A problem

There are 17 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Crysis.

  • Hey,

    I have a problem with CF. When I click at the launcher , it launches the launcher and it says " The launcher has stopped working " and the game doesn't run to me. I've reinstalled it like 3-4 times already and after the activation of the mod, the launcher doesn't work( " The launcher has stopped working " ). I've even deleted my savegames and downloaded the mod again. So wtf is going on? -_-

  • no other error message than "launcher has stopped working"? Imo it sounds like a dll error or a msinet.ocx thingy...

    Edit by
    btw - moved to CF Technical Problems Forum

  • Yeah , only the " The Launcher has stopped working " ... and are you sure that it's a misnet.ocx ... cause I think I got the file, lol.. and I doubt it if it's a dll issue

  • damn,.. I'll try to download the misnet.ocx for windows 7 and see if it's gonna work .... though my CF was fine yesterday -_-

  • Damn, I've even tried to register the misnet.ocx file.. it said " succeded " but it still doesn't work , any other solution?

  • But if I get the same problem sometime , ... do you know what it is anyways?

    That is a new one to me, but it clearly is generated by the launcher. Perhaps Haegar might have a clue? I know that he wrote the previous launcher, so he might be able to figure out what things could cause that message to appear.

    There are 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who do not.

  • Heh, I doubt it's the launcher. I've reinstalled 3-4 times and downloaded the mod again and I still get that damn problem -_-
    Thanks for the help anyway ... either way I'll reinstall my Windows and the problem will be solved ;]
    (As I think it's a windows issue as Huor said)

  • I doubt it's the launcher.

    I did not say that the launcher caused the problem, but the launcher did issue the message. Programs do not do things randomly, so that message is either written in the launcher program or it is evaluated by the launcher. The author of the launcher program should be able to identify at least some of the possible factors that could result in that message.

    Huor is a programmer, too, so he may have good reason for his suggestion.

    Good luck.

    There are 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who do not.

  • when Launcher has run before on ur machine and does not now, then i say the same as Huor: some Dll probs on ur machine. it could be the VB6 runtime? did u try install that again?

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    Lenin: To be is to do!
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    I heard that's me having a beer (^^):
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    LI² \ ' /
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    ..... / \

  • Well, whatever it was ... it's gone. I've uninstalled my Windows and I'll install CF now and I hope it would work this time, lol. As I haven't really uninstalled my Windows in like an year or so...

    Anyway, thanks for your help mates.. I hope it won't happen again though

    Edit: It worked^^

    Thanks again for the help mates .. if it happens again sometime(and I hope it doesn't) .. I will try your options which you provided here. Thank you..

    Edited once, last by I1ian ().

  • Hmm.. I don't know ... I don't usually delete system files ... it could of been some cleaner , who knows

  • Hehe, thank you for the help mate!.. and the others too ofc..

    And sure, now every smuggler have to watch out for me ;]