Crossfire 1.8 Bug fixing

There are 464 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Michael.

  • Bug.

    I died and after I respawned, all my unmounted equipment was gone. That means guns, thrusters, loot etc. However, the ammo (such as Javelin Missile) were NOT gone! How so? Why weren't the guns lost as well? :P

  • No, that ammo was not mounted. It was ammo I gathered from NPCs I killed.

    Check out page 19, check out mine and others' posts...

  • Amo as never been destroyed by a death (even in 1.7) even if it's amo for a launcher that isn't mounted.

    SMG_myric, SMG_RDaneel, SMG_MULTIVAC

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    Those people who think they know everything
    are a great annoyance to those of us who do.

    - Isaac Asimov

  • Quote

    Originally posted by jimmyBB
    I can't see any Bar based rumours in Coalition any more, and consequently can't seem to continue the story...

    I've got the first couple of BB's and dont know what to do next...

    ...once Ive at least completed the 1.7 storyline.

    JimmyBB, you may have received a clue and not followed it as far as the game intends. That is not really a "bug", but it might be a point where the game could be improved -- like an "enhancement request" (ER). Most ER's seem to be posted in the CF 1.9 thread.

    It is hard to know exactly where you are in the game without discussing which black boxes you have found. If you ask your question in the Freelancer Spoiler Forum then I will help you.

    BTW, I hope that you meant the "1.8 storyline". CF 1.8 has fewer bugs than recent versions of 1.7, so there is no good reason (that I can think of) not to use 1.8... unless *I* have missed something (which is also possible!). :)

    Tip: You can hide possible spoiler information by using the "Spoiler" button above the text box for the message that you write. The rollover text for the button should say that, but it does not.

    There are 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who do not.

  • Thanks Bullwinkle, I guess I posted in this thread thinking that the 'disappearing bar news' might be a bug, but then digressed into something totally different. New thread started in the spoiler section.

    (Oh, and I by 1.7 part of the story, I meant everything that existed pre-1.8. I am, of course, running the latest 1.8.1 :) )

  • Alright, what the hell?!

    I've been to Devron system MANY times. I circled around planet Devra and its 3 massive stations/things/whatever they are and killed/got killed by ancients. I never experienced a single bug.

    Now, what Ancient battleship? There are only those 3 stations/things/whatever which appears to be attached to planet Devra and the Ancient Drones, which may seem as strong as a battleship, but they're not battleships ^^ .

  • well,solved it
    now started a trading char,will gain money, get a or something
    do the mission and get the money and transfer the money to my old char and buy a better ship using that.
    And then ill destroy the drones


  • Hello forum!!! this is my first post and all i got to say is GOD DAMN THIS MOD ROCKS! anyways reason i post here is that i think there is a bug in kisari quest.

    when i assist the kisari fleet in destroying the nomad ships everything is ok. but when i destroy the last ship the game crashes. does anybody else have this problem?

    oh im running windows 7 ultimate fyi

  • Quote

    Originally posted by keli
    is it possible to hide the whole interface during playing?

    Most of it... Ctrl-V and Backspace in-game. In Options, Auto-Hide the Maneuver Bar and do not show the Cockpit.

    What parts of the interface do you want to hide?

    There are 10 kinds of people in the world: Those who understand binary, and those who do not.

  • A crash on the middle of the singleplayer storyline, it hadn't made any bug... it could be something made by the AV, or not sure, you have to wait for OP for that ^^
    So tougeman, don't worry for not getting a respons the same day... it depends on the question.

    Even, a complete fresh reinstall should fix any bug like that ^^

    Chars: [CFPD]Michael~something (x25), [CFPD]~SQMS~{[(store)]} (x3), [CFPD]xfer, Event~Manager~Michael, StarfIier~EM~Michael, Event_Team_2, [GR]Michael[SP] and a blueprint of [CFPD]Sephirothis

  • Bug with repair ship in Vespus. First it expand my licence in 2 slots (i had 1 licence and it have 3 license slots Oo), after i try to launch i getting kicked for cheating and respawning at docking ring with previous ship.


    Life is just a game, scenario is crap but at least video is excellent.

    CF chars: SMG_Pic, SMG_Picard,SMG_Explorer, SMG_Savage

    When you constantly wining fights you loosing skills, when you loosing fight you learning how to win.