Galaxy News System LIVE Broadcast

There are 10 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Portalearth.

  • *Transmission Begin*

    Hello and Welcome to the first broadcast of the Galaxy News System. I'm your host Kent Rolphana broadcasting to you galaxy-wide live from beautiful Planet Los Angeles. Before i get started on today's news, I want to share with you all how awesome this really is. GNS has been hard at work for the last two years to bring this station to all reaches of the Universe from Sirius to Altair and everywhere in between. Hundreds of millions of credits have been spent to bring you the finest and highest quality news.

    And now for todays Headlines

    Cryer Pharmaceuticals was fined yesterday by LIberty Security Forces after an investigation ordered by the Liberty Department of Accountability discovered that the popular stimulant "4EverFlight," commonly used by long distance freighter pilots, soldiers as well as recovering Cardamine addicts, was falsely labeled as "safe, available for retail sale." Following a Lawsuit by independent shipping operator Fleece Mason of the Edgeworlds who sustained injury from the use of the stimulant, LSF officials found that the drug had not yet left small mammal trials before researchers allowed it to pass through quality assurance and onto the market. Mason, according to the lawsuit suffered from side effects such as severe insomnia, swelling of the throat that caused Mason to lose consciousness during a docking procedure and infertility. Cryer has not yet released a statement and there is no word of other victims coming forward.

    Planet Hamburg Police Captain Samuel Difenbaker was sentenced to 5 years in a Maximum Security Prison after pleading guilty to sexually harassing Kimberly Steinberg during a routine traffic stop in the Rindfleischetikettierungsüberwachungsaufgabenübertragungsgesetz region of Hamburg. Dash cam footage shows Steinberg stepping out of her speeder, following Captain Difenbaker's request and leaning against the side while he searched her vehicle. Captain Difenbaker returned to his cruiser after telling the victim he was going to run her license. As he returns, Difenbaker shut off his dashcam but was unaware the audio was still recording. This is what happened

    *begin clip*
    Captain Difenbaker: Ma'am, can you please put your hand behind your head?
    Steinberg: oookaaaayyy?
    Difenbaker: You have any weapons or knives or anything that can hurt me in your pockets?
    Steinberg: No
    Steinberg: WHAT THE *expletive* ?! You just touched my P***y!!!!
    Difenbaker: Calm down ma'am
    Steinberg: *expletive* no! You just touched my vagina! Get off me
    Difenbaker: Ma'am if you don't calm down, i'll have to take you jail
    Steinberg: You think i hide drugs up there? Youre done *expletive* pervert. Take me to jail, i don't care! I'm gonna take you to the cleaners after i get out out
    *end clip*

    Steinberg was arrested and charged with speeding, disobeying a law enforcement official requests and resisting arrest but released after the dashcam footage was reviewed and the charges were dropped. Steinberg has filed a lawsuit against Captain Difenbaker and the Hamburg police department

    Our Last story of the day comes from a small neighborhood On Kyushu. "Way Back When," a Libertarian inspired barbecue restaurant open last year. Hiro Nagataki, Head Chef and Owner of "Way Back When" visited Planet Houston and quote "completely fell in love in the flavors and style of Libertarian BBQ." After returning from his trip, Hiro spent several months perfecting his menu by taking traditional Kusari dishes and infusing Libertarian flavors with them. Foodies from all over Sirius and Altair have traveled to Kyushu with reservations as much as 6 months in advanced just to try this never before style of food. Find a review of "Way Back When" on the GNS "Food and Fun" page on the Neural Net.

    That's all we have for today folks. Our Next Broadcast will feature a segment by investigative journalist Huey Whitman of Bretonia on the squatters of New London and how Bretonian officials are tackling the issue

    Until Next Time, I'm Kent Rolphana

    *End Transmission

  • Good Evening and Welcome to another edition of Galaxy News Network. I'm your Host Kent Rolphana.

    Today we'll open with the space traffic report presented by Deep Space Engineering: "Inventing a difference for you." Congestion along the Planet Manhattan-Ft Bush trade lane has caused severe delays of up to two hours for commercial and residential commuters. Ageira technicians were dispatched to a malfunctioning trade lane after the lane went down. The Malfunction according to initial reports was caused by micro debris hitting the heat sink at three quarters the speed of light and caused the lane unit to over-heat and perform an automatic shut down. No accidents or injuries were reported. Heavy Congestion at the California-Cortez Jump gate is causing moderate delays of up to 45 minutes to an hour, due to the Space-Nerds Convention currently held on Planet Curacao. And a reactor leak aboard the Battleship Suffolk has shut down the entire trade lane corridor linking Planet New London and the Dublin jump gate. Bretonian Armed Forces officials have begun clearing out debris and setting up a security perimeter around the Dublin Jump hole on both the New London and Dublin sides in order to keep commerce moving between the two systems. Anyone without Level 3 clearance will be unable to go between systems. Sorry race fans, but the Sirius Speed 500 is cancelled until crews can clean up and the area deemed safe. Tickets will be available for reissue only according to race officials.

    Our next piece comes to you from Cambridge Research Center. Scientists have finally been able to unlock the secret to life itself. While many believe that "42" is the answer to "Life, The universe and everything," on team has found the secret to life lies within space grass. Space grass, a plant that can only grow in a zero-g environment, when smoked, unlocks roughly 40% of the human brain. This leads to a better understanding of basically anything in the universe. Researchers consumed space grass and recorded thoughts, behaviors and actions then began to analyze these finding. Only those who had smoked space grass were able to understand the data. The problem with obtaining space grass is that the only place it naturally grows in a zero-G environment is beyond the GMG Hypergate in the Inner Core. Efforts to synthesize space grass have failed or produced long-term damaging side effects such as Cancer, Chrons Disease and in some cases, death! CRC is rumored to be offering big money to those who can retrieve Space Grass from the inner core for further research.

    The Final story I have for you today is to announce that Mr. Roboto-san, Kusari's most well-known singer is launching a major inter-house tour starting at the Der Sphincter Arena on New Berlin. Mr. Roboto-san began his career as a contestant on Sirius Idol where he landed a major record deal upon winning the popular reality show. He has released 2 albums since then and did a warm-up tour around Kusari space. Mr Robot-san won 2 Musey awards, one for his "I Don't Really Care" Album and the single "Nomad Love." He is expected to perform at all the House capitals as well as two shows in Altair, both on Sovetskaya. Roboto-San will also be playing at minor theater halls around Sirius. Tickets are expected to go fast and can be pre-ordered starting next week via the Neural net. Packages come in 3 flavors: General Admission, VIP/Meet and Greet, and the "Come Away with Me" package where you get to tour with Roboto-san himself, excluding the Altair shows.

    That's all for you today. Once again i'm Kent Rolphana. Until Next time

  • Welcome again to another broadcast of the Galaxy News System. I'm Kent Rolphana and here are the top stories from around the galaxy

    A Republic Alliance freighter was destroyed above New Berlin by a member of the Luciferian Consortium in an unprovoked attack. Portalearth was on a regularly scheduled shuttle flight from Oder Shipyard when the unknown assailant open fired without warning and instantly killing the pilot and 330 military personnel on a scheduled leave to the planet. The Rhineland military had this to say in a statement after the attack:


    Piracy is running rampant in our homeland. Our law enforcement is often unavailable to respond most attacks due to the high volume of which pirate attack occur. Our economy suffers from it, and our homes and families suffer from it. The Bundeswher is being asked to assist in securing our homeland from these terrorists and we will help eradicate these threats. Our hearts and minds go out to those lost in this most recent attack

    The Bretonian government is finally answering the question on what to do with the squatters that plague New London. The "Ya Gotta Earn It" program was head started by the Focks Industries New London office in conjunction with New London law enforcement and aims to give jobs to the homeless residing in abandoned building all across New London by allowing to live there as long as they keep it clean and maintained. Focks Industries is providing a grant to the city to power and water these buildings and will work with local food banks to give food rations to the inhabitants. Some of the homeless praise the deal saying all they want is a job and to get back on their feet but have a hard time finding a "real job" due to their homelessness and the discrimination of New London employers. Others are not impressed with the deal they're offered. One squatter known as "Crazy Joe" is steamed at the idea the government is making them work to live where he's lived for years without hassle.


    I think it's a load of bollocks! I can support myself without the government needing to step in. I've got a nice set up here can't you tell? they're gonna want us to get drug tested and meet with case workers and of course we're gonna be subject to police raids which is only gonna make things worse for those who want to be homeless by choice. Next chance i get i'm jumping on the next freighter to the borderworlds and getting the heck outta here.

    Finally, petty crime in Sovetskaya is on the rise again. According to police reports, robbery, vandalism, drug use and distribution and even minor gang activity has seen a spike in the past 2 weeks. Altair Law enforcement is working with the government to decide whether a curfew should be enacted in the heavier crime ridden parts of Murmansk as well as expand police presence in those areas. There are even unconfirmed reports of Xeno graffiti on business's and homes.

    Thats all for today, Until Next time, I'm Kent Rolphana

  • Hello, welcome to the latest edition of GNS and i'm Kent Rolphana

    A new member of the Galaxy Rangers was inducted today. Cantana Focks, son of the late Rigel Focks, joined the elite group after showing above and beyond commitment to the safety and welfare of the Milky Way Galaxy. When asked if he was gonna continue working the Republic Alliance he stated "The growth of the Republic Alliance is first and foremost my number one priority. We have a system that needs to be strengthend and profits to be made." Rumors of a new Space Station in Omicron Gamma are starting to see light in Rhineland with materials such as super alloy's and optronics being bought up at a high rate. Some of the criminal groups in Borderworld systems are concerned with the alliance between Corsairs and the RA. One Hessian, who spoke to GNS on the condition of anonymity, said upper-level commanders are starting to increase patrols and build defense networks closer to the Omicron Gamma jumphole in Omega-41 and long range sensors placed within Omicron Gamma itself. Other groups are are unfazed by the recent moves by Republic Alliance command. There will no doubt be a turf war between borderworld criminal groups and the strong alliance between Revan and the Corsairs

    The Independent Operators Consortium reports their space station in the New Hong Kong system is on schedule. While IOC Command has yet to release details on the completion of their station, they report it will be "Huge, sexy and ready for anything to come at it." Rumors of a brothel, black market, full service dry dock and luxury spa have not been confirmed, although 2 Soulforge trains with "Petrol Vodka" company logos on them, were spotted entering the New Hong Kong system earlier this week. What was confirmed that the "open house will be a party that no one will ever forget"

    Two Daumann Construction stations were raided today after a tip was released to authorities about a Cardamine operation working in conjunction with local Hessian groups. Regional Manager Lional Pulanski was arrested after the raids when documents revealed that Mr. Pulanski authorized the growing operation on the two stations that were raided. Authorities also arrested 12 other people, including a Hessian liason during the raids

    Mr. Roboto -san concert Tickets are still on sale for the final three shows of his trans-sector tour. General admission is available for all three shows on Los Angeles, Leeds and finally on Planet Honshu, Mr Roboto-san's home planet. Mr Roboto-san responded to accusations that he's a Xeno with this.


    I Do not know why anyone would think i'm a terrorist. I'm not. I'm just some guy who won some competition. Even if i was a terrorist, I Sure as hell wouldn't be a Xeno

    Obviously, he is aware that multiple documents have been leaked to law enforcement pointing the singer to the terrorist organization but authorities have yet to release any statements as it is an ongoing investigation

    Thank you for enjoying this edition of the Galaxy News Service. Until next time, i'm Kent Rolphana

  • Hello and welcome to another edition of the Galaxy News Service. I'm your host, Kent Rolphana. We've received a ton of feedback from listeners all over the galaxy. We thank you all for your input and we are glad that you enjoy our broadcast and look forward to continuing to bring you the most important news.

    Cantana Focks is in the news again who was involved high speed pursuit between him and the mercenary known as Whiskey Thief. Cantana is wanted for an unpaid tab of roughly three million credits owed to the "Wirklich Gehämmert" Bar on New Berlin. The chase began in Manchester and continued all the way to Omega-7 where Cantana was able to get away. Authorities are asking the general public to assist in Focks' capture requesting any information on his whereabout. A bounty will be paid to those who can capture or kill Cantana Focks

    Bretonian Armed Forces conducted a raid on junker base Trafalgar after informants were able to verify illegal goods being shipped from the station behind Southampton Shipyards. Cardamine, Classified Artifact Reports and even pallets of artifacts were found hidden among the scrap stockpiled in the Junker Base. Junker Spokesperson indicated they know who is responsible for the leak of information and will be dealt with Appropriately. BAF troopers made 12 arrests in the raid including station commander Frank Little. Two junkers suffered minor gunshot wounds in the operation and thankfully, no one was killed. BAF Assured that while illegal trade will never truly be extinguished, the actions of the brave troopers have slowed the flow of illegal trade operations in the area with the success of this raid.

    GNS is willing to hear YOUR stories. Got a news tip? Have anything worthy of being broadcast to the entire galaxy? Submit your stories to Newstip@GNS.nn. Credits will be given to positive leads (you can message me here on the forums if you got something)

    Thats all we have for today. We look forward to continued feedback as well as your stories. Again i'm Kent Rolphana, Until next time

  • Welcome to another edition of The Galaxy News Network. I'm your host Kent Rolphana

    A major convoy trekked from New York to Thames Outpost and successfully managed to sell 6580 Pages of names who's alias is associated with civillian, government and military identities. The convoy Led by Republic Alliance officer Cantana Focks stated that the overall profit before it was split 6 ways with freelancers, was roughly 115 Million Credits. A Borderworld Exports freighter captain spotted Focks at Thames outpost and hired renowned Dark Phoenix mercenary Denne to hunt down down Focks and bring him to justice. His armored transport was reportedly destroyed with no survivors. The rest of the crew involved in the job was never found.

    Progress on a local law enforcement team's base advanced today in the Sea of Shadows. While details of the TSH base are still classified Much of the work is getting in the way of these officers regular duties. Crime has surged 150% and rumors of law enforcement turning cheek on criminal activities are exploding. In this news caster's opinion, If you wanna do something illegal, now is the time do it.

    In Other news, Planet Baden Baden and Orbital Spa and Cruise are now beginning to appeal to middle class citizens around Sirius. For a reasonable Price, a family of 4 can safely travel from Planet Houston to Baden Baden for $7,000 Credits. The Price includes 4 Round trip tickets and a 7-day 6-night stay at the Resort. Also included is $100 gambling money, the "Stuff Your Face and Gain 20 Pounds" Meal plan and general admission tickets to "Mike Tongsil's Magical Act." Orbital representatives also offer upgrades on room bookings and deals on the 30 and 50 pound meal plans.

    My next story is brought to you by Focks Industries: "We're everywhere and you don't even know it."

    Kishiro Technologies was acquired by Focks Industries share holders last week. FI now owns 85% of the jump gates in Sirius as well as the already established trade contracts with Interspace Shipping and Borderworld Exports. Focks Industries Chairman Maria Ganja stated this acquisition will allow Kishiro and FI to combine our technological projects that will further develop the Sirius Economy and it's citizen

    THank you for tuning into this episode of Galaxy News Network. Until next time, i'm Kent Rolphana

  • Welcome to Season 2 of the Galaxy News System Broadcasting to you live from Hollywood City on Planet Los Angeles. I'm your Host Kent Rolphana

    Our Journalists have been interviewing hundreds of thousands of people from all sectors of the galaxy. Some are Rich and Famous. Others are poor but still need a voice. The last few weeks has been just putting it all together to present to you, the listener. We have over 600 Million listeners in 5 Houses as well as billions of hits on our Neural net page. We're so huge, folks its incredible...

    But now for the news

    the 12th Annual Focks Industries Tactical Tournament begins next week. 8 Teams are selected to compete in a Team based tactical realism simulator. This year, Focks Industries has teamed up with Ageira Technologies to provide a new means of gameplay for this years tournament. This year, Teams will use real weapons and live ammunition to complete objectives. Upon death of a player, a Regenerator field in arena will in essence bring back that person as they were before being killed. The system was finally cleared for use by Liberty officials even though other houses have yet to allow such tech to be used in their border. JoHann Dingleshmit, President of Frankfurts Sports Ethics committee said that "sketchy tech that played with players live should not be used for entertainment." The Tournament was previously played using highly reduced power firearms that only disabled a player but not kill them. This years tournament will be held at the Interspace Commerce Arena on Planet Manhattan which has been undergoing renovations in order to accommodate this years tournmanet.

    A United Rebel officer is under internal investigation for possession of classified defense plans, ones labeled for their own base. While high ranking UR Members were unavailable to comment as it was an ongoing investigation, one source under the condition of anonymity said they believe the officer was selling base plans to smugglers in exchange for profit or a place at the top of the food chain when the pirates come and raid the base. Speculation as it may be, but the United Rebels may have a traitor in their midst.

    Piracy is running rampant in Sirius! Major corporations have begun offering anybody with a gun mounted on their ship a large sum of money to escort cargo through space. Local and galaxy authorities have become overwhelmed with reports and the supply of Coffee and donuts is beginning to run thin. Prisons are becoming overcrowded with many violent inmates are having their sentences commuted and released early. Criminals have hired low-key traders to move them from the inner colony prisons the day they are released to the edge worlds to pirate homeworld destinations such as Omicron Alpha and Gamma.

    Many of our stories are still undergoing final editing but they will be released as they are approved for publishing

    Thanks for listening to this GNS broadcast. I'm your host Kent Rolphana, Until Next Time

  • Hello I'm Kent Rolphana hosting this edition of the Galaxy New Broadcast

    Earlier this week, Local authorities arrested the son of the late business mogul Rigel Focks as he was attempting to leave prison station Huntsville. Cantana Focks, 24 was dropping off high value individuals when Artifacts were found on Mr. Focks' vessel. He was later released when his Lawyer pointed out that Liberty Police Inc. Did not have a warrant to search to Mr Focks' ship despite his affiliation with renowned smuggler organization the Republic Alliance. LPI later dropped the charges and released Mr. Focks

    The 321st annual Sirius Galaxy Fair is being held on Planet Cambridge this year. It is being once again, for the 5th year in a row, Sponsored by Kishiro Technologies. There will be a ship showcase presented by Focks Industries, a food court featuring cuisine from all over the Sirius and Altair sectors and a wide array of musicians and entertainment from hit singer Mr. Roboto-San to Bretonian superstar comedian Ralph Newnton. It will run during the Harvest season approximately 3 standard weeks. Ticket packages are available at most Synth Food Grocery Stores

    We are hard at work to provide you with the best news the law allows us to provide. If you wish to appear in a GNS story, feel free to stop by our offices ot send me a message

    Thanks for tuning in, Im Kent Rolphana. Until next time

  • Welcome to the latest edition of the Galaxy News Broadcast. I'm your host, Kent Rolphana

    Are cops becoming lazier? A man walked into a Steel Hearts station on Planet Denver to turn himself claiming he has committed a double murder of his wife and another male when he found the two sleeping together on the flight deck of his Dromedary frieghter. The man claims he was told "thats nice" and to "tell someone who cares" before he was threatend with arrest for tresspassing. The man, whos identity is to remain anonymous as his request, is filing a civil lawsuit against The Steel Hearts for neglect of constitutional duties, corruption, slander and intimidation. TSH Chief Martin Forlon was unavailable for comment

    The FI Tactical Tournament is almost over! 6 Teams battled it out in the month long tournament hosted by Focks Industries and now only two remain. The final battle, taking place this weekend, is consist of matches in the Attack and Defend game mode. The two teams are competing for the championship title as well as a 250 million credit grand prize. The first match will pit the Kyushu Krusaders against the newcomer and underdog team La Alegría en la Muerte from Omicron Gramma. A coin toss will decide who attacks first. It will be broadcast on all neural Network sports channels (220-250, 472, 881 990-999) as well as feed on the Sports n More page on the GNS Neural net.

    A Deep Space Engineering transport suffered an engine malfunction above Planet Manhattan. According to investigators, the port bow engine on the LTS Dunham suddenly activated its cruise sequence. This malfunction cause several other critical system failures, still being investigated, and the LTS Dunham Entered Manhattans atmosphere and exploded. The last comms heard from Captain Brain Reauxchard were:


    "Stay Alert! I don't want to get off guard beca-"

    ] (courtesy of Liberty Security Force)

    Have something you'd like published? Send news tips to me. Compensation for stories published up to 250,000 Credits

    Until Next Time, I'm Kent Rolphana.

  • Greetings:

    My name is Brandon Gilbert Juarez, Chief Executive Officer of Galaxy News System. You may know my boss Aileen Focks, the President of Focks Industries, is once again looking to expand the GNS Broadcast. This time, it's beyond technical upgrades or seeking to reach a wider audience. However, Ms. Focks wants to keep this very hush hush and unfortunately, im unable to provide further information.

    In this time, the GNS broadcast will be delayed until further notice. We hope you will continue to send us your feedback so we can further improve your news watching experience.

    As always we are not connected with any government agency and all stories are checked for facts, accuracy and redundancy.

    We hope to see you next time on Galaxy News Servi- *click* (zoom out, Cantana Focks is staring at his datapad)

    (Setting: restricted space - Omicron Gamma)

    (Cantana Focks stares out the viewport from his Celetis Dreadnought 'Reaper' at the intensely mystifying Red Dwarf sun.)

    Cantana: *whispering* I have a sister?

  • Welcome ladies and gentle I'm your host, Lyiana Dorschef.

    Before we begin tonights broadcast, I want to talk about Kent Rolphana. For many years he has manned this broadcast with great honor. Mr. Rolphana was first to expose the scandal involving high level Kusari Officials and the Blood Dragon terrorist organization. He was hardlined on proving the murder of Bretonian Parliments Lord Ashcroft's son was politically motivated. Kent also gave back to the community by setting up the "Woofs from Rolphs" Foundation that helped disadvantaged families provide therapy animals and assistance with high-maintence pets for low-income families. When Kent Rolphana was asked to the broadcasts for this season of GNS and he said "I believe it is time to pass the torch onto the next generation. I have helped all that I can and now it's time for me to rest." We here at the Galactic News System, Thanks Kent!"

    Onto the News.

    A reactor explosion on LD-14 in Leeds led to the evacuation of Stokes and the surrounding area. The area was closed off by authorities while clean up crews worked tirelessly for 14 hours to contain radioactive debris to be hauled to Omega-3 where it will be decontaminated and recycled. Leeds Chief of Police Shanigan Flensa held a press conference at the Police Headquarters on Planet Leeds stating that there is no evidence of a terrorist attack and that the investigation is still being conducted. Sources close to Chief Flensa claim The Order was present at LD-14 and questioned a handful of resident employees of the mining facility before departing. These sources spoke on the condition of anonymity because of the ongoing investigation.

    The GravBall Conference Championships have completed this past week which have determined who will play in the StarBowl, the Final game of the GravBall season which pits the North Gravball Conference champions versus their Southern Conference competitor. This year, it will be the New Berlin Landsmann against the Denver Merlins. The Landsmann all-star Forward 38 year old Mot Ydarb came under vicious scrutiny when evidence of a microscopic control thruster was discovered on the Gravball. It allowed Ydarb to have greater pass control during the brief moment when Gravity is switched on or off on the playing field. Mot Ydarb was allowed to play during the seaon after a 4-game suspension. Numerous attempts have been made to clear Ydarb's name but PGBL Chairman Max Dantennis was firm on his decision to suspend Ydarb. Some critics have said the punishment was not harsh enough given the huge advantage the Landsmann had, even if it's for a few seconds.

    Until Next time, this is Lyiana Dorschef.