Posts by Renegade Sixkiller

    Finally got Freelancer working again (disk is FUBAR come to find out) and decided to see whether or not I remember how to fly. The answer is yes: I remember how to fly just as badly as ever haha. Anyhow, decided I'd drop in & see what all's changed over the years I ain't been able to play. I see a few folks I know are still around from the old days, hope to run into ya at some point.

    Very simple solution here that nobody seems to have grasped. If it ain't you're country then stay out of their business & quit trying to say "You're doing it wrong, you need to do things just like we do." In other words (this is directed to everyone, the U.S. included) mind your own damn business!

    Op, let me ask you something. Have you or a close family member ever had someone break into your home, attack 1 family member then threaten to attack another and then a couple of nights later come back & try to kill a family member and not be able to do a damn thing about it? Several years ago some asshole did EXACTLY this. He broke into my parents house, attacked my mother in her living room & broke her foot as she tried to stop him from stealing her stuff then threatened to stab my father. He got away as my dad hesitated for a second before going after the burglar, which gave the coward enough time to flee. Then a couple nights later he came back & attacked my father in the back yard & tried to slit my fathers throat after he'd stabbed my father in the back. The only reason he did not kill my dad was because my dad bluffed him, he yelled to my mom "get the gun and shoot him". My parents had no weapons with which to defend themselves at the time & fortunately the guy took off without killing my dad. Now, had my parents had a gun then my mom would not have ended up with a broken foot & my dad would not have been stabbed in the back & had a knife put to his throat. The coward has NEVER been caught by the police! I guarantee you, that if the Govt. confiscates all the guns, the bad guys will STILL have them. They do in Russia and Russia forbids civilian ownership of guns!

    The problem is all the COWARD THUGS that get guns ILLEGALLY and NOT the LAWFUL gun owners, the vast majority of whom have never pointed their guns at let alone shot anybody.

    Howdy everyone! Been a couple years since I last played CF & I figured I'd try to get back into it again, I've missed it honestly. See y'all in space soon hopefully.
