Pirate RP is dead

There are 31 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Bond.

  • I am being forced to post this as I have had a greater number of unpleasant experiences with my present RP, which was once glorious and whih can now be described as a dead one.
    Since I have joined the SMG, I have collected about 2 taxes in about 50hours of taxing. I usually end up getting stuck with fighting in boring fights with the same cops over and over again, and PXs just get 100 of their mates in protection, and my every try to tax my targets fails. And countless times have I experienced soly in SMG that ppl switch chars or run to New York when threatened to be taxed or killed. SUPER LAME.
    Here is my suggestion: Since pirate RP is no chance to tax ppl/make any real money, why not just make it a "shoot'em all and steal the cargo" kind of RP. IMO it would be much more interesting. Looking forward to hearing opinions from every RP aspect possible.

    P.S. traders have become cocky and would never humiliate themselves enough to pay tax to a pirate (ss on you)

  • *walks in ... reads ... shakes head ... walks out again*

  • *walks in.... Reads.... *facepalm*... throws out in the bin & looks for a shotgun*

    Assumption is the mother of all fuckups.

    Being a Cynic isn't that bad. Either I'm right or I am pleasantly surprised.

    My Homepage

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature
    (" )_(" ) to help him multiply, because that's what bunnies do.

  • Pirate roleplay is not about making money - or obtaining taxes.

    It is about making people nervous - especially established players and clans on the server.

    It is about ensuring that the fat arrogant cops realise space is not safe.

    It is about being free to do whatever you want (according to server rules) and driving the best roleplay on the server.

    I wish it was not this way - but I am afraid it is.

    And I wish you best luck.

  • Yep i have to agree to Azadur very much. Pirate RP is to cause havoc - no matter if you make money with that or not. We are here to terrorise the people in whatever they are doing.

    Diablo - you cannot expect that a cop will pay a tax to you, do you? I guess you have got far more tax from your role play colleagues than from cops. You are pleased to kick their asses and not taxing them :) If you dont want to fight the cops over and over again - then leave it. There is much more you can do, smuggling, killing your fellows, exploring, killing NPCs, selling the collected bots, testing ships and equipment (really good ship testing would probably lead to that 70% of the server population would decided for another ship than the Lagg :))

    There is a lot you can do - you just dont have to stick to just taxing people. Its up to you to make a story or not.

  • Ofc cops rarely pay tax, just like pirates rarely pay fines :P
    But seriously i don't believe we will ever make money by tax/fines. I always pay tax if i'm in my train and can't escape to a planet, and i've fined pirates in the same situation, but those 3-4 mills are gone as soon as u enter a fight or two. Yesterday i've spent about 30Mills kicking your pirate bottoms. So what i'm saying is don't be lazy, jump in the train and make some money, U can at least trade BMG which is no option for me.

    Rank + Codename: Captain Blade
    Wing: Dragon Wing
    Organization + Leader: DragonCorps - DC_Hägar

  • How about, to try with more activity Diablo.You are rarely on line.But ok, i can understand ur frustration.

    Catch me in my train char, and np.I always pay tax while in trade char.Do not except from me to pay tax while patrolling in fighter.This is ridiculous.

    You talking about RP, tell me pls did you ever try to recruit smb.

    Yes this can be boring, but could be useful for RP.Atm FYI, few of them want to become pee-rats.Do not expect from me, to recruit for Pee-rats.This is against server rules and far away from RP-IMO


    msg in general, for all Pee-rats clan

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Bond
    ...Do not expect from me, to recruit for Pee-rats.This is against server rules and far away from RP-IMO...

    Its not - you can guide freelancers to the clans or give the responisble persons a hint. That would mean you leave your eyes open for others as well. Not thinking everytime about yourself and your clan.

  • I always tell new player to try the different RP as a freelancer before asking to join a clan.

    Also I agree with Huor, pirate RP is about hunting down traders and not being caught by cops. Why would anyone pay a tax when they are in a fighter? Unless they have escape pods or unmounted equipment on board they have no reason to pay anything. Maybe it would be clearer if instead of tax we called it extortion. And also, I have remarked that people (even cops) are much more inclined to pay taxes if you create a story. RP doesn't mean fights it means Role Play. Create a personage for yourself, a story. It makes things much more interesting.

    SMG_myric, SMG_RDaneel, SMG_MULTIVAC

    Interested in joining SMG? PM me

    Those people who think they know everything
    are a great annoyance to those of us who do.

    - Isaac Asimov

  • I agree, I too pay tax when in a train or APC. I will also pay tax if the pirate asks for tax, we fight and I lose - it just seems like a fair thing to do.

    Seriously, start lobbying for recruits - there's a lot of newbies lately on the server, some of which are very good.

    |DP|Shock · |DP|Shockwave · |DP|Skyfall · |DP|Red.Dwarf

  • Well for the record, i do pay tax even in my fighter if I lose the fight.

    I expect Pirates to be mean, vicious, unkind, brutal and thuggish. I find it hard to believe that people here expect them to be polite & nice....( oh no, wait, this is how its supposed to be according to most..tea time anyone?0

    CF is not a social get together to sit in X and talk all night, it's about combat and RP.

    Diablo: I was really hoping you would be that Pirate who just creates havoc, going from system to system and making traders miserable.....and from time to time, making a cop miserable too.

    Pirates need to stop being nice, its not their role and not the way they are supposed to be.

    I often thought about going Pirate to show people how it's done, but I can only imagine what the complaints would be like if I did..........sort of makes me wonder after all the ridiculous claims that are made now^^

    I can see it now on the high seas in the 1800's:

    " Pirate Ship: Excuse me kind Sir, would you happen to have any grey-poupon?

    Merchant: Oh certainly I do, shall I toss you a line?

    Pirate Ship: Jolly good mate, I'll send the steward to fetch the goods, shall we do tea at 4?

    Merchant: outstanding, I will notify the crew and have crumpets prepared."

    Intel 2.8 Quad-Core / 8 gig OCZ gaming 1066 mhz DDR2 / BFG GTX 295 (x2) / 24" LCD 4000:1 Monitor/ Razer Copperhead / Lycera keyboard / M1 NIC , 1 Intel SSD ( OS) & 1 OCZ gaming SSD , 10k rpm Velociraptor.

    Chars: [CFPD]. , [CFPD]G1 , G1.5, G2 , G2.5

    Home System: Tarsus

    Founder of the Crossfire Police Department, ( [CFPD] ) established 2005. The first Police Department established on Crossfire.

  • 15 replies in 6 hours... obviously an interesting topic ^^

  • Quote

    "Angel heart" wrote:
    Its not - you can guide freelancers to the clans or give the responisble persons a hint. That would mean you leave your eyes open for others as well. Not thinking everytime about yourself and your clan.

    [696][688] [662] [728] j/k

    ahha, one to enlighten me, and what you think(Angel heart) how urs and others, merc and pee-rats clan receive some of new members (in past 8 months).By accident, or maybe by charming...
    [953] :(

    Yes ppl trying to help, and you have a great fun ;)

  • Quote

    Originally posted by Gunny

    I often thought about going Pirate to show people how it's done.....

    I could say if you are a pirate - and met Gunny in space - you already know how its done - hahaha.

    Secondly - I would like to start another petition along my "Save the Karak", "Freedom of Travel", "More environmental friendly weaponry" exisitng petitions.

    New petition - sign below

    "Oh Great Op and Creator - we your humble deviants and denizens of your magnificant creation - humbly request that Gunny (aka Mafioso, aka Keocuk, Boss, That Judge he used to have, The Most Dangerous man alive .... too many other aliases to mention, becomes a pirate and at a single stroke increases roleplay on the server by 100 fold"

    Sign Below


  • Yeah sure Mellon - thx for all the members TRF has right now. Thanks for your untiring support to find new TRF members^^