Sig 19 Declared War Zone

There are 182 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by SWAT_OP-R8R.

  • So from the 3 choices i had above your answer

    appears to be the last #3 , the "didnt care" scenario, meaning

    "They may declare war

    if they like, let'em, they cant hurt us and its good practice for dc".


    actually this attitude i can understand and appreciate.... But then why the all-out

    war-monger anti-jib media blitz and the bg attacks in space on us.....

    U really cant

    have it both ways and still be the "good guys" in all this u know... i mean ppl will notice

    (ah, see #3 again lol). So this war was pushed a little from the other side too........ Isnt

    that fair to say?

    Well since this is becoming utterly absurd, i suggest bg just

    retire to their corner in this professional wrestling tag-team match, and let dc and Chaos

    duke it out. Nothing good will come from continuing on the way it is, and i dont mean that

    as a threat just common sense.

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Vlad

    That all you say nitro? ?(

    Jib is no longer a valid partner in

    Like he said himself in the systemchannel of Sigma 19 a week/two weeks ago:

    He is not gonna talk to me anymore.

    Fine, if he wants to act as juvenile as he is

    doing at this moment (for the record: this is not only my own observation, or the

    observation of just the BG, it goes way beyond that), then he will be treated in that way,

    turning him into a non-party to deal with.

    I don't care what Jib tries to uncover or

    drag from beneath rocks that don't exist, I stopped caring about the things he said about

    me, the clan, the server, since I see him as nothing more than a seven year old boy in a zoo

    who's lolli pop just have been snatched away by a 6 year old girl, left him crying for his



    It's just a game, and it will always remain a game

  • lol
    nitro is the...
    "nothing more than a seven year old

    boy in a zoo who's lolli pop just have been snatched away by a 6 year old girl, left him

    crying for his mom"

    ahem! exquse that off topic remark, but check this out...

    depressing, so dont read if u dont wanna feel depressed and unsafe...

    he was not

    even willing to defend his own system today... outnumbered or not! not even willing to

    defend!!! that is just cowardly, we were really dissappointed in him that he didnt even

    show some blood...

    it honestly made me sad that he would do that to his own clan :(

    couldnt believe the police, law enforcement at its best, didnt even wanna defend the donut

    shop... or might i say the whiskey bar ;)

  • Quote

    But in all reality here... No one considered that our likely move in response was

    war with dc? Really, thats hard to believe.

    I think no one thought someone could

    be stupid enough to declare war over one contract over and 8k radius around Havaii. It's my

    opinion too (like OP said) that you could just leave Havaii alone till sunday time 23:59 and

    than you could hire DC yourself. But you chose your own childish scenario. I can understand

    that you think that DC backstabbed you. But it looks like that you didn't even concern

    about their RP role in this game. You only wanted to see the knife in your back which

    wasn't there.
    I know most [Chaos] don't like OP and i'm sure that's the reason

    because you all wanted this war to happen. [Chaos] knows that BG won't declare war on them

    for no reason and that's how [Chaos] provokes it.

    I know Nitro and I know he has his reasons for this actions. As far as

    i'm concerned, I wont fight any [Chaos] as long as they act like kids. I will just ignore

    them until they become reasonable. And until now I only saw bloodthirsty n0x and mad [Chaos]

    and that's not the behavior we want in this community.


    this whole community

    is going to hell, foreign and civil war everywhere.

    I totaly agree with you over

    this one. So sad this is happening over a luxury liner ;(

    P.S.: But all of that is

    just my opinion.

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

  • Too bad i didn't wanted to play with your game, is it?
    1 on 1, or

    2 vs 1, fine with me. But 3 vs 1? Are you that desperate?


    It's just a game, and it will always remain a game

  • psicek@ Actually only in this weird little op-universe would ppl think it weird that a clan

    decares war on another for attacking them... Still it doesnt explain why bg decided to attk

    us over it (it was none of their business), without declaring war.

  • Jib, I personally wouldn't declare war because of 4 days and over 8k radius. That was the

    contract if i remember correctly. In your place I would make "eye for an eye". I would stay

    away from Hawaii for those 4 days and between that i'd make a contract with DC. So they

    would attack BG after their contract expires. It would be a great turnover. You could do

    lot's of damage (RP thinking) to BG if you would played your cards well.

    Example in

    those 4 days i'd make a contract with DC that would start at Sunday 00:00 hours and just

    before that time i'd attack with full force the Hawaii liner. Hopefully the DC would be

    outnumbered and the BG would came to help. At 00:00h the DC would suprisely change sides

    because of their contract and there would be bad times for BG [10] and there wouldn't be

    any war now on the CF server. But that would be just mine little plan [9] . But of course

    you're not me and you handled the thing different with more distructive tactics for the

    server itself.

    About B G attacking [Chaos]. i wan't online much, so I don't kow

    what they were talking about. I also didn't have my FL ID at home, so I was in a non-BG

    char and stayed neutral with this whole thing. But my opinion about BG helping DC is this:

    BG helps the clan they paid for defending Hawaii Liner, because the [Chaos] war declaration

    to DC just wasn't right and it's BG's RP role to protect the inocent.

    I hope I

    didn't get you all confused with my blabering :D

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

  • pSicek, I am not surprised u and other bg

    or dc think we should have just retreated from Sig19 for those 4 days.... Why should u care

    if we were forced to retreat and lose.... But oddly enough we care about it, lol. So from

    our point of view that idea is completely without merit. But i appreciate your comments and

    can see why u made them.


    I dont care how many ppl come on here to say we

    are "warmongers"..... We were defending ourselves from an attack by dc, its that simple.


    "1 MONTH CONTRACT".. in other words this a permanent alliance for all we know.. After all,

    OP admitted yesterday that dragon wants to join the ASF (formal alliance with bg).

    So in some ppl's opinion a clan can just decide to attack another clan, and not

    expect any consequences? Oh.... except for bg who decide to attack us for no real reason in

    Tohoku and then invade Casius.... (we have screens of OP taunting us on SERVER WIDE CHAT

    that we have "Lost control of Casius"... .....Taunting us, the neutral server admin;

    invading our system... But still he refused to actually declare war. He was trying get us to

    however, by provoking us. lol he seemed pissed when we ignored it. "There's beer in the

    fridge, enjoy".

    There's no disputing those facts ppl, everyone online saturday saw

    that...... several ppl screened it.

    Only in this little weird world here is this a

    "bad" decision to declare war on dc... Its just with only a few clans left here in CF (cause

    bg's attitude has run off several...), ppl here dont see clanwar much so they dont

    understand that. So they somehow equate clanwar with bombings, killings and real-world

    violence. Since they know im from america, they somehow seem to equate me to George Bush,

    lol... I assure u i dont like the guy either, AND NO ONE is actually injured in these

    wars, lol.

    So here's some more of the lies they have been spreading about me, and im

    getting damn sick of it:

    1. "That jib is trying to destroy the server with his


    All we want to do is protect OURSELVES from being destroyed.. We remember the

    dirty crap from last time, yes... and we know what to expect if we dare defy bg in anything,

    it seems. What BG_Wavey refuses to show u or admit is the preceeding frame of the screens

    shots.... Where i promise to defent ourselves against the bg's attacks... Like i have said

    many times to many ppl. So i was telling him what would happen * IF * bg made war on us. So

    he twisted it out of context, then says i am trying to destroy the whole server.... lol.

    But never mind, he is COMPLETELY discredited and exposed as a shill and a fake now

    because of the AngelEye thing, see below.... hehehe

    2. "Yeah jib is ruining the fun

    for us all"

    How is that, again? Unless u are a mercenary who attacks us, we wont ruin

    your day lol... There is no reason for the average freelancer to worry. We taxed before

    the war, and we are too busy to now, mostly, lol.... If u are bothered by the poisoned

    attitude in this forum, well i will stop replying when ppl stop attacking me. I think when u

    consider the magnitude of the attacks and lies, i have a right to respond to them.

    3. "Hey that jib is abusing 14 year old girls."

    ..HEHEHEHE Now we have found

    out that the person AngeEye who attacked me out of the blue is REALLY A MALE IN HIS

    20's. [SIZE=3]R O F L[/SIZE] ....... there to deliberatly

    provoke me, Why would they say that, then?.... WHY WOULD THEY LIE ABOUT ME? By the way..

    The incident happened 1 day before the war started.. think about it !!!

    4. "That

    bad person jib is a hater"

    I dont hate anyone on the server, even nitro for all the

    dirty stuff he had pulled on me.... he threatened to BAN me last night again online, still

    dunno the reason really (he was very upset...he really should take a break from this), and

    not OP either. OP is very worthy opponent who "lives for this sh*t" and resorts to tricks

    that i dont like... I disagree with his tactics, and i guess he doesnt like mine. But i dont

    hate him never did even tho i suspect he would gladly c me in hell lately, lol. And of

    course i respect his talents.

    BTW: They tried to say all the same things about me

    last time during the Chaos-bg war.... Anyone remember that? After the war ALL the personal

    attacks stopped.... i was made Serverpolice, and listed on Lancer Reactor as being part of

    the Mod Team... Although i am not a modder at all, Op was being generous by acknolodging the

    other things i have done for the server. For awhile everything was rosey, lol.... until

    Chaos started to grow in strength.

    These forum wars get dirty and smelly...... I

    expect some of that. But this AngelEye thing... Way over the line. Funny, tho actually. If

    they could have said it was their grandmother in a wheel chair and get away with it, they

    would have, lol. Well u got caught this time LOL.... i want ppl to start thinking about it:

    Why would they do that?

    In the last war OP told Chaos' allies to stay out of the

    war, he threatened them over it, actually... Said he would ban anyone who helped us ..

    These were ppl from the server (DC and Fangs), not intruders.... Now, he interferes against

    Chaos in our war against dc..... And somehow we are the bad guys in this. That is the clear

    double-standard from "bg-leader-and-admin" that we dont like, and have the right to complain


    And lastly, there was a tacit admittal yesterday by op that nitro on bg side

    and whomever it was on the dc side didnt care if Chaos declared war on dc, that it was

    factored into the plan for the contract - alliance in the sense that it was a possibility

    that was looked at but ignored.... So they are as much as fault for the war as Chaos is.

    U see the most important part of their plan is to discredit me personally, make me

    look "out of control", a "hater", a "warmongerer"

    [SIZE=3]... That way the facts are

    not examined closely. [/SIZE]

    I think u ppl are smarter than that.

  • i never said that i dont care... i just said that i expected things to happen... i expect

    many things to happen and prepared everything possible to come out of such a


    and i say it again... it has nothing to do with the war it only has

    something to do with roleplay and the fact that the DCs are mercs now

    we have not

    pushed the war ... we didnt declare it... we also didnt enter it
    what if we wouldnt have

    paid DC to keep s19 clean? what if we would have done this job of our own and then a DC

    would have taken sides in s19 coz he is our friend... wouldnt you have started the war

    against DC too?
    another option would have been that if BG attacks chaos in S19 then you

    would have started a war with BG... and then DC would have tried to join this war on BGs

    one of the last options is to pay DC coz they are mercs to keep sigma19 clean coz

    its exactly what mercs do and chaos would have accepted it as the roleplay which it


    but as we already know this didnt happen

    the BG leaders do their decisions

    very carefully and not over night like others... we get our information... we discuss

    options... and see which chances we have... and even before we make a decision we prepare

    for the consequences
    unlike other leaders we dont make decision coz we are pissed about

    some1 and we also think about the consequences for the community but for sure there will

    never be a "we dont care"

    Jib i really have enough spreading more lies about me and

    my friends
    i never threated some1 that i would ban him at the last war not the fangs and

    not DC
    i took them to a private chat to ask them to stay out of everything

    most of

    the other things you have posted at the last thread are also not true like ur endless

    if i see such a shit just one more time on my forum ill make sure that this

    will never happen again and if i will have to close the server coz of this then it will be

    this way

    i try to be nice and calm down the situation... explain the facts and those

    other guys here seem to do anything to destroy this community... fine if that is what you

    want then you can have it
    then you can go to your friends from WP and phx and do ur shit


    and for sure ill leave a present for the lancers community



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Jib, you are warmonger, since you in the name of Chaos declared war against the BG.


    It's just a game, and it will always remain a game

  • We never declared war against BG (...where did that come from o_O?).


    until u get a change in ur marching orders, i c the attacks continue, lol. See above post

    that nitro doesnt want u to read for details.


    "You are blue!"

    B: "no, im red."

    A: "No u are definately blue!"

    B: "No,

    im red."


    B: "Heres a pic of me, see, i m


    A: ---

    A: U are Round!!

    B: "Eh.... no, look a the pic again...

    see, i am square"

    A: ---

    A: U are Blue!

  • Cross





    It's just a game, and it will always remain a game

  • lol i don't geddit

    i do i do it shows BG and how they just

    argue about anything and everything


    AFTER OVER 3000 POSTS!!!!!!!!!

  • Shall i lay it out for you pancake?

    [Chaos]Jibber: BG

    will not attack Chaos in X or any other system, or it will be war

    Meaning that he

    threatens the BG to keep away from the Chaos, or it will be war.
    The comments i have on

    this are:
    1. Childish since Jib wants to deny another legitimate serverclan, the BG,

    their rights to play the role playing game. Rights he is denying DC, also a legitimate

    serverclan. He believes that Chaos is the only serverclan who can follow the rules of the

    role playing game. If someone from outside Chaos makes a remark on this, Jib is hiding

    behind the RPG.
    2. Unprofessional.
    3. Chaos have declared war on BG that day, since we

    killed hundreds of chaos players since that time. No, it is not BG who declared the war, it

    was Chaos who threatened, and declared the war given the threat given earlier.


    It's just a game, and it will always remain a game

  • OK Op we would also like to calm down the situation.


    would suggest this:

    1> That the dc-Chaos battle event be set quickly, Wolf or Shadow

    should be able to get that done since the leader Dragon cant be on this week. I know theres

    little u can do about that, hopefully we will hear from dc . As u know, the most important

    part of negotiation is meeting both parties' core needs. This appears to be the only way to

    do that.

    2> That there be a cease-fire between Chaos and BG on the server. We won't

    provoke anything, and DC can fight their own battles. After all, as long as the present

    situation continues, dc has no incentive to stop the war, and neither do we.


    Dunno my head hurts.

    Nitro: Pls stop posting ur meaningless screenies.... That

    was a war warning... not declaring war... That must be done on the forum.. Remember u said

    that in Sig19 at the very start of the war? "Where's it posted, Jib?" (i remember cause i

    had to run offline and go post, lol).

    But thank u for proving that u were trying to

    provoke us to go to war... Now who is the warmonger?

    3a > Maybe nitro shoud stay out

    of this, its become too personal between us and i fear for his health (i actually do).

  • Jib, a warning? That was a

    threat. You don't want the war? Too bad, you declared it yourself.


    It's just a game, and it will always remain a game

  • lol....

    No matter

    what u say u cant "force" me to declare war. Its really silly to try and proves my point

    that u should stay our of this cause u arnt helping the situation any.

    I've said

    several times on this forum and in space (u arnt showing those screens i notice, lol) that

    we wont declare war on bg.