Bugged Ship on CF 1.52

There are 21 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Zodiak.

  • Hi everyone,

    Please, feel free to write down here

    the bugged ship that you may have found through your experience in CF 1.52 and state what

    was the problem (including: station docking, planet docking, fighting, turret problems,

    weapon problems, and so on)



    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it

  • Ok as Many know the Battleships having a HARD time to

    undock from a Planet even at 1.52. iwas in a Rhineland BS at 1.51 tryid to undock from malta

    nd the result was endless death. once i upgraded to 1.52 it was the same.
    so i just HAD

    to temporary buy a sabre and get back a Fighter. the point is that amybe the scene of

    UNdocking could be longer in the next mod. it should help ALOT if BS's undock ;) i just

    did a comment here.

    I've been here since Crossfire 1.5 - 2005.
    Good times.
    Maybe it's time to come back?

  • I had and issue with the Hydra getting stuck in the JG while

    trying to enter the next system. Forcing me to alt f4.

    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.

  • ?(
    This ones not a ship bug per se, but a ship

    component. Power generator Mark I can be purchased for far lower than the 1mil asking price.

    It does take whatever you have...but then you have it. Havn't checked the other generators


    Was flying with Aeon last week and he also reported having a terrible time

    docking/undocking in his liberty battleship.


    [SIZE=4]May your lines be straight and your battles decisive ...[/SIZE]

  • Battleship are almost all of them bugged. Reliant, from what

    I know, is the less bugged battleship. The main reason for this thead is to state bugs on

    fighters and freighters. I am testing every ship in CF Single player now cause I found some

    discrenpancies among them in mp. So, if anyone has come to cross with any bugged fighter or

    freighter, an input on that would be appreaciate it :)




    the way, AEON, arent you an admin or mderator from another mod server? I hope you enjoy your

    stay at CF ;)

    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it

  • I believe Aeon is an admin over at Tekagi's

    Treasure...good fella to fly with.

    [SIZE=4]May your lines be straight and your battles decisive ...[/SIZE]

  • well so far ive

    counted 12 admins from other servers on CF... nothing unusual



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • The predator, has a bug with the guns, he shoots with only two in the

    bottom right corner (when hud is minimized).

    Rank + Codename: Captain Blade
    Wing: Dragon Wing
    Organization + Leader: DragonCorps - DC_Hägar

  • Hi everyone...

    excellent work by all concerned with crossfire it really enhances the game for me. i am a

    newbie to fl and crossfire but am enjoying getting stuck into the mod..
    anyway i just

    found the bug at planet CF i was able to dock ok. at the eqipment store i was allowed to buy

    a battleship turret cost 9m with only 2m funds. found that i could then resell that turret

    for 9m then repeat ad nauseum......i found then i was unable to launch as server crashed.

    when reconnected i was stuck in dock airlock and had a struggle to get out and redock.

    the midst of it right now. haven't tried to launch without the "bugged" goodies, will do

    that in a moment and praps get back with the result..

    give em



    {EDIT: sorry it's not planet Crossfire where the bug is but at

    the crossfire spacedocks}
    {EDIT2: was able to launch from CF dock no problem. seems

    there is only a disconnect if the turret bug is exploited. guess that is a server cheat


  • Hydra wont dock with most stations.
    Raven Claw has problem with 1st person view.

    (\__/)(='.'=)(" )_(" ) This silly rabbit came to Texas, Started talking about World Domination, Got sliced and diced.

  • I bought an elite

    defender and when Itried to dock at CF dock1,2 the ship went towards the mooring fixture and

    tried to dock...it stayed like that for about 2 hours. after that I got borred and closed

    Freelancer. Every time I try to dock there-same problem X(

  • Quote

    Originally posted by BillyBones
    I'm not sure what

    kind of bug this is, but I get 'stuck' comming out of crossfire dock2, and have not been

    able to dock with any mooring fixture, at all in a Kusari BS.

    same as or

    close to:

    Sorry to inform you that lot of BS are bugged . I advise that

    if you were to buy an BS, just get the liberty and rheiland BS and equip only defend

    turrets, eventhough there another one that doesnt give you any troube but I dont recall


    Thank you for your input about the power gen

    issue on version I... I have the version V & I didnt notice such a behavior while traiding

    it. I will look into it though

    About the BS, eventhough AEON was having problem to

    dock and undock, liberty is one with lesser problems in a matter of speaking. However, I

    have been told that the Reliant BS is the less buggy BS. So I advice you to buy that

    eventhough I wont guarantee that you wont be stock from time to time ;) As for myself I have

    use the Reliant on some occasion and I haven go that much of a



    Originally posted by BladeNet
    The predator,

    has a bug with the guns, he shoots with only two in the bottom right corner (when hud is


    Maybe it becuase that when you minimized the hud, you will

    have a greater view and you could be increasing you firing angle. It happen to me in the

    Deimos. Deimos has 6 class 10 front gun. I installed PPCs on it. Then if I shot straight all

    gunswill fire, but when I increase the firing angle to a certain degree, some of them just

    stop firing. With minimize hud you tend to use more screen to move the target



    Originally posted by Crunch
    Hydra wont dock with most

    Raven Claw has problem with 1st person view.

    Yes, I dont

    adivce to use the hidra because of tha eventhough have good fire power. You could use the

    tempest, much better and no bugs so far :)

    About the Raven Claw, I think is not only

    that ship thet present the first person view problem.

    That the elite defender has trouble docking at station. I advise you

    to change that ship. Instead of the elite defender, try the deimos if you are use to big hit

    box :) Thank you for your input


    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it

  • its not possible for you to dock in styx



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • So, it is not

    for us to dock there. Just Server Police and he Admin has the faculty to dock there. I hope

    this clarify your question.


    [4] Don't argue, [3] Just do it