Top Ten

There are 47 replies in this Thread. The last Post () by Dvarkholm.

  • OMFG
    did this really happen ????
    Bhaal agreed with me ???
    Sry guys, i ve gotta lay down now ... [10]

    Wingleader of CSP

    [1752] Bow For The Lord [1752]

  • 1. Zelda, Ocarina of Time (i have 3 copies for different consoles of this game and must have beaten it at least 20 times)
    2.Zelda, LTTP
    3.Conkers Bad Fur Day (this game isnt as well known as most games but is just great)
    4.Banjo Kazooie
    5. Perfect Dark (beats goldeneye hands down)
    6.Rollercoaster Tycoon (not the best of games but it earns a place by providing alot of replay)
    7.Super Mario 64
    8.Sonic & Knuckles
    9.Star Wars, Rebel strike
    10.Rayman 2, (dunno why but i love this game)

  • Snit goldeneye is a classic, it was original in his time
    Perfect dark is cool to play with the remote guns and stuff but actually its just an update of goldeneye, sum MP levels are even the same

    "We have to face facts, this age has no wish for fighters like us."

    Trowa, Episode 25

    Forum PIMP since 2004

  • i know it is a classic i have got it but i prefer perfect dark, mostly because it is an updated version of goldeneye, it has voice acting, nicer guns, more fuctions, relaistic reloads, more features to do such as the firing range and challenges and one thing that makes it just great is Elvis

    one thing though, rareware definately used to make the best games around

  • I reckon the bitmap brothers made some pretty neat games, for example that platform game on the atari, um... can't remember its name... hang on I'll check... oh Gods and they also did Xenon, Cadaver etc... check 'em out:

  • Nope , Nope, Nope , lot still have not got it...and i see you have all given up.

    Well thats One PvP i seem to have won...At last :D

    6:19 aka Lonewolf
    When am I going to get some BACKUP!