Crash after Intro

There are 18 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by kermit.

  • Hey ho,

    I didn't find something with the searchfunction that could help me!

    I've the good known that Freelancer CF is crashing after the Intro.
    After I played Freelancer CF a few hours with closing and starting normally it crashed and started crashing after the Intro every single time I started it.
    I did a complete reinstall and it worked BUT only the first time i started it. I did try a few ways to solve this problem but they didn't work for me...
    For Example: Complete reinstall (even delete the savegames etc., and the Freelancer mod Manager)
    Deleting only Autosave.fl and/or restart.fl didn't work aswell.

    Pls help me to find a way to solve it!

    P.s.: I only play singleplayer! (Maybe start with Multiplayer later but for now I only want to play SP)

    regards, Macks

  • clearly a corrupt savegame



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Hi, may I ask what antivirus software you have?

  • Its my guess only, but imo your AV put some from CF files into quarantine.

  • I meant antivirus (Avira). Check quarantine, but still it may delete some files permanently.

    .. I maybe missed info: CF was working for you and suddenly stopped?

  • I meant antivirus (Avira). Check quarantine, but still it may delete some files permanently.

    .. I maybe missed info: CF was working for you and suddenly stopped?

    martind is right as i have experienced this problem too in the past.i turned off my uac and put the freelancer.exe link in my exception list of my antivirus and all work great.

  • ok, so pls what system (windows) you use?
    You have installed Crossfire 2.0?
    Have you this mod installed and activated?
    Have you during activation alloved shaders in options?
    Can you please check crash log in eventvwr? ... and post it here.

  • a crash at this point can only have 2 explanations
    1. damages savegame
    2. something wrong with the installation (usually missing files)



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Hey All, I'd like to chime in here too. I've been using Crossfire 1.9 for about a week and a half. Played just fine this past Monday (11/3). I came back to it on Wednesday (11/5) and the game wouldn't start after the videos. I have them turned off, so all I see is the SWAT video, then straight to the Crossfire Splash screen. This appears for about a second then disappears, crash to desktop.

    I now have the same issue as the guys above. I removed/deleted the saved games from the My Games location (not too happy about potentially losing my saved games...)
    I then used a clean backup of Freelancer. Reinstalled Crossfire 1.9, had the Launcher Update. Once the Launcher is updated, I can get into the game (MP as the Launcher states to do).
    Once I exit from that MP game to go to Single Player, the game/mod crashes as explained above.

    So....I just checked the File Base and saw that 2.0 was released...which I wasn't aware of. I'll download that now and see if that helps. I'm sure hoping it does and for 2.0, I don't mind losing my saved games as I'm sure the 1.9 ones wouldn't have worked anyway.

    I'll report back if I have any more issues of the same type. Thanks for this awesome mod, even though I've not seen much of it yet, lol.

  • My Problem is gone now. But just because of the 2.0 update. (Didn't see it before I wrote this thread)
    1.9 still don't works. But that isn't important anymore :D
    And no no corrupted savegames. Even when I deleted them the Game crashes. And the thing with ''avira''... I didn't try it.

    Thanks to all of you :D Have Fun with 2.0

  • Hey all - so I just finished installing CF2.0 and everything seems good now, even my old game saves are working.
    I do think I'm missing the font needed for the mod tho, it seems a bit large. I'm also not seeing the thrust energy percentage either, which might be due to the font I guess.
    Either way, I'm glad the game is working again. I might join up on MP eventually.

  • font issue come with UAC ... check in buggtracker please (under tools), you need install it manually

  • Thanks for the assist earlier - it was that font not being installed. I have UAC turned off, so not sure why it didn't install.
    I wasn't aware of the bugtracking lookup, but I am now. I will go there if I have any more issues.

    I now have my speed and thrust energy appearing. Thanks a ton guys, just from the few minutes I've spent in it 2.0 is outstanding.

  • [quote='metalsouled','']Thanks for the assist earlier - it was that font not being installed. I have UAC turned off, so not sure why it didn't install.
    that was the same for me, and thanks to advice fixed the problem now everything fine. however on that note is it possible to change the font. the one in use is a bit hard on my eyes to read while in game