unfair attacking

There are 5 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Husker.

  • hi,was reading the forum just now about the protection from doc raping in x, i,m more than happy to go along with r/p even though thats it,s not my interest. however i like to do missions a lot and i have noticed that while in a mission and in x it can get very intense, great but while in the middle of the battle a pilot will slip in and start demanding tax and get irate from no reply how no time for the keyboard to reply especially when the npc,s are all over you. some start shooting you and your destroeyed and they get the credit, fine. some do it on purpose and are gone when you undock.in fair there are a lot of great pilots that wait till it has calmed down and yep happy to pay


  • taxing and fining makes no sense if dont give thier oponents time to pay



    Only dead fish swim with the stream.
    Don't discuss with idiots. They only drag you down to their level and then beat you with experience there.

    This is ten percent luck,
    Twenty percent skill,
    Fifteen percent concentrated power of will,
    Five percent pleasure,
    Fifty percent pain,
    And a hundred percent reason to remember the name!

  • I have had this issue with several as well, however now I don't want I select them and start shooting.
    Yes I might die in the process (either by NPCs or by the Pirate) but I will make sure they have to work for their credits :)

    On the other hand I have met afew desent pirates out there that will wait till you are finished and then ask, these char I don't mind paying as its not like I wont make much more from selling the pods. :)

    All Characters are Licensed Police Officers:

    Katertrak_Jack (flying a BS)
    Laws_Brann (testing different ships for IC hunting)
    Junker_Clunker (Mission char for good cach fast)
    Cargo_Brann (Transporter of lawful cargo)
    Katatonic[ASF] (ASF business only and afew events if other char can't make it)

    See You In Space Soon :)

  • Kermit:
    you will always have pilots (no matter what RP) who will only engage, when the "victim" is busy with npc's or the pilot has support from other players or npc's and those will mostly be "gone" when you could face again without them having any backup.
    I personally call it being coward and they most likely call it strategy. But it is their choice to pick the way they want to face the opponent.
    On the other hand, there will always be a point in time, when you can face them alone, without them having any support or backup.

    I personally do attack my victims when they are "free" for it, but at some pilots I personally do not care a single moment, if they are busy or not. Depeding on my mood, on the experience I have with those pilots and on the npc's or opponents they are busy with.
    There is no word, telling that a pirate has to wait for the opponent to be "free" to get taxed. Of course "waiting" is part of "fair play" (at least for my understanding). But then, life is not always fair.
    And if someone has a problem with me engaging while being busy with npc's or other players. They are free to call for help and/or support, placing bounty, or when they feel unfairly treated, simply report me.
    It's still a game after all ;)

    Happy missioning :D
    ps: dont worry, I don't like doing RP in X since it mostly turns out being laggy. Sirius is bigger than X-3043 and if Sirius is not enough, then I simply go to Altair and/or Inner Core:D:D

  • put a bounty on the guys head ...

    hell have no fury like a piad merc !

    characters ... Robbers Dog . RobbersDog 13thArmored x2 redneck widow maker robbers dog tr 13tharmored truck

    clan forum 13th ARMORED

  • Pilot life is tough!! if u need backup just call