Lag kick + Lag restart

There are 88 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Bond.

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Spiky-
    you are not lagging as in package loss ... your ship just ping pongs up and down and sideways like it had a seizure

    It's not my ship, I am the one having a seizure and leaving my hand on the keyboard during that time.

    My apologies Bond/Melon didn't mean to be rude in any way. Possibly/probably you are right about even the mosquitoes missing me. I see a few white streaks going past me so could be the mosquitoes you are talking about. I wouldn't be surprised considering that my ship as Spiky says "ping pongs up and down and sideways like it had a seizure".

    Adding the ping stats. Wont post the whole file just the summaries. First summary is a log of pinging while I was not logged in and out for luch, shopping etc. The second is a ping log during a lot of combat activity. Judge for yourself.

    Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 15233, Received = 15233, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 34ms, Maximum = 337ms, Average = 36ms

    Ping statistics for
    Packets: Sent = 9145, Received = 9143, Lost = 2 (0% loss),
    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 33ms, Maximum = 310ms, Average = 38ms

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    Originally posted by SWAT_OP-R8R
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  • high fluct



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  • Quote

    Originally posted by Wizard
    ...Is it possible that I lag with this kinda ping...

    yes it is :)
    maybe you dont lag yourself, but others might see you doing so cause their connection is not as good as yours or CPU lag or dunno there could be a some more explanations for this.

    ping is anyway no sign for a good connection. its just a measure for the quality of the transfer. that doensnt mean that you cannot lag. ping is based on icmp packets that are some levels below udp. even the packets must pass your modem/router/gmt or whatever your security on your client side is... so all levels up to icmp can cause lagg too. just stating that there are some more possibilities than just a fine ping measure...

  • Quote

    Originally posted by SWAT_OP-R8R
    high fluct

    I thought so too. As you can see it in the first file I posted a series of 35-50 pings and then one that jumps to somewhere between 100-200. Similar scenario in both files for which I posted summaries only except that I left the ping run for 10k-15k instances to get a more reliable sample. I don't think though that it is related to my style of play or my FL installation as it seems same or slightly worse when I am not running FL. Logically it must be related to my PC, ISP, other players influence on the server or some other issue.

    I don't think it is on my side though. Like I said I have a high end PC with minimal background programs running. For playing purposes I disconnected the router and the Internet connection is now plugged in from my modem directly into my PC. I turned of the firewall. In other words I hope to have eliminated from my side all the factors that could potentially be causing the problem. But maybe I'm just making it worse by improving things from my side and increasing the difference between me and the players with not so good a connection.

    I tried to compare early morning pings and evening pings. Morning seems to be much more consistent without many exceptions from the 34-37ms range. In the evening I often get those exceptions when it jumps to high numbers. Also compared CF server with a couple other Internet pings and man what a difference. CF server is so much faster and more consistent then any other I tried.

    Anyway I had enough of this. Even if I am lagging and I identify the cause I most likely wont be able to do anything about it. I a not buying new hardware to be able to improve other players chances in PvP with me and I certainly can't do anything about how other players influence the server.

    See you in game and watch me coming for you.

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    Originally posted by SWAT_OP-R8R
    [SCHILD=19]Chaos rulz[/SCHILD]

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  • I didn't notice any lag while fighting against Wizard.

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  • Quote

    Originally posted by Bond
    change ur style...

    If you think that it is his style he isn´t lagging, is he? Thanks Simba for testing it, i will do so too.

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