media right before my very eyes. I had to quit social media because it was too painful to see all the hate memes and biased talking points regurgitated from CNN or whatever and posts about how scared they are that trump is gonna deport them or force them through gay conversion.

    You say that it's crazy to believe the media has an agenda to push. But don't you think it's a little crazy to have 2 weeks worth of coverage over a hoodlum with a criminal record 10 miles log getting shot by police? Do you think it's crazy that the white cop shot him JUST because he was black? Do you think it's outrageous that they cover "offensive" Duck Dynasty statements for a month while national sovereignty was just eroded further? I don't give a fuck about duck dynasty, I care whether a foreign government is gonna have control over my life. I don't even let MY government control me. I'm not on food stamps, or section 8 or whatever government assisstance there is.

    This video is an example of what our government really thinks about the American people

    ^Architect behind Obamacare

  • Quote

    Germany is by far the most PC country. They're practically forcing people to practice Islam.

    Never something like that happened. There is no known incident where anybody was forced to join a religion.
    The german constitution is absolutely clear on that. The right to choose a religion or not is fundamental part of our laws. Every german can make his own decision. We have religious liberty.
    Since 1961 we have welcomed millions of islamic people to live in germany. The few refugees make no big difference here.
    We have a free and tolerant society in germany. Nothing in the past has changed that and nothing in the future will change it.

    I live in a relative small town, we have refugees here and additionally to that each summer we have guest workers from other countries and there hasnt even been the slightest problem in all these years.
    Some people seem to make it sound like we got overwhelmed and our streets are insecure now and we are not allowed to have own opinions and own religion.... but that not true.
    Yes, germany has changed in the past decades... but guess what... it has changed for the better. Its a colorful and open society where most of other accept others the way they are. Thats something truely great.

    There is a Town called "Sumte" which has 100 inhabitants... and got 1000 refugees.
    Absolutely not the slightest problem. It worked well.

    This panic of islamic people ruining our society is stupid.
    We just alone have 4 million turkish people living in germany for decades.... islamic people. It has not changed anything other developing a bigger tolerance.
    It would be good for the tolerance of certain other countries if they would live together with people of other religions and societies. You could learn something from that.

    You are right with one thing. I live in germany and know what it is like to be here and you live in the states and certainly see the problems there.
    In 4 years we can continue this discussion and see if Germany turned into an islamic state or if Trump ruined your country.

    Until then its worth to check the media. Not focus on just one type of media... check different sources and question every of these sources if you have to.
    We are living in the 21st century. All information is public, you just have to search for it and verify it.
    I still believe in the media because I have many different sources which operate independent. Some spread their opinions but I could easily find others with a totally different point of view.



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • so then it's a clear case (to me) of a controlled narrative. I watch alternative media. What one might call "crazy conservative conspiracy theorists" but have been proven right for 2 decades. I'm not gonna argue who's doing the controlling, who's being controlled, what is being said etc. It's a pointless argument because there's arguments that support both sides as well as discredit them. It is what it is.

    It is...what it is....That's how i'm taking this Trump business. I'd be panicking like these crybaby liberals if Hillary was president. I'll admit that

  • Very simple solution here that nobody seems to have grasped. If it ain't you're country then stay out of their business & quit trying to say "You're doing it wrong, you need to do things just like we do." In other words (this is directed to everyone, the U.S. included) mind your own damn business!

    A stubborn enough person can survive just about anything. Rage is a hell of an anaesthetic.

  • Very simple solution here that nobody seems to have grasped. If it ain't you're country then stay out of their business & quit trying to say "You're doing it wrong, you need to do things just like we do." In other words (this is directed to everyone, the U.S. included) mind your own damn business!

    Hi Renegade m8 :) ... that is not so easy in case of US alas. US (and president) influences quite heavily things around the whole Earth (far behind US borders). Can be seen as good or bad, but it is a fact.

  • Yeah..but you don't live here MF. I do.

    US Foreign policy is based on war. Who benefits from war?

    Lockheed Martin
    BAF Systems
    General Dynamics
    and many more

    How do US wars affect those at home?
    Sons and daughters are killed
    Loss of civil liberties (See PATRIOT Act, and recent versions of the National Defense Authorization Act)
    Millions of civilians are killed or displaced
    We leave the country in worse shape than we got there (See Libya, Iraq, Handful of South American nations)
    The rest of world views us as bullies and terrorists

    A lot of people have smeared Trump painting him as a warmonger. In reality, Clinton is backed by those companies i mentioned previously. They backed her and not Trump because they know she will deliver a war to them. Against Russia, Against China, Against Iran or any country.

    They may call Trump an Isolationist, but there's a difference in non-intervention and isolationism. Dr. Ron Paul discussed this. Practically preached it. That and his hate for the Federal Reserve (which is the biggest scam in history next to the US Healthcare system)

    Just keep in mind, i find the whole system broke. My views are just an analysis of the bullshit i see being thrown from both sides of the argument. In order to fix our country, We have to select new people to hold public office. There are no Term limits in Congress. I could be a Senator when i turn 30 and be a senator when I die. During my tenure, I could vote for some very unamerican and unconstitutional things then preach them as something beneficial to the the american People. Obamacare is a great example of that. Trumps statements of "Drain the swamp" refers to the elite politicians in office who have held them for 30+ years. The ones who don't represent the people who elected them and remain in office due to greed and manipulation. THEY are the real problem, not who sits in the Oval Office for 4 or 8 years at a time. The president does not make laws. Executive Actions are a form of circumventing the lawmaking process and can be easily abused. Obama Alone had 256 executive orders in two terms. Bill Clinton had nearly 400 and i would not be surprised if Hillary was behind a solid majority of them. She has leverage over him because he's a fucking pervert who slept with thousands whores during his time as Arkansas Governor and sexually assaulted countless staffers during his Presidency. It's not news because the Clintons are rich and powerful and pulls many strings to cover their ass including intimidation and murder. You won't ever officially hear accusations of murder against the Clintons. Though it is strange when occurrences of suicide happen shortly after damning evidence against the DNC, Clinton Foundation or the Clinton Campaign.

    Hillary and Bill will end up in prison. Bill for being a rapist and Hillary for handling classified documents on a private email server. I'd go to prison if i placed government-sensitive material on a flash disk. Just because you held political office does not mean you get special treatment when it comes to committed a Crime. David Petraeus was forced to Resign after his little fling and faced criminal charges (you can't sleep with a subordinate...ESPECIALLY if youre already married). Countless more public figures received far less punishment (couple thousand for a fine) for crimes committed everyday by average americans (Ridiculous prison sentences, extortion-rated fines and slavery-like probation). Because there is money in putting people in prison (see War on Drugs, War on Crime)

    I think i just let my fingers type again. Otherwise i would have stopped two paragraphs ago

    I think i'm going to unfollow this. I'm pretty disgusted with the whole American political system and i sure as hell don't come to SWAT to discuss the state of the world

  • OK, I'v decided as thread starter close this thread and return back to gaming (feels quite safer ;) ) ... and I hope we all can continue play space games in our free time after four years from now without the need care too much about local or world politics or fear about our lives.


  • isolation... why not
    build a dome over the country and stay in there

    you dont need to care about climate change (which affects us all), about stopping radical terrorists, about trade agreements, about science, about how to get resources for your industry, about international projects (ISS just to name one), stock markets, oversea companies, etc.

    build a dome and keep doing what didnt work in the past



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!