Unexpected Leave of Absence

There are 5 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Portalearth.

  • Message to everyone:

    PortalEarth is hereby in charge of [RA] during my absence, and I stand behind any decisions made by him on not only my behalf, yet on behalf of the entire [RA] clan as whole.

    Most of my clan knows, but I need to communicate this to everyone. I have had a very rough time the past few weeks, most of March and the issue's will continue through April. My brother was arrested, may lose custody of his child, I have had issues with work, my car needs over $1200 worth of work, my dog had a spinal injury and needed surgery,I just bought a house and money is very tight...literally everything that could go wrong at once did.

    But, there is also good news. My car is almost fixed, I start a new job making more money, the house I bought is bigger and perfect for me and my fiance, my dog is getting better and everything is falling into place:

    "The universe tends to unfold as it should..."

    I hope to be back full time and active again the second week of May, hopefully by May 11th or so. Thank you everyone for your prayers and kind words, I can't wait to be back. See you in space mates! :salutes

    [RA] Revan

    [Republic Alliance]
    (click for system rules)
    A Galactic Smugglers Clan in a galaxy not far away!

    Edited once, last by Revan ().

  • Take care m8 and see you back when maintain RL!

  • Sorry to hear about all the problems you been having m8

    But as you said things are starting to look up for you and that's great.

    see you when you get back ... times like these it's time to treat yourself.

    Buy a lottery ticket m8 you never know what's around the corner. :) :)

    ==========================???:?::!::?:(HiRUGAs' WEB) :?::!::?:???=========================

    Red Red White Center @Sun Exit Red Green Red Orange White Center & Your Out ..........End of Line :) :)

  • life is like a bottle of ketchup
    you shake the bottle for ages and nothing happens, and then it comes out in dollops



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!