People of all the Portal.
Well, I have few things to say.
The first is: I didn't knew that my university course would be that hard. I mean, since I started, 1 year ago, I don't have spare time to accomplish absolutely nothing.
What I do is to study and work, non-stop. I'm going to the 2nd year of Computer Engineering with 17 years old, studying in the mornings, revising content in the dinner time, and working in the afternoon/evening. After that, I proceed to study in home.
Sometimes I have a spare time in my job. However, the max I can do there is to edit the Uncyclopedia of my country to obtain some "fun" and knowledge on the wiki language. I can't edit there as I can't connect nothing, neither open any external files (pendrives, emails, etc), except access few websites (client computer, I don't want to mess around in others' computers, I dunno which kind of malware they can have).
Well, basicly I sleep daily between 2 and 4 hours. Now that it's vacation time, I work all day long. By December, I formatted my HD and then realized about the mod files. I have found them sometime later, and I have everything here to continue. In snail walk, as I did since the start of '09 (basicly what I only did was bugfixing).
What I want to say is: I don't know when or if I'll be able to release it. So, I give you few alternatives:
a. Include the FL:EU's content somehow within CF universe (ofc, that would include changing the storyline).
a.1. Include few of the ideas of FL:EU into CF (like the overall rebalance, for example).
b. Two or three developers helping me. I'm not the owner of FL:EU, just someone who had this idea. Therefore, we can all work together, the decision regarding the mod would be yours, the final word, yours.
Modelers are welcome (they're really needed).
c. Give away the mod to someone of the community.
d. Give up. This isn't my desire, but I'll need to do that in last case. In the past, I already asked for help, and two devs showed interest. I handled my files to them, and they never answered (one of them months later announced a new release of his mod and alas! With weapon rebalancing!).
That's it.
I'm available for contact at my email: firewolf[dot]br[at]gmail[dot]com
And MSN: firewolf[underscore]br[at]hotmail[dot]com
See ya,