Chaos' Reply to the Reply..

There are 2 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by SWAT_OP-R8R.

  • Excuse the new thread the other was closed before we could

    reply to the accusations.

    @op : ok fair enough; now we are finally getting down to

    it. Actually, f-y-i Chaos is in the middle of voting on what we will do next, so we have

    decided that we will only fight in defence for the time being (meaning only when attacked).

    As for your other accusations, well.... I c u didnt try to refute the statement made

    earlier that u and bg always use forum-war and propaganda, usually with personal attacks,

    against the other sides' spokespersons.... as a tool in war.

    Thx for clearing that

    up about tassadore. i suppose the "Anti-Chaos Coalition" are glad to have him on their side

    and to know that u fully support him, and what he did.


    @PiA members: I am curious what Chaos did to u that u

    want to declare war on us? We would gladly appreciate one of u replying. If its because i

    jokingly posted in a public thread here that maybe u should consider being a merc clan...

    Well perhaps declaring war over it is not the best reply to a flippant forum post? After

    all, i didnt post in your clans' forum (that's a nasty tactic that Chaos would never

    use...... ), and this forum is public after-all (look at all the strange posts u can see in

    the Chaos thread). Nor did i wish u any ill-will by the post. So we are very curious about

    why u want to go to war against us, when we dont even know u... If it was a language or

    cultural barrier thing, then we are sorry if it offended u, that was not my intent.

    So we would request a meeting with your Leader to discuss this, perhaps u are not

    getting all the information u need to make the best decisions. Either way know that we wish

    friendship between ur clan and ours.


    op's last reply before he locked the


    looks like he cant see it


    "bg tried the exact same thing (trying to get us to declare war) last May

    before they got tired of it and declared war on us anyway"
    i mean wtf... i told you to

    do what u need to do and the sunday after that we declared war on you
    and if you think

    it would be a problem for us to declare a new war then ur totally wrong... it would just be

    one of many

    i have warned you 2 times now... one time when the forum came back and

    one on this thread... and now i really have enough of this shit
    you just wont stop with

    it... every single post i see is "war" or shit like "BG has done this... DC has done this...

    everyone allied against chaos to destroy it..." and you have not a single proof... really

    absolutly nothing
    the clans and the freelancers on this server have enough
    you have

    started a war with DC... a war which cant be won coz DC would never surrender
    you have

    started trouble with BG... accusing us to abuse our powers, beeing cheaters, having spies in

    other clans and much more (every of those accusations have could been proven as wrong)

    even freelancers are not happy about the your behaviour on the server
    and the newest

    clan... the PiA has been told by chaos to change their role because "BG would make problems

    if they stay pirates" -> dont you think they can do their own decisions without influence of

    other clans?

    to make it short most ppl are damn pissed at you and some other chaos

    members... and not BG, DC or anybody else except chaos itself is responsible for this. maybe

    its time to search for the problems not at the others... one ex-chaos member told me on

    sunday that chaos is not what it has been once and i think he is right... chaos is only

    searching for more troule in my eyes and im sure the majority of this community is thinking

    the same way

    since the war between DC and chaos started we have given chaos several

    chances to come out of this situation without being harmed but our offers were taken down

    when i brought back this forum we have given you another chance but it also has been


    all the time you said that we want to destroy chaos, that DC and BG are

    allied just to take you guys down and that we have planned this all the time... that

    everything we did was to bring you guys in exactly the situation you are now
    you were

    wrong all the time... we wanted a peaceful solution for this community nothing else

    your actions and those of your members the situation got more and more worse... and due to

    the fact that our offers were taken down we have no other chance now...

    hereby i

    declare officially that if just one more DC member (or members of PiA and BG) is being

    attacked by chaos we will do our duty and go on war with chaos
    you will notice that PiA

    and a nummerous part of the freelancers will also do this

    maybe you start thinking

    now... why should we want a war? to get rid of chaos? why? there is no reason for that and

    nobody would cut off his own leg...
    jib - its up to you now... nobody of us wants this

    war... not BG, not DC and not PiA but we will do what we have to do if you force us to it...

    oh and to answer ur question... yes i will defend tassador... not because he is a

    DC... not because he would have caused damage to chaos... i do it because he was/is an admin

    and i can understand his motives pretty good
    he had every right to do what he did... he

    was the one any only owner of the chaos boards and had all rights
    im in a similar

    situation with SWAT coz i have to see all this shit here and i really want to take this

    forum and the whole portal offline (the same way tassador closed the chaos boards)

    done no final decision yet
    all i can say about tassador was that i had mixed feelings in

    the past for him... that was before he did 2 respectful things... the 1st that he did hard

    decision knowing the consequences... and the 2nd...well no ill just say that it has

    something to do with tohoku (more is not needed)
    oh and maybe i also should say that he

    is one of the reasons for the meeting on sunday and the results of it (including that you

    can read this post and go to the server again)
    maybe if nobody else does respect him

    (something which i really doubt) he has my respect for his


    Oh well... i wont miss

    the forum-war phase of this when and if it ever ends, lol... damn sick of it myself.

    BTW: If ppl think we are scared, frightened, worried, anxious, cowed, shaking,

    turning yellow, turning pale, or turning into birds and flying away.... nope. Call us

    "foolishly optomistic" if u like, we dont care... just dont call us late for dinner, lol.

  • it has a reason that i close threads... to start crossthreading now is not a wise




    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • this evening Chaos_Nitr0x attacked BG_Badcrow in Custodian

    without warning or any reasons

    the logs of this forum show that he was here and able

    to read the posts (even if he has no rights to reply here anymore)
    he knew about the

    upcoming war and still attacked a recruit

    like i announced BG, DC and PiA wont hold

    their fighters back anymore
    we consider these latest attacks as an attack towards this

    community and will react on them
    several Freelancers already offered their help after the

    announcement on the server



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!