Top Ten

There are 47 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Dvarkholm.

  • 1. Zelda: The ocarina of Time
    2. Battlefield 1942
    3. Freelancer
    4. Medal of honor
    5. Goldeneye
    6. Command & Conquer series
    7. LMA Manager 2002/2003/2004
    8. Baldurs gate series
    9. Final Fantasy series
    10. Duke Nukem

    "We have to face facts, this age has no wish for fighters like us."

    Trowa, Episode 25

    Forum PIMP since 2004

  • Ocarina and Goldeneye are 2 very good choices

    "Where is the Horse and the Rider?
    Where is the Horn that was blown?
    It has passed like rain on the mountains,
    like wind in the meadows

    The days have gone down in the west,
    Behind the hills to shadow"
    [SIZE=1]JRR Tolkien[/SIZE]

  • An Anticlue, WTF. [3]

    I'll tell you all next weekend what it keep guessing. and no its not a RPG

    6:19 aka Lonewolf
    When am I going to get some BACKUP!

  • indiana jones and the fate of atlantis?
    monkey island? maniac mansion?

    ...loom? :D

    (='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
    (" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

    Bunny thinks Ed is not as cool as him

  • defender

    geee... its pretty obscure then, I bet it doesn't even exist :-)

    Star Wars
    Kelly Hu
    Juno Nemesis
    Commanche Overkill

  • @ OP: Quake 1 ?

    1. Quake 3 Team Arena
    2. Freelancer
    3. GTA Vice city
    4. Microsoft flightsim 2000/2002/2004
    5. Need for speed porsche
    6. Stronghold crusader
    7. Toca driver
    8. Quake 2
    9. Need for speed underground
    10. Virtual pool 2


    It's just a game, and it will always remain a game

  • I ve seen GTA a few times, does every1 think its such a good game ??? I really think its an average game, not very good, its a nice idea, but get VERY boring after playing like half an hour [7]

    Wingleader of CSP

    [1752] Bow For The Lord [1752]

  • GTA rulles especially with the motorbikes and stuff
    used the weapens cheat a few times for just plain massmurder :evil:

    "We have to face facts, this age has no wish for fighters like us."

    Trowa, Episode 25

    Forum PIMP since 2004

  • indeed, my point exactly, after the weapon cheat and stealing a bike and killing half the city's population (all in half an hour) it gets boring ...

    Wingleader of CSP

    [1752] Bow For The Lord [1752]

  • woohoo! for once i agree with andy! GTA is a laugh, for max. 1 hour

    then it gets dull, and the only way to make it interesting again is to turn on cheats and start bringing down police choppers with ur bazooka


  • the atari classic games with space invaders , pacman ...... ;)

    [angel] Give me your hand and follow me into the light! [angel]

    MSN: (no mail)
    ICQ: 325316059
    IRC: #Bomber
    Skype: ask me

    [SIZE=1] Post last edited by MarcBomber on 11.09.2005, 10:01 AM. [/SIZE]

  • re comments on GTA, well I've played GTA3 to death. It's brilliant fun, especially after a sh1t day at the office, I mean to come home and kill the fuc4ers is great way to unwind ;-)

  • i want to have a multiplayer with all features in GTA VC ;(

    [angel] Give me your hand and follow me into the light! [angel]

    MSN: (no mail)
    ICQ: 325316059
    IRC: #Bomber
    Skype: ask me

    [SIZE=1] Post last edited by MarcBomber on 11.09.2005, 10:01 AM. [/SIZE]

  • there's a plugin that enables multiplay in GTA VC. Otherwise you'll have to wait for the new GTA, there they will build it in.


    It's just a game, and it will always remain a game

  • has this plugin all features in it like npc traffic , helicopter , speedboad , roomes of the houses ....

    [angel] Give me your hand and follow me into the light! [angel]

    MSN: (no mail)
    ICQ: 325316059
    IRC: #Bomber
    Skype: ask me

    [SIZE=1] Post last edited by MarcBomber on 11.09.2005, 10:01 AM. [/SIZE]

  • yeah think so, not sure, haven't used it.


    It's just a game, and it will always remain a game

  • i ll maybe try it next weekend when i have time

    [angel] Give me your hand and follow me into the light! [angel]

    MSN: (no mail)
    ICQ: 325316059
    IRC: #Bomber
    Skype: ask me

    [SIZE=1] Post last edited by MarcBomber on 11.09.2005, 10:01 AM. [/SIZE]