Help needet: my client disconnectet after buying a battleship

There are 5 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Abdo Knight.

  • hallo there,

    4 days ago, i collected the money for my liberty dreadnought on my charakter Rengar with a soulforge. Then i used the /deposite and /withdraw function to transfare the money to my other charakter Veburos to buy the ship. I used the withdraw fuction to get 140 000 000 on this charakter, bought the ship and i got disconnect to the server. I relogged and my money was gone and there is no battleship. what i have to do now?

  • private message m8

    *hic* Wheres me rum, LP is returning, we will return, and we will fight to the death. Want to join LP, contact us at

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

    The king and his men stole the queen from her bed
    and bound her in her bones
    The seas be ours and by the powers
    Where we will, we'll roam
    Yo, ho, haul together,
    hoist the colors high
    heave ho, thieves and beggars,
    never shall we die
    Some men have died and some are alive
    And others sail on the sea
    With the keys to the cage and the Devil to pay
    We lay to Fiddler's Green!

  • u should msg the OP for that and if you need any help i am with u any time ..

    Playing characters :
    SA_SLaYeR_KNIGHT, SA_KNIGHT and all similar tagged e.g. SA_something_KNIGHT

    ^^ Good Luck To All ^^