The Void

There are 107 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Baldwin.

  • WOO-HOO!!
    The babe of Crossfire has spoken! [10]

    hell.....she pwns the CF mod herself :D

  • Hehehe, Baldy i love ur new sig (my m8's at work got a kick out of it


    Yes Pandora, we are soo glad u have returned so u can solve this dilemma for

    us! Yer brilliant plan of calling the void ppl names and spewing vile crap at them will do

    the trick, im sure.....

  • Damon was just a low skill player
    i fought him many times and he

    sucks he never was a danger for another player
    chemo as well

    sorry to say this but

    its the truth

    oh and OPinator you just post what a WP told you to post here... you

    believe what they say
    but in the end you can ask nearly every member of old starlancer

    clans about WP and they will confirm what i have said
    you were not there on the zone, you

    didn't see what WP did but i was and it's time that everyone out there can read the truth

    about those guys

  • Ok, i´m sorry for posting again in your forum, but I had

    to say sumeting.

    OP-R8R can u say where u "moved" the posts "call to arms", and

    "isn´t it nice"?

    Cuz those are the posts that started it all, and it would be nice if

    all the CF players that think Strail started this would get a chance to see them, because,

    in these posts, u talked a lot of crap about us (not just the noob calling), and STRONGLY

    defended Mech´s idea of starting a war on void

    I searched the whole forum and used

    the search tool using the titles of the posts, and then simply using keyword "void", and

    they didn´t show up.

    So, OP-R8R, either your search tool doesn´t work or you are


    P.S. I don´t agree with the random insults from players from either side, but

    i gets me really mad to see an admin manimulating it´s players to unite his server (maybe

    u´re havin problems with players moving away?)

  • lol you are really

    dumb, i know that you played against damon but you played against him in his first week of

    online gaming, and op knows how good he was, damon was able to kick everyone and he got the

    closest games with dev so stop talking crap

  • The quotes were moved to

    the recycle bin, only accessible for administrators and forum moderators. I can access that

    section, and I can confirm that those 2 threads are there. But since I didn't moved them

    there, I am not the designated person to move them back.


    It's just a game, and it will always remain a game

  • ehh, ok this is

    about CF and Void and ex-cf at void in the year 2005 not about who had the biggest salami

    back in starlancer days. Everytime there is controversy around here, all of OP's old

    enemies come outta the woodwork... Whatever i may think of OP i am turned--off by those

    attacks (...whether they may have merit or not) because they always look like weak cry-baby

    stuff made by ppl who got beat 3 yrs ago and never got over it... fer further details see

    Baldwin's new sig, lol.

    Anyone who is doing alot of things and who is in the public

    eye, like admins of popular servers such as Strail and OP, are going to have plenty of

    enemies... it goes with the territory. U want to never have enemies? Sit at home never

    opening ur mouth, and dont try to change anything or create something.

    now lets get

    down to details of having a tourney..

  • how unfortunate that you didnt get to read it....not a single Crossfire

    player supported Mech.....however, we said IF Pheonix "decided" to invade...that we

    would fight them off.....thats it....thats the basic rundown of Mech's Call to Arms.

  • I did read it baldwin, and u are right. Not one player

    supported Mech, only OP-R8R, that´s who i was talkin about, not the players, i should have

    made that clear.

    Again, I have no problems with the CF players... I never met u, i´m

    sure most of u are great people.

    It´s just that i am getting the feeling that your

    admin is not being honest about the all issue.

  • Johny... just a moment i first want to reply to this WP shit
    then ill explain

    everything ok?

    Takeo or damon


    i hope you remember one of your last good SL

    you know about whom i'am talking here?

    you shouldnt use the

    word good together with Damon and for sure we had much better good SL recruits after him...

    it would be an insult for all other pilots


    if not here's a clue he was a

    Cadet for almost 6months and kicked everyone except one man... and that was Devil.

    maybe you should think about this
    "Cadet" and "kicked everyone"
    thats not

    cadets cant even win against their trainers... if they would be able to do this

    they wouldnt be cadets
    and the fact that he was cadet for almost 6months must mean that

    he was pure crap coz all other cadets went up the ranks after a few weeks
    just to give

    you a list of recruits that were better and joined


    about those im not totally sure if they joined before or after Damon but it was

    close to this time:
    then we also have a bunch of MoD members

    which were damn good pilots:
    MoD_Skorpion (also known as the ex-leader of

    WPs SL-section -> WP_Skorpion_CO)
    MoD_Binage (also known as the ex-training officer of WP

    -> WP_Binage)
    and of course (rBaron, Paladin, DonZardeone, Werewolf which joined MoD and

    kicked GTF out of the zone)
    long list isnt it?

    maybe you should know a little bit more about this
    1. yes i

    told them not to fight WP
    but like usual they didnt tell you all of the story... only

    cadets were not allowed to fight against members of other clans until they were completely

    trained... as far as i know from the WP trainers the WP cadets got the same

    everyone else was allowed to fight members of other clans
    hey and i bet they

    also didnt tell you about the way they fought... usually they started to argue with other

    clans like WP with the intention to start trouble between the clans... now you will ask why

    they did something like that right? the answer is quiete simple, they were working for WP

    (we knew that at least chemo was working for WP at this time)
    well and time has proven it


    oh and a last thing about fighting skills of damon and chemo
    damon left GTF

    after those 6 months together with his uncle "GTF_Hero" - they left in dishonour and tried

    to start a new clan... GTF declared war on this new clan and 2 days later Damon and Hero

    left the zone coz their ass got kicked and they were to scared to stay... 3 months later

    Damon came back and begged me to let him rejoin GTF he said "it was a big mistake to leave,

    i dont know why i did this" bla bla
    and about half a year later was the end of

    GTF started a war with my new clan (MoD) and we showed them what real skill is... we

    joined their games and killed them "en masse" - the last game that has been fought between

    MoD and GTF was a team game.
    Team 1:


    so it

    was 5 GTF (including chemo and damon) vs 2 MoD
    to make it short -> MoD won this fight

    10:1 (yeah i got killed one time... but not coz of a GTF... it was coz of a mine from XL

    which i didnt see)
    after that fight GTF left the starlancer rooms of the MSN Gaming

    so where was Damons skill? if xl wouldnt have killed me it would have been a 10:0

    for us
    oh btw. i can prove this by screenshots (i always took them - also when i was able

    to win against devil) ^^


    Chemo and Damon, and guess what, they NEVER met

    an cheating WP, ok you were a good SL trainer BUT you aren't the 2nd best SL pilot, and you

    never was eh 2nd best, there were a lot better pilots than you...


    they say that there was never a cheating WP coz they are WP now lol
    but guess what i just

    have found my CD with the old chatlogs ^^ and there ive found it... its true that damon

    never said something about that WPs are cheating... but chemo said it for sure
    to be more

    exactly HE was the guy which informed me about jaguar and that this wp cheated
    im also

    sure that i can find a dozen old SL players on the net which can confirm that neo was a

    and slavik didnt even deny it when we asked him why he is doing all this

    bullshit... he didnt even tried to hide it


    moreover the WP's already

    visited your server many times and were banned after kicking you and your members.

    The only WPs that appeared on the server were Shadow and chemo
    With shadow i had

    a nice talk in NY and then he departed again (with nice i really mean nice)
    and chemo

    well... he was on the server and i started to follow him... when i met him in NY i couldnt

    do anything but then he went to tau 31 and docked at the Freeport station there when he

    noticed that im after him... we had a little talk and after i told him that i will kill him

    sooner or later he departed and was never seen again on the server. (what a hero)
    yes now

    you can say that those guys didnt use the WP tag...
    but hey you should know the

    serverrules... conclusion:
    1. WP have broken serverrules
    2. WP needs to fake to

    3. WP are cowards that need to hide and attack others from the back
    4. Those WP

    could have been those guys which were banned coz of cheating ^^
    oh and about this

    banning... lets make it totally clear now
    1. only ppl which have used cheats, or those

    which have broken serverrules have been banned
    2. everytime when some1 came here to this

    forum and said "no i didnt do that" then i took the time to explain why he was banned, i

    have posted serverlogs and i have posted screenshots which proved 100% that this guy cheated

    or broke serverrules
    i even have asked other players about their oppinion about all this

    a list of all banned chars on this server and on the previous servers is available... on

    this forum are also all threads about those banned players, the screenshots, the logs and

    all the other stuff
    so if those WP would be man enough to tell us which fake names they

    used then we could have a look at them and see if those chars where banned coz of cheating

    or coz of other broken rules ^^ (well i doubt that they are man enough)



    you think that u are a good pilot, but everyone who really met you in the old times knows

    that you are really good in talking but you never did something.

    yes i was

    good at talking and i was even better at fighting thats why i was the most dangerous person

    for WP... thats why WP lost many members to me
    but lets look that the best pilots in SL

    (when i was active):
    WP_Devil_CO (known as the best shroud pilot - but also known as

    cheater now)
    SE_Hellfire (good shroud pilot which used the phoenix first - i had 31

    fights in total with him and won 18 - and yes i made screenshots everytime)
    WP_Spawn (was

    able to beat him after my first yeah in SL)
    WP_CaptAmerica (was good once but became

    crappy... was an easy target at the end)
    WP_Slavyk (devils most liked cadet ^^ which

    always wanted to be better than me... somehow this didnt work -> last fight against slav was

    a 10:1 for me - screenshot also available)
    Steel (dont know which clan he was - but he

    was the best phoenix pilot ive ever seen but he wasnt good enough with a

    MoD_rBaron (best wolverine pilot - yeah one of my guys - i was the only pilot in

    SL which was able to win against him without using missiles, even devil didnt made

    UNG_Lancer_SP (killed him and ppl said i should be proud now coz he is the best UNG

    MoD_XL-R8R (yeah the 2nd admin of the SWAT-Portal also belongs to this list - he is

    good enough to make a draw but he had some problems with his aim skill from time to

    MoD_OP-R8R (well what should i say... there were not many ppl which where able to

    beat the guys above but i belong to them for sure... and i killed them move then anybody

    else ^^)


    REMEMBER WP'S DO NOT CHEAT, alles klar chris?! wenn du das nicht

    raffst biste selber schuld,

    they do you are the only1 who doesnt want to

    see it
    well finally i want to quote something that has been said on the zone by a WP

    "weak mind would believe a WP but there are enough such guys out there" - well this guy was

    a very high ranked WP which left the clan a few weeks later

    you are refering to a game

    between damon and devil when damon was still a GTF... maybe it would have been a good idea

    of damon if he would have told you more about this fight
    Damon was in a shroud... the

    best ship in SL (highest speed, reverse thrust, high agility and autoaim)
    Devil was in a

    predator ... the first ship you get when you start playing SL (kinda slow, no reverse

    thrust, medium agility.. well at least not as high has the shrouds)
    he still lost against

    devil 10:9... but he made a screenshot to prove his heroic "i have a deathstar and you only

    an unarmed transport" fight lol
    he has sent this screenshot to nearly every GTF
    rofl -

    damon the skiller... he managed to loose against a predator lol

    ohh and damon...

    if you want to prove ur skills then come to me ^^
    it will be a pleasure to give you

    another lesson (maybe i take a predator too)

    @all others that were forced to read

    this lol - what takeo (OPinator) wrote was from a WP which naturally would try everything to

    defend his clan but if you want to know the truth then ask the other guys that are not WP...

    many of them are still out there

    Jib - well let takeo post this... at least it

    shows why all this trouble between CF and void started
    and ppl wont post shit about a

    serverwar anymore lol

    Johny... no i didnt forget you... ill post that stuff as soom

    im back from dinner ^^
    hungry now



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Geeez OP.
    U want me to get the post u

    made saying that Demon kicked your asss 10 to 1?

    I have the forum screenshot.

  • ROFL post it ... and i have one more proof for WP stealing

    a forum (which is illegal)

    ohh and takeo... 3 things you should know...
    1. i was

    trainer in SL - this includes that i practice with cadets ... even if that means that i dont

    move and they practice unlocked missile shots
    2. to be trainer also means to loose some

    fights from time to time to keep up the morale (something which I learned from

    GTF_Bodyguard) - even devil lost against his cadets so they would feel better
    3. the fact

    that when he was not in my clan anymore and lost 10:1 or 10:1 while he got more kills when

    he was in my clan is just a proof of 1. and 2.
    and we should never forget that one single

    fight never shows how a war will end (meaning: one lost game is unimportant if you won all

    others ^^)

    ok and now the promised answer to johny:

    ok first

    we never tried to hide something here... we didnt hide the existence of those

    threads... we didnt hide the content of those threads
    both threads have been moved to the

    recycle bin of this forum coz:
    1. they were pointless
    2. nobody replied to them

    3. we wanted to stop more ppl thinking about a serverwar
    4. at the latest

    forum cleanup those threads were rated as "not needed"

    but ok... yes i can move them

    back but why?`
    to start more stupid discussions about a serverwar that is only wanted by

    some WP, phoenix or iron or what they are called now
    no thx... i think both servers dont

    need such a shit
    and you will excuse me if i move this thread here to the recycle bin as

    well as soon those shitty discussion are over to prevent future trouble between the


    now im willing to give you an detailed overview about those 2 threads, i

    hope its enough to explain all this shit

    i start with the thread "isnt it nice" coz

    it was created several weeks ago
    the thread was about a clan called phoenix... could be

    that they use the name iron fangs again
    the origin of this clan was on the crossfire

    server but after a clanwar those guys left and tried to destroy the crossfire server by

    taking all members to a new server... they failed coz the clans and players here love the

    server and the mod... they are friends and very loyal... even the rivals stuck

    well like i said the plan to damage crossfire didnt work... but somehow their

    new server had to close (as far as i know coz of using a mod without permission... dunno

    now those guys are on void... some of them noticed that it was a mistake and

    returned to crossfire and we gave them a 2nd chance
    yes it is true that there was also

    something written about void and a serverwar
    one of those phoenix members which came back

    to crossfire had/has a personal problem with a leader of phoenix and coz of this he started

    to post something like "lets go to void and kick the shit out of phoenix"
    after that the

    development went this way "phoenix sux... they are on void so void sux... go there they

    wouldnt have a single chance"
    then it was time for me to appear on the scene...
    coz i

    know void and coz there was a discussion about void about 2 months ago i started to post my

    when i was there i fought several players and i didnt have much problems

    there... i noticed that most ppl were sitting doing nothing than chatting... a bunch of

    other CF players also had a visit on void and told the same so i said that those guys on

    void are kinda unskilled and yes i think i also have said the word "noobs"
    if you look at

    the correct definition of this word

    you will see that its not an insult even if many ppl think such a shit (often ppl use

    it as an insult even if its not neccessarily meant this way)
    but ok lets go on...

    i also have put in some comments about the mod on void... i still think that this mod is

    very basic compared to other mods... sorry... i mean give me 2 days i and create a mod which

    is equal with void (dont take it as offence... you like it and we dont)
    well to sum up...

    all this started coz of some guys that are now on void and coz of some "misunderstandings"

    like Mr. DonZardeone would say now
    if you want a war coz of such a shit then i cant

    prevent it... but somehow i have the feeling that at least some of you guys can understand


    now to the 2nd thread "call to arms"
    it has been started by an ex-phoenix

    member which came back to crossfire (nobody of us has the right to judge about him or his

    reasons to start that thread if you ask me... he did it coz he was angry at the phoenix

    leader and something like this can happen if your angry)
    the first that happened was that

    his new clanleader tried to calm down the situation (i think that after the last clanwar he

    had he is glad that everything is going on friendly terms now - but nvm)
    then it was my

    time to post something again
    on the thread was something written about a danger from

    phoenix and void... so i replied that if we need to fight then we will do that but i will

    not agree with a serverwar without the support of the other clanleaders
    the DC clan and

    the other clans of CF decided not to reply but to support us in the case of war
    ergo: no

    war if we are not forced to
    also the ex-phoenix which started the thread calmed down and

    said that he overreacted

    well that was everything
    as you can see not everything

    that started this situation came from CF and not everything came from void
    one thing is

    clear... not a single player on void was insulted personally on those 2 threads
    it was a

    partly misunderstanding and partly overreaction
    nobody ever has done any harm to your

    server or your members

    i hope you accept this instead of those threads... you can see

    that i didnt left out the facts that leaded to all this (i mean hey most ppl already had the

    chance to read that lol) and i told you even more about the backgroud of this crap

    (sometimes it helps to understand the situation)

    about this phoenix topic... as you

    can see this takeo (OPinator) is still here trying to start more shit... the CF guys well at

    least those that i know O_o mainly tried to calm down the situation here... they know takeo

    good enough to expect such a shit -.-

    oh one more thing lol.. has not much to do

    with the topic but...

    Pandora - darling ^^ i like you more and more ;)



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • Ok then, i remember your posts were a bit harsher then u

    describe, but that´s ok...

    The only reason I wanted those posts shown, is because i

    feel some of the CF players seem to think that Strail started this out of thin air, at least

    now they know there was other stuff behind it....

    So then this is my last post


    Best regards to all, and please, everyone... go easy on the



  • ok bye johny... maybe we will see again in future

    under better conditions



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • hehe i know i said my last

    post was my last one on here but all i can say is this.... YESSSS FINALLY! cooporation :D

    sorry hehe had to announce it..... its midnight.... do you know where your brain is? mines

    hoped up on caffeine!!!!!


  • Hmmmmmmm this

    was an interesting read, i'm from VOID. All this coulda been settled with a fight, but

    whatever, its up to u. Lets just agree that, we will stay on VOID and u can stay on

    Crossfire. Guess thats about it.

  • Ok im glad, i don't like people insulting each other, I just hope we can get along, maybe

    one day well have a nice friendly inter-server tournament. :D